Sunday(PtHA)- Joys first foal
Sunday's sire was an unregistered black and white pinto stallion. I were hoping for a black and white foal but I were very surprised when Sunday was born buckskin and white!
She has become the most gentle horse I have ever owned. I broke her at age 2 then the following year, she carried Lucas (age 2) all week on the Salt Grass trail ride.
Sunday is the favorite horse for my boys and any other kids that visit. Anybody that can sit on a horse is able to ride her with no problem!
When Jacob was 2, he rode Sunday one full day on the 1999 Salt Grass Trail Ride. Although Sunday is 15.1 hands tall, Jacob rode her without aid or a pony rope. Sunday is an exceptional horse!
Sunday also doubles as a driving horse so the whole family can turn out.
We also did some Combined Driving Trials and she did great!
Salt Grass Trail 2001 with Lucas age 8
SGT 2001
Sunday is also the best buddy to our Zebra. Wherever she goes, Zee goes!
2002 ~ Sunday is now 10 years old and is the trusted mount for my boys, Lucas (10) and Jacob (6).
Laura is 2 and loves to be around Sunday!
Laura Riding in the 2004 Salt Grass
Laura rode her in a parade to kick off the Waller County Fair.