<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>In Christ's Name</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#525252" TEXT="#ffffff" LINK="#ad1029" VLINK="#cecece" ALINK="#dedede"> <br> <br> <br> <center> <table width="450" border="0"> <tr><td align="left"> <font face="Trebuchet ms" size="5"><strong> <center>Welcome to</center> </strong></font> <center> <font face="Trebuchet ms" color="#ad1029" size="6"> <strong>In Christ's Name</strong></font></center><hr width="400"> <font face="Trebuchet ms"><strong> <h2 align="center">If you are reading this,<br>your browser does not support frames.</h2> <h3>For WebTV users, try CMD+R a few times to break out of frames.</h3> <h4>For the rest of you, I hope you'll consider a frames capable browser & return.</h4> </font></strong> <center> <font face="Trebuchet ms" color="#ad1029" size="5"><strong> God Bless!!! </strong></font></center> </td></tr></table> </center> </body> </html>