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Kitchens' Karts Inc.

The Kitchens' Kart is just what you need for a trip to the Mall, Student Field Trip, A Trip to the Grocery Store or any other Event where long walking distances might be encountered. THIS IS NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH those great big, heavy, expensive Scooters you see advertised that require two men to lift into your vehicle.

The Kitchens' Kart only weights 52 pounds, will go 8 miles on a full charge with a 200 pound person. It folds up and will fit in the trunk of your car with all your other baggage. If you are flying, the Kart will take you from your car, to the baggage check-in, to the ticket counter, to the gate, down the jetway.

The low price of $ 1099.00 includes the Kart, battery charger, basket, and UPS shipping any where in the Continential U.S.A. Sometimes, with a prescription from your doctor, your medical insurance company, may pay for part or all of the Kart.

To Order send your Check to

Kitchens' Karts, 23 Comanche Lane, Ransom Canyon, Texas 79366

or Call 877-211-8631 or 806-829-2180.

Visa and Mastercard accepted.

Additional Information on Our Products

Brochure on Mini-Traveler
Brochure on Sporty
