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Lizzy's Homepage!!!

This Is Me!
Hi Everyone This is gonna be turned into...... MY CYBERPETS PAGE! So My reugler page is gonna be at Geocities I will post a message at this page when i am done it! I hope you all come to both my pages cuz they will be changing either everyday or once a week! If you want you can Mail Me At Well Cya Soon!
What up? This is Lizzy. I am an 11 year old girl who loves to listen to rap music. I like Puff Daddy, Usher, Ma$e, Uncle Sam,112, Lil' Kim, Foxxy, & more. My favortie sports are basketball & cheerleading. (You can already tell I like basketball, though!) The point of this page is to tell people a little bit about myself and my friends. I don't have much more to say right now, but I will be telling you more through-out the rest of the page. E-Mail me at,!!!!
All my new Cyber pets will be posted at tha top of my Cyber pet list(picture thingy)!
Please Sign My Guestbook at the bottom and If you want me to tell you everytime I update my page then E-mail me at one of them and I'll mail you every time I change it!!
Or page me on ICQ at 17925708, or you can add me to your friend list on Yahoo Pager as Shorty_112_98 or Sporty_chik7! Then you can add me on AIM user name Timms77!!!
Come Check out my Chat room

Hey I Edit My Page All THE TIME so come back aleast once a week!!! ~Bye~

That was cool and that guy was pretty cool and i thought he might look good on my page!!!

*~Here's Some Of My Cyber Pets!!!!~*
This is My bear name Chocolately
This is Beary!
This is Dark Chocolate Weird name huh?
This is my Dog Pooch
This is my doggie Wager
He's my fav. His name is Keisha
this is Pinkie(i dont like pink so)i dont know why i have a pink Elephant!
This Is Ginnie and sugar
This Is hammie
Click on this to adopt A hamster
this is my monkey!
This is Greenine!
This is Lucky
this is Butterscotch I guess he like Butterflies! He acts just like my little cat koko I have her picture on my page soon!
These are my cloud Zoie is the white on and sleepy is the blue one
Click on the birthcert. and you can adopt you own clouds!
This is my Frog King! His name is Prince
This is my car Bugman!
this is my Computer! Compy!
This is my egg egghead!
This is my other egg What should i name him?
These are my dogs, tha bulldogs name is Killah and my Other dog's name is Drifus (funny huh??)
This Is my Nerd (Dont Worry Im not A nerd!)!!
The Woodro LizardOne Cheeseburger In Paradise
Thats My Woodro Lizard!!!
Click on this to adopt your own!
That's Kuduo!!!
I wonder what Speedy is chasing?
That's BlueBerry!
Hey That's Cream Cheese!!His Girlfriend is right underneath him!!
This Is DoughGirl!!
Hey This is My MOONMAN!!!
Aint He Cool?

This Is my Senoch,Sunny.

Here Are My Catz And Dogz,Click here to adopt your own

That's Scrappy!!!
That's Snowball isn't she cute with the Pink Bow In Her Fur?
That's My Cat Friskey!
That's Scamp She's kinda PYCHO!!!!! Actully she IS PYCHO!! But She Is only Pycho cuz she's an Alley Cat
That's Scottie. I guess He's Cold Cuz He Put On His Blue Coat!!!
That's My Cat Jester. She Looks Like My one Year Old Cat Koko (She's My Real Cat)!!!
That's Pouncer i Had her the longest and I think she is My FAVORITE Cat!!!!
That's My Last One... For Now!! His Name is Labby He A Labordor Retirever!!!!
Adopt Your own Today There Are The BEST CYBER PETS IN THE WORLD!!
If you have Ne ideas on what i should name my pets that i dont have names for email me at and then I use the most popular one or i use yours!!!!
Bye Bye And come Back Soon!!I change my page Everyday!!

Cool pages on the Web:

Adopt Your Own Woodro Lizard!!!
Come Beat up Celbs that you hate like: HASON,Spice Girls,Blarney,Mike Tyson,Maddona,Bill Gates, Bill Clinton,Dennis Rodman and alot more!!!!
My Friend Emmies Page!
Meg's Place- C-pets, e-pals, games, and more!
NVkids!- Kidmail, your own room, and chat!
Headbone Zone!- Chat, games, & much more!
The Beanie Connection- a pefect place for all beanie baby lovers!
Lil' Magic4's Rap/Hip Hop page!- A PHAT Rap & Rap page
Peeps Republic!
Leonies's Lyrics Page. (Mostly rap, & rap lyrics)
Danna's Phat Crib!
Virtual Dog!- Adopt your own cyber dog FREE!
YaHoO!- yahoo search engine.
Adopt your own Catz adnd Dogz.
A cool place for gURLS to hang out,Chat,get E-mail,and make your own Webpage!!!
