Ian's Homepage and Longhorn Football Site
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Ian's Homepage
and Longhorn Football Site


Welcome to my hompage. This page is dedicated to a little info about me and a lot about the Texas Longhorns. I was hoping for a better season since it is my senior year but hopefully with Mac gone next year we can do a little better. Of course, Ricky will be playing on Sundays instead of Saturdays but maybe he'll get drafted by the Cowboys so we can keep him in the state. Good Lord that boy can run.

Right now you can find links to info on Ricky's stats, profile, etc, and I will soon have more info on myself such as a resume. (I NEED A JOB) You will also find a link to Longhorn Bob Wheeler's commentaries. He posts them every Monday(Game Review) and Thursday(Game Preview). The comments are pretty good and he gives you a lot of info.

I also plan to have info on the Basketball team as well as who goes in the draft in the Spring. So if you don't see something that you want to see e-mail me and I'll be sure to get it on here.

Ricky Williams' Stats

Longhorn Bob

1997 Runnin' Horns

Email: E-Mail Me