Southwest Dallas and Ellis County Texas Exes
South West Dallas Club Activities
- Texas Exes, Living in North Texas, needed to assist UT Admissions personal at local schools for college nights. No experience necessary just a Friendly Face Dressed in Orange & White!
- Camp Texas and Senior High Scholarships given away each year in cooperation witht the Dallas Texas Exes. Check with the High School Counselors for applications.
- Scholarship Endowment Fund now under way. Make tax exempt donation check payable The Universiyt of Texas at Austin, and mail to South West Dallas County Texas Exes C/O Joe Kyle at 422 Morning Dove Drive, Duncanville, TX 75137
- South West Dallas Club needs some exciting ideas for fundraises for the coming year!
- *********************UpComing Events********************
- Football Game watching Parties for Most Televised in the Dallas/Fort Forth Texas Market
- Thursty Thursdays Dinner Meetings during non-Football months at local SW Dallas County Resturants
Thank you for visiting our web pages. We would Love to have you become active with our club. You DO NOT have to be a Graduate to participate! You do have to enjoy Fun, Food, and Fellowship with other UT Longhorn Fans.
Please come back and visit again!
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