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EDITORIAL....Open Letter To "Binny Boy"
Guest Editorialist – Frankie Smith, Houston, Texas

Freedom Gets Personal Real Quick Since 911

Taking Time To Reflect…
By: Frankie Smith

I purchased "Pearl Harbor" yesterday and as I watched it for the second time, I cried. The first time I saw it at the movies, I cried because the realization hit me that there were thousands upon thousands of people walking around that took freedom for granted; Freedom to choose each day how to live life. I have always had a great appreciation for what happened at Pearl Harbor. My daughter has entertained as a dancer at various Veteran functions. To see the gratitude from the Veterans always touched my heart. They were always so grateful that someone would give them a tribute, to know someone remembered how they fought for our freedom.

Then September 11, 2001 came along. Our very safety and way of life and everything we enjoyed became one big doubt. As at Pearl Harbor, a coward took us by surprise and struck hard. Many Americans who went about their daily business that day were probably making plans as usual what's for supper, gotta go by the dry cleaners, little Johnny has a game tonight, little Suzy has Ballet class at 6:30 pm., making other appointments for later in the week,ETC,ETC,ETC. As we all know, over 5000 never survived to carry out their plans. So many little Johnny's and little Suzy's went to bed that night without their mommie's and daddy's. Lives changed forever.

Then something awesome happened!!!! Americans of every shape, size, color and nationality rose up together and began to bind together with every fiber of our being to overcome this ATTACK on our freedom. Did Bin Laudin know what he was stirring up? {For those of you who don't know: don't refer to him as Ossama as that is a phrase of respect like Reverend, Priest, Father, or Rabbi.} I think not!!!!

This coward hiding in caves with satellite dishes and computers ordered gas mask from the USA. Too bad he didn't order the video Tora, Tora, Tora or Pearl Harbor. If he had, he would have let the "Sleeping Giant Sleep"!!

Last, but most importantly, September llth has brought our country back to relying on Almighty God for our safety. It has been awe inspiring to hear people praying. I've heard people on TV say, “I never use to pray but now I pray everyday”.

You see, Mr.Bin Laudin, the American Spirit is something that is instilled in us by an AWESOME GOD. A GOD who created us to fight for our freedom no matter how we all became Americans; whether we were born here or whether we got here as fast as we could.

The common goal is FREEDOM. I am a 53 year old white female, Texas born, Texas raised and let me tell you "Binny Boy", YOU could not HOOD me! I would die first! My freedom is in the hands of American Soldiers willing to fight because their blood runs red, white, and blue. My eternal life is in the hands of my personal Savior JESUS CHRIST. I am so grateful to all who have fought for my earthly freedom and to God for my eternal freedom !!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You Jesus !!!
Child Of God
Frankie Smith
The Truth

Editor's note:(Frankie Smith is a true Houstonian, born and raised here and not one of them transplanted “adopted Houstonians” (like the editor). Frankie has traveled the state of Texas in a large van carrying her daughter, Miranda, to hundreds of Dance Performances. Miranda is most known for her beautifully, dramatic interpretation of dance to Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless The USA”. Miranda is patriotic and graceful in a flowing red, white and blue chiffon costume sparkling with thousands of “stars”. Miranda performed this Inspirational Dance piece at Miss Texas America as Miss Southeast Texas. Frankie is involved with community ministries and was born with a big heart and a true understanding of loyal friendship.)

"...even Atheist are enjoying Christmas this year"

dateline...Dec.3, 2001 - Houston, Tx./By:Connie Brady

So much has happened since September ll, 200l. So much happened ON September ll.

So much has changed!

We are not in the same mode of Shock, we are in a new mood; "eternal dumbfoundedness".

We are resentfull too. Americans did not want to go to poverty stricken areas of Muslims World and bomb the dickens out of them. We do not want to kill anyone, but we WILL.

Who would have thought that in 2001 we would be at war to defend and ensure Modernity???
Not I!!!

I find it flabergast me to think of how anyone would think we could return to "Medievil Times"?
We will die, fighting a return to a non Tech Society. And we will use all the high Tech to destroy the Taliban and the Terrorist.

I still can not believe all this has happened and that the World Trade Center was destroyed.

It has been wonderful to have the Christmas Season come. I think even Atheist are enjoying Christmas this year and want to rub it in the face of all our enemies, especially Taliban and Osama Bin dumbLaudin who on top of everything else, imprisoned woman in hooded clothing!
It puts a new spin on Woman's Liberation and makes us take a new look at educating and liberating both Men and Woman in ALL countries.

Our World has changed and we are more socially minded about fundamental Rights on an International Level. The computer has united us even more than we were aware of.
High Tech Society has reduced us to one screen and proven we are one and the same, same needs, same wants, same desires.

We are still standing, still here and WILL fight to defend our Liberty.
We lead the World in demonstrating and defending Democracy.
God bless America and the NYFD and NYPD (New York Fire Department and New York Police Department).
