The Rockin' X Files Pages
Ello, ello, welcome to The Rockin' X Files Pages. These here are humorous pages. Let me introduce myself. The name's Reve, and I'm the creator of these pages, and I'm your handy dandy guide. E-mail to me is to be sent to: Go, now, wanderer, and venture into the inner pages. And...the Jersey Devil made me do it. Eeek!
The pages now available are:
The Whacked Story Library --- A collection of my whacked X Files humor stories. <---UPDATED Sept. 10th.
Role Play Tale --- Here you get to play Mulder and choose the direction of the story..
The Catolouge Of Love --- The X Files gang has their own products out! The catolouge of love will not be denied.
Image Captioning --- Images (ooooh, don't tell FOX!) for the captioning. <---UPDATED Sept. 10th.
Mulder's Picture Story --- A long Mulder "adventure" story, aided by pictures (really, don't tell FOX.)
Alternative Reasons Why Krycek May Have Been In Bill Mulder's Shower --- Yep.
Story Challenges And Responses --- My fanfic challenges to my readers, and reader replies.
The Rockin' X Files Message Board --- NEW! Added Sept. 10th. Post and read X Files related messages.
___________________ --- I love feedback, so please e-mail me some.
Hey! Read these notes to you, they are *not* legal disclaimers. First thing: I'm keeping the URL for these pages off of tsearch engines, so that FOX doesn't find me and shut my ass down. So if you like the site, make sure to bookmark this page, so you'll be able to find it again. And tell everybody you know who might be interested (except, of course, FOX) where to find it.
Nextly: Just a little warning, that some of the text in this site might be considered "R" rated.
Another thing: If any of the links or pictures aren't working, please inform me immediately by e-mail to
Ok, last thing for now: Feedback is very welcome! Please comment in the guestbook or by e-mail (both links are above with the other links). If I get some interesting feedback, I'll put up a section displaying/responding to some of it. Heck, I might even build myself a little FAQ. ANyway, that's it. Dismissed!
My freaking counter screwed up AGAIN. THere have been over 690 hits, plus what the counter currently reads.
<--- Wiggy little guestbook service I use.