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These are links to places to help with E.D.'s

These Pages can be very "Triggering". Preceed with caution.
Somthing Fishy Website on Eating Disorders This site is huge and very helpful. Chatrooms, Bulletins, treatment finder, etc. There are a lot of peeple here just like you.
A messege board that got me on my way
BODY IMAGE BETRAYAL & RELATED ISSUES This website also serves those going through OCD's, sexual abuse, and self abuse.
Mental Health Net Eating Disorders and Treatment.
Over Eaters Anonymous The offical page for OEA.
NEDO National Eating Disorders Organization
Gentle Touch This is a page full of links to all sorts of pages, for many differebt problems. Including some often suffered by those with ED's. Including Physical and Sexual Abuse, Self Mutalation, and substance abuse.
