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Assorted things...

Alot has happned in the past 2 monthes....Which I feel bad about not getting to tell you. I'll provide a breif summary here though.

Sia's leaving to day, so I'm depressed about that. And its raining to boot. So much has happened in the past 2 weeks. I went to NY with Sia. Thats where her BF was staying. We were gonna stay with him. Over my time there and since I got back I decided that I DO NOT LIKE her boyfriend. He is very controlling and manipulative. When she asked to have an extra day, ASKED HIM for an extra day here with me, he spazzed out! She got off the phone in tears! I really don't like the prick.

I have recently been informed that my boyfriend, I might have told you about, is moving to Kansas. Its a really messy situation. I hate that he's leaving but I won't throw a hissy fit because thats not fair to him. So I'm going to enjoy the time with him, and leave the rest to fall where it may.