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This is an overview about Plate Tectonics and fusion.  These phenomena are related!  It seems a long time ago, an inventor or scientist was experimenting with heat and trying to get energy from it.  The heating chamber he was working on exploded and killed all life on Earth. By studying certain angles through Earth, then, I determined that a fusion force is responsible for this destruction. From this research, I designed a device for producing controlled fusion energy, which I call Flower Power. It is a spherical vessel designed to produce a magnetic flux tube containing high-energy plasma. Then this high-energy plasma is converted to kinetic energy for producing power.


There is probably a belief that Plate Tectonics is natural, that nature made it. However, this paper presents evidence that Plate Tectonics is manmade! Researching continental drift, now called Plate Tectonics Theory, I started by studying the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. I then noticed that at the top of the  Mid-Atlantic Ridge, is  the island called Iceland.  It seems that Iceland has a head, two arms and a body.  It reminded me of a cartoon character's outline in a wall that the cartoon character just ran through!


The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is where the sea floor spreads out in an east-west  direction.  As the sea floor spreads, it carries the continents, in this case Asia-Europe-Africa and North-South America, apart.  So one can reverse this process, and going back into time, the continents were at one time joined together, into a super continent called Pangaea.  The Earth scientists then realized that this crack formed on continental crust, which puzzled the scientists because continental crust is thicker than sea floor crust.  Earth scientists stated that the breakup of the continents that formed "...must be taken to have happened instantaneously along a line; a most unlikely event" (7). I found this statement to be unusual because one would expect the crack to form in the sea floor where the crust  is thinner. However, if the crack were formed because of a heating chamber exploding, then of course, it would give a reason why the crack formed on continental crust.

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