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LOST PINE'S HWY 21 East CALL 699-8781. marquee>

Fri,12 Noon , Lost Pine's,, 21 East, just north of Cy Rd 1441,(non, Smoking),

Lost Pine's 730 pm,(non-smoking), Hwy 21 east, just east of cy rd 1441,

08 pm, Episcopal Church behind FNB, Open) ((Non-smoking)

Fri, 12 Noon, Phelan Rd.-CR 136, (Smoking)

Fri, 6 pm, Phelan Rd-CR 136, (Smoking)

Sat,6 pm Lost Pines,(open)Hwy 21 East, just north of Cy Rd 1441

pm,Non Smoking, Episcopal Church behind FNB, Open, (Non-smoking)

Sat, 12 Noon, Phelan Rd. CR 136, Open, Smoking)

Sun, 930 am, Phelan Rd-CR 136, Open (Smoking)

Mon, 12 Noon, Phelan Rd-CR 136, Open, (Smoking)

Mon, 6 pm, Phelan Rd-CR 136, Open, (Smoking)

Mon, 730 pm,(Beginners,Episcopal Church Behind FNB, Open, (Non-smoking)

Mon 6 PM, Lost Pines, Just North of Cy Rd 1441 Open, (Non Smoking)

Tues, 12 Noon, Lost Pines, Hwy 21 East,Just North of Cr 1441

Tues, 12 Noon, Phelan Rd-CR 136, Open, (Non-smoking)

Tues, 6 pm, Phelan Rd-CR 136, Open (Smoking)

Tues, 730 pm,

WedEpiscopal Church behind FNB, Closed (Non-smoking)

Wed, 12 Noon, Phelan Rd-CR 136, Open (Non-smoking)

Wed, 600 pm, Phelan Rd-CR 136, Open (Smoking)

Wed, 730 pm, Episcopal Church behind FNB, (BB) Open (Non-smoking)

Thurs,730,Lost Pines,just east of Cr 1441 (open)(non-smoking),

Thurs, 12 Noon, Phelan Rd-CR 136, Open (Smoking)

Thurs 730 PM, Lost PinesThurs, 6 pm, Phelan Rd-CR 136, Open (Non-smoking)


Last sat in Jan: Phelan Rd Gp

Last Sat in Feb: LaGrange

Last Fri in Mar: Friday Night Gp

Last Friday in Apr: Clean Living Gp

Last Sat in May: Smithville

Last Sat in Jun: Giddings

Last Sat in Jul: Phelan Rd Gp

Last Sat in Aug: LaGrange

Last Fri in Sept: Fri Night Gp

Last Fri in Oct: Clean Living Gp

Last Sat in Nov: Smithville

Last Sat in Dec: Giddings

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phone 308-1037


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