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Abandoned U.S. 59 bridge at San Jacinto River near Kingwood/Humble, Texas

Photos by Martin G. Blaise
Disclaimer: this page is in no way part of or represents the opinion of the Texas Department of Transportation. It is strictly for entertainment and none of my comments should be used as facts.

Notice how narrow the roadway is. This bridge once carried two-way traffic of US59. Mike Urich, who used to live a few miles north of the area in these pictures, told me that this bridge has a name - Black Cat Ridge! -- "Some 35 years ago we were living in Splendora raising Quarter Horses. We used to travel up and down 59 to Houston on a regular basis. There was a small community there on north side of the river ... long before Kingwood, Forest Cove, etc. There was also a truck stop ... you know one of those 50-60 era truck stops with great short order cooks. The community was called Black Cat Ridge and the name also got attached to the bridge. This was back in the early-mid 60's."

This is some type of flood level measuring device that was at the north end of the bridge. It may have had a small antenna attached at one time.

Looking up from below the service road bridge at the old bridge. Maybe this is where all those black cats hung out. I didn't see any cats, but I saw a dog or two in a pickup truck the day I took this photo.

Here is an aerial view of the old bridge on terraserver - note that this photo is from 1995 and that the service road bridges on the outsides are missing.

Here is a closeup view.

Look closely and you will see a device resembling a mailbox. I am not sure what this device was for, but I am guessing it was something used for flood control measurements.

Intricate detail of the bridge.

This was the north end of the bridge - the road stops where the bridge ends.


After US59 was two-way, the bridge next became the northbound lanes of a divided highway, when an additional bridge was added across the river. To the right is construction of yet another bridge. There are at least 5 bridges now or 6 - I lost count!

The old roadway rests peacefully between all the other busy bridges. I would not want to cross this bridge if it was two way with an 18-wheeler going the other direction.

A wide angle view of most of the bridge.

The old and the new - can you imagine a 12 foot clearance on today's interstates. I don't think so. This road used to be a turnaround, but part of it is now closed. It actually is used to get to a small park near the bridges. Also near here is where some people fish in the San Jacinto River. I have no idea what they catch - river catfish maybe??

More of the intricate work of bridges we don't see anymore. I have heard that the bridge will remain in place for the time being. Others of this architecture are long gone.

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