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Quirky Quotes and Inriguing Trivia



If Paul Revere had been a poor rider, Americans would be speaking with a British accent



What you do speaks so loud, I cannot hear what you say.

--Ralph Waldo Emerson--

Think like a man of action, and act like a man of thought.

--Henri Bergson


Don't be agnostic, be something.

--Robert Frost--

Although there are dozens of religious denominations in this country,

many cannot people cannot find a religion that suits them.



We have had two chickens in every pot, two cars in every garage, and now two headaches for every aspirin.

--Fiorello La Guardia--

Aspirin in a miracle drug, a years supply usually disappears within 3 days.



Nobody talks so constantly about God than those who insist there is no God.

--Heyward Brown--

I was a freethinker before I knew how to think.

--Bernard Shaw--


Don't waste time collecting other peoples autographs; rather devote it to

making your own worth collecting.

--Bernard Shaw--


We all boil at different degrees.

--Ralph Waldo Emerson--


If well used books are among the best of all things; then abused are among the worst.

--Ralph Waldo Emerson--

A house without books is a room without windows.

--Horace Mann--


If you give money, spend yourself with it.

--Henry David Thoreau--

Child Psychology

Child psychologists never punish their children; being a child of theirs is punishment enough.



If I were a woman, I'd wear coffee as a perfume.

--John Van Druten--

Do employees at a tea factory get a coffee break?



A doctor is a healthy man who can't keep away from sick people.


Drinking and Driving

The one for the road may be two for the cemetary.


People who insist on drinking before driving, are putting the quart before the hearse.



One of the benefits of a college education is to show a boy its little value.

--Ralph Waldo Emerson--


A pest is a person who can talk like an encyclopedia, and does.

--Oliver Herford--


How can anyone govern a nation that has 246 types of cheese?



To find a friend one must close an eye, to keep him, 2.

--Norman Douglas--

A true friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.



In heaven we are all ghostwriters, if we write at all.

--Robert Frost--


The basis of most the world's troubles are grammar.


Syntax must be bad, having sin and tax in it.

--Will Rogers--

When money talks nobody notices what grammar it uses. --Unknown--


Hamlet has been played by 5,000 actors, no wonder he is crazy.


The way actors play Ophelia, it is easy to see why she should go drown herself.



History repeats itself, and that's one of the things that's wrong with history.

--Clarence Darrow--

We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.

--Bernard Shaw--

History is always written wrong so it needs to be rewritten.


History repeats itself, I just wish it would do so at longer intervals.



You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.

--Mark Twain--


I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not sure.



The best things and best people rise out of separateness, I'm against a

homogenized society because I want the cream to rise.

--Robert Frost--

The majority of people display their individuality on what kind of fool they become.

--Ed Howe--


If a newspaper prints a murder, it's smut, but when the NY Times publishes it,

it's an "sociological study."

--Adlai Stevenson--


A kleptomaniac seems to think the best things in life are free.



A kiss can be a comma, a question mark, or an exclamation point.



A gifted person can learn English (barring spelling and pronunciation)

in 30 hours, French in 30 days, and german in 30 years.

--Mark Twain--

I often wished that there would be a language in which it were impossible to tell a lie.

--G.C. Lichtenburg--


I have a library of nearly 900 volumes, 700 of which I have written myself.

--Henry David Thoreau--

Never lend books-nobody returns them; the only books I have in my library are the ones

people lent to me.

--Anatole France--


You can do anything in London, as long as you don't do it on the street.

--Mrs. Patrick Campbell--

The Londoner who saves up for a rainy day must be kept very busy.


When it looks as if a Londoner has a suntan. it's probably just rust.



It is easier to square a circle, than to get a round mathematician.

--Augustus de Morgan--

In mathematics, fractions speak louder than words.



If we walk into the woods, we must feed the mosquitoes.


If nature is so wonderful, why didn't she make mosquitoes vegetarian?


New York

New York:Homes, homes, everywhere and not a place to live.

--Don Herold--


How conventional all you unconventional people are!

--Bernard Shaw--


The trouble with the opera is there's always to much singing.


Nobody really sings in an opera, they just make loud noises.

--Galli Curci--


They call it the Latin Quarter because nobody there is Latin and nobody

has a quarter.

--Will Rogers--

Paris is where the American tourist speaks French, and then explains it in English.



The world today doesn't make any sense, why should I paint pictures that do?


I don't own any of my own paintings because a Picasso original costs several thousand dollars,

that's a luxury I can't afford.



A poet is a person who outs a ladder to a star, and climbs it while playing the violin.


Both T.S. Eliot and I like to play, but I like to play euchre, while he likes to play Eucharist.

--Robert Frost--

A poet more than 30 years old is simply a child overgrown.



If it were not for poetry, few men would ever fall in love.

--La Rochefoucauld--

When I feel physically like the top of my head were taken off, that is poetry.

--Emily Dickinson--

Poetry is a way of taking life by the throat.



I never take my own side in a quarrel.



Those who never quote, in return are never quoted.

--Issac D'Israeli--

I quote others in order to better express myself.



Rest is a good thing, but boredom is it's brother.



I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.


Sense of Humor

Whenever I indulge my sense of humor, it gets me into trouble.

--Calvin Coolidge--


Poets like Shakespeare know more about poetry than any $25 an hour man.

--Robert Frost--

Shakespeare never had more than 6 lines together without a fault.

--Samuel Johnson--


Everything has been thought of before, but the problem is to think of it again.



It is as impossible to translate music as it is to translate poetry.


Poetry is what translation lost.


United States

The United States is a place where the men govern, but the women rule.

--John Brown--

America is a great country, but you can't live in it for nothing.

--Will Rogers--


A vegetarian never eats meat on any day that has a Friday, or any week that has a Friday.


A vegetarian only eats oysters in months that have an x in their spelling.



Writing is an act of faith, not a trick of grammar.

--E.B. White--

I have simply tried to write the best I can; sometimes I have good luck and write better than I can.



Ask the young, they know everything.


In youth we run into difficulties, in old age, difficulties run into us.

--Josh Billings--


A zoo is a place devised for animals to study the habits of human beings.

--Oliver Herford--

Intriguing Trivia

Your body temperature is it's lowest at 4 am.

No word in the English language rhymes with month, silver, or orange.

The word rhythms is the longest word in the English language without any vowels.

Mark Twain, Samuel Clements pseudonym is an acronym. Twain stood for "Tools Without An Interesting Name."

In France it's illegal to sell an ET doll because selling dolls without human faces is illegal.

The longest word in the English language is pnuemonoultramicroscopicsiliovolcanoconosis. It's a lung disease caused by the inhalation of volcanic ash

Russians generally answer the phone by saying "I'm listening."

Smokey the Bear has his own zip code 20252.

Mafia in old Arabic means "sanctuary."

The New York phone book had 22 Hitler's before WWII after;0.

7% of Americans think Elvis is still alive.

There is a town in Texas called Ding Dong.

In 1980 a Texas funeral home was listed under "frozen foods" in the phone book.

Shakespeare's daughter was illiterate.

In "Fantasia" the sorcerer's name was Yensid, Disney spelled backwards.

The liquid substance inside a young coconut can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.

Karoke means "empty orchestra" in Japenese.

Teddy Roosevelt's wife and mother passed away on the same day.

Time magazine listed 1938's "man of the year" as Adolf Hitler.

About 10% of the world's population is left handed.

Some famous dyslexics; Whoopi Goldberg, Tom Cruise, Hans Christian Anderson, and Albert Einstein.

Texas was the first state to adopt lethal injection.

The FDA allows 30 or more insect fragments and one or more rodent hairs for every 100 grams of peanut butter !!!!!! Yick

The white part of an egg besides being called the white is called the albumen.

The elephant is the only animal to have four knees.

The Silbo language of the Canary Islands is based solely on whistles.

Sigmund Frued had a morbid fear of ferns.

Members of the Nazi SS had their blood type tattoed on the armpit.

Taxpayers spent 57,000 dollars on gold-embossed playing cards for Air Force One.

The slit made by a saw or knife is called a kerf.

In the province of Quebec, Canada, it is illegal to display advertisements in English.

Artist Constantino Brumudi fell from the dome of the U.S. Capitol while painting a mural around the rim. He died four months later.

Elizabeth I of England suffered from anthophobia, the fear of roses.

The population of Columbia doubles every 22 years.

The U.S. Postal Service assures it's customers they will not get fat licking stamps, each stamp is 1/10 of a calorie.

It is illegal to hunt camels in the state of Arizone.

Voltaire considered Shakespeare's works so deplorable that he referred to the Bard as "that drunken fool."

There is a disease called icthyosis that turns the skin scaly like a fish.

No one knows where Mozart is buried.

In Washington D.C., no building can be built taller than the Capitol.

The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.

The thigh bone (tibula) is hollow.

Nero did not fiddle while Rome burned. The violin had not yet been invented.

Bhutan is the only country in the world without phone service.

Until the 1950's Tibetians disposed of dead bodies by taking the body up a hill, hacking it into little pieces and feeding the remains to the birds.

Celery has negative calories, it takes more to eat than it has to begin with.

a Nazi version of punishment in WWII was to have the condemned person lie on their back, with their eyes open forcen to watch the guillotine blade.

In Medieval England, beer was often served with breakfast.

The Swedes drink more coffee than any other people in the world.

Thomas Jefferson invented the dumbwaiter.

The word "tip," meaning gratuity, is an acronym for "To Insure Promptness"

In San Salvador, the punishment for driving drunk is death by a firing squad.

During the Civil War undertakers were addressed as "Doctor."

The Morman Leader Brigham Young had 27 wives.


Ailurophobia-The fear of cats

Androphobia-The fear of men

Apipophobia-The fear of bees

Automantonophobia-The fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, or anything that falsly represents a human being.

Hellenologophobia- The fear of complex scientific terms

Hyelophobia- The fear of glass

Lachanophobia- The fear of vegatables

Lactrophobia-The fear of doctors

Liticaphobia- The fear of lawsuits

Logizomechanophobia- The fear of computers

Metrophobia- The fear of poetry

Octophobia-The fear of the figure 8

Oenophobia- The fear of wine

Otophobia-The fear of opening one's eyes.

Peccatophobia-The fear of sinning

Pogonophobia- The fear of beards

Politicophobia- The fear or abnormal dislike of politicians.

Sesquipedalophobia- The fear of long words

Taphephobia-The fear of being buried alive

Xenophobia- The fear of foreigners or strangers

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