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Grace Rushton's Scrapbook

Grace Rushton started her scrapbook shortly after her marriage and it covers over 60 years of newspaper articles that she collected and pasted into a hardbound jeweler's catalog. Most of these articles are from the Central Lake Torch. This scrapbook was passed from Grace Rushton to her daughter Corene Pauline Rushton Johnson Empey and in turn passed down to her two daughters, Esther Johnson Dewey Novotney of Eastport and Ardith Johnson Spoelman of Muskegon. They have kindly copied this scrapbook and forwarded a copy to me. I am very thankful to have Esther and Ardith as my Aunts, Corene Empey as my Grandmother and Grace Rushton as my great grandmother.

21 Divorce Cases in Court Calendar, June 1946

The May term of circuit court for Antrim county convened. Monday morning, with Judge Earl C. Pugsley of Hart presiding. By the time court convened, the calendar contained three more divorce cases, or a total of 26 cases. 21 of these being divorces, an unprecedented number.

The two law cases were both continued, that of the petition of Fred Voss, Bertha Voss and James D’Arcy until the July term and that of Milton Molitor, administrator of the estate of Nelson L. Bard vs. Peter Burns, originally Berrens, for trespass on the case, was continued until a later date.


On Monday decrees were granted in the divorce cases of Ellorne Boggs vs. Marshall E. Boggs; Estella Herman vs. Harold J. Herman; Velma Brownell vs. Frank H. Brownell; Henry Bos vs. Marjorie L. Bos; Bernard W. Best vs. Shirley J. Best; Loretta Louise Peirce vs. Len Peirce Jr.; Leo L. Parker vs. Ida Alice (Martha) Parker; Hattie Arnold vs. Norman Howard Arnold; Jeese H. Lively vs. Hazel Lively; Flossie A. Quance vs. Kenneth Quance; George T. Rohde vs. Captola Rohde; Robert Johnstone vs. Mildred Johnstone; Florence Sizemore vs. Willard Sizemore and Wm. H. Conway vs. Alice Conway.

The divorce cases of Irenen Fraley vs. William Fraley was dismissed. The divorce case of Helen Jeanne Meyers vs. Louis S. Meyers was adjourned over the term, as was that of Max LeRoy Montanye vs. Helen R. Montanye.

The no-progress divorce case of Mary Francis Cummins vs. Charles Edward Cummins was dismissed.

A Tribute to Mrs. Boice.


Died, Mrs. Evelyn Boice at her home near Central Lake, December 24, 1906.

Evelyn Chamberlin was born in Carlton, Barry Co., Mich., March 28, 1863. When an infant she was left motherless and was cared for by relatives. She was married to Clinton S. Boice Dec. 15th, 1879 in Hastings, Mich., near which place they resided until they moved to Central Lake Oct. 1st, 1892. When abut fourteen years of age she was converted and united with the church. On Jan. 20th, 1901 she united with the M. E. Church of Lake View and afterwards was transferred to the M. E. Church in Central Lake. She was always active in Sunday school work and leaves a class of boys and girls who will greatly miss her.

She was a member of the W. C. T. U. And a very active member of the Ladies’ Aid Society of Lake View. She was also a member of Intermediate Arbor A. O. O. G. Of which order she was Chaplain from its organization. Hers was a loving an helpful nature always ready to lend a helping hand in sickness and trouble.

On Sunday, Dec. 23rd, she was taken ill and all that loving hands could do to keep her with us was of no avail, and after a few hours of sever illness she took her departure for that and where there is no parting, grief or pain.


She leaves to mourn her loss a husband, four sons, tow daughters, one sister, one brother, and a large circle of friends and neighbors by whom she sill be sadly missed. But our loss is her eternal gain. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. James Leitch at the M. E. Church in Central Lake, Dec. 27, 1906.

Assembly President is Guest Speaker

Mrs. Louvia Fox of Grand Rapids, President of the Rebekah Assembly of Michigan, gave a very appropriate and interesting address as guest speaker at the 50th anniversary celebration of Central Lake Rebekah Lodge No. 341, held at the school auditorium Friday evening.

Nearly one hundred people were present to hear Mrs. Fox commend the local lodge for its fine work as a community organization, also the notable work of all Odd Fellow and Rebekah lodges in Michigan. In addition to local member present, Elk Rapids, Traverse City and Bellaire were represented at the event.

Mrs. Catherine Letherby of Traverse City, Assembly President last year, very capably acted as toastmistress and she, too, in a few well chosen remarks, complimented of the Central Lake order for their advancement in the work of Rebekah-Oddfellowship.

A special guest for the evening was Mrs. Helena Zarn of Grand Rapids, who, as a member of the Bellaire lodge, helped institute, and was the first district deputy president, of the local order.

Other honored guests were Mrs. Grace Rushton, who joined the lodge 50 years ago next February and who gave a brief and interesting history of the first years of the organization, and Mrs. Clara Loper, a member here for more than 40 years. Mrs. Martha Smith 94, another 40 year member, was unable to be present, as was Mrs. Mary Watkins. Mrs. Rushton also read letters from Mrs. Alice Newcomb of Aberdeen, Idaho, who also joined the lodge 50 years ago, and Mrs. Anna (Boyce) Kirbyson of Port Huron, who was a charter member of the order.

The address of welcome was given in a gracious manner by Mrs. Altha Drogt. The invocation was given by Miss Hildred Stafford and the toastmistress was introduced by Mrs. Naomi Carney.

District officers who were introduced were the vice president, Gladys Burnett of Central Lake, and Verna Bussa of Elk Rapids.

The musical part of the program was especially enjoyable. Central Lake’s Rocky Mountaineers delighted the audience with several selections. A special anniversary song, written by Mrs. Paul Burnett, was sweetly sung by Eloise Drogt and Patsy Burnett and Sylvia Mawdsley rendered two beautiful piano solos. Group singing of specially written numbers was also enjoyed.

Bouquets of large gold dahlias centered the tables. Gold and the lodge colors, pink and green, was the color scheme carried out for the event. She was capably other decorations.

A very delicious dinner was prepared by members of the PTA and served by the girls of Mrs. Betty Huntly’s home economics class.

Praise for the success of the occasion is due Mrs. Flossie Bulock, general chairman, who worked untiringly in preparing for the event. She was capably assisted by the following committee members, Mrs. Doris Dawson and Mrs. Iva Hesser, Noble Grand and Vice Grand, respectively, Mrs. Grace Rushton, Mrs. Kate Cornett, Mrs. Gladys Burnett, Mrs. Hazel James and Mrs. Naomi Carney.


District officers who were introduced were the vice president, Gladys Burnett of Central Lake, and Verna Bussa of Elk Rapids.

Brunges Family Holds Reunion In Grand Rapids (Abt. 1946)

C. W. Brugnes and daughter, Mrs. Cr. R. Springstead and children went to Grand Rapids Saturday to spend the weekend with Mrs. C. W. Brunges and other relatives. There was a family reunion on Sunday, the first time in 16 years. Mr. and Mrs. Brunges and their eight children had all been together. Mr. Brunges and the Springsteads returned Wednesday.

Carpenter Dillingham Wedding (1918)

A very pretty wedding ceremony was performed at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Arthur Carpenter, west of town, Sunday afternoon at three o’clock, when Rev. C. S. Jenkins spoke the words which united in marriage Ozro D. Dillingham and Miss Eloda Carpenter. Both the contracting parties have a host of friends who will wish them all kinds of happiness and prosperity.


Ellsworth R. F. D. Carrier came so near Drowning that there was no Fun in it. Other News Notes from the Busy Burg up the Pike.

Last Thursday Fred Chrispell our popular young R. F. D. Carrier on route number one, nearly lost his life while in swimming.

He and Henry Struik, while in deep water, upset the boat, and in getting into it overturned it again. Henry swam to shore, while Fred coming up on the underside of the boat became frightened, was taken with a congestive chill and went under water several times before being taken from the water by Frank Van Orman.

He was unconscious for some time and the men working over him had given him up; but Mrs. Ryckman of Central Lake, who is cooking on Cameron’s scow near by, brought a sack of dry mustard, and thoroughly rubbed him with it till he showed signs of life, and was soon himself again.

Fred undoubtedly owes his life to Mrs. Ryckman and the mustard. For several hours after he felt himself in that hotter country that we are told bad boys go to, who go swimming without their parent’s consent.

Death of Civil War Veteran (1918)

Robert Summerville, aged seventy-five and for many years a resident of this locality, died at a Petoskey hospital last Friday as the result of an attach of appendicitis. His condition was most serious when he reached the hospital, and he died before he could be made ready for the operation.

Undertaker O. H. Sisson of this city, went to Petoskey, Saturday morning, returning that afternoon with the body. The funeral occurred Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock from the family home just south of town. Rev. E. C. Eldred officiating. The remains were placed at rest in the Densmore cemetery.

Mr. Summerville was a veteran of the civil war, and had spent some time at the Soldiers Home, Grand Rapids.

The family of the deceased are numbered among our best people, and they have the sincere sympathy of the entire community.

Edgar Willson, Echo Pioneer, Dies [Thomas Edgar Willson 1934]

From the Peasant Valley News:

In the passing of Edgar Willson whose death occurred at the home of his son, Denzil, of the Bennett district, Tuesday, July 24th, Echo township has lost another old and respected citizens.

Funeral services at the Pleasant Valley school house Thursday, July 26, at 2 P.M. were conducted by Rev. E. M. Mumby of Central Lake, and he was laid to rest in the Dunsmore cemetery by the side of his wife who preceded him in death many years ago.

Surviving him are five children, John, Earl, Denzil, and Mrs. Vivian Gibbard, who live or near the place and Mrs. Zella Dawson of Bay View, also a brother, Edmund, of Pleasant Valley and many other relatives, who all have the sympathy of this community, in their bereavement.


Edyvean-LaParr [1906]

Married at the home of Mr. And Mrs. N. Newcomb, Thursday afternoon, April 4th, by Rev. Jas. Leitch, Mr. John Edyvean, and Miss Christina E. LaParr. Mr. ;and Mrs. Edyvean have taken rooms and gone to housekeeping on the second floor of the Roman black, and The Torch hopes they will be as happy and as comfortable as it is possible for human beings to be.





Fred E. Winters, Frank Ekstine, Joseph M’Calmon, Wm. A. Rennard, Wm. K. Carson

The East Jordan baseball club and a number of friends were returning for Harbor Springs Saturday evening in Harry Price’s gasoline launch when near Ironton, they were run down by the Steamer Pilgrim, a half mile from shore. The launch was demolished, and Fred E. Winters, Frank Ekstine, Joseph McCalmon, Wm. A Rennard, and Wm K. ("Kit)) Carson, the crack pitcher were drowned. The bodies have not been recovered. No blame is attached to the steamer’s crew, as the launch carried no light.

Former Resident Killed in West, June 1946

William O’Dell dies after train hits truck last week.

William O’Dell of Deming, Wash, was killed there last Wednesday, according to word received here by his brother, George. All particulars of the accident were not received, but it is known that his milk truck, which he was driving, was struck by a train.

George, his wife and son, Bill, left Thursday for Deming to attend the funeral, making the trip by car over the northern route.

Mrs. O’Dell was a former Central Lake, resident, moving west with his family several years ago. They have many local friends who regret to learn of the tragedy. Mrs. O’Dell is a sister of Jake Younge-Dyke.

German Helmet [1918]

Mrs. Hiram T. Blakely of this place has just recently received a German helmet as a war souvenir from her son Howard, who is in France. When questioned as to whether or not the garment bore, any trace of violence she replied that here were no bullet holes in it, but that it looked as though it had been the victim of some mighty rough treatment.

Give Lives For World Liberty [1917 or 1918]

Two more of "Our Boys" Die in Battle

Andrew Welch and George Mack Die in Cause that is Most Glorious.

Mr. And Mrs. Arthur Welch, living at Cook’s corner received news form the battle front conveying the sad news that their son, Andrew, was killed in action October 13.


The news was not in the form of an official notice from the War Department, but came in a letter from the nurse who attended him, following his wound during action. She stated in her letter that the wound, while serious would not necessarily have been fatal could medical aid have been reached him at once; but before he could be taken from the field to the hospital he was so weakened from the loss of blood that medical science was of no avail, and he will rest on foreign soil, together with the thousands of other heroes who have given their lives in the awful struggle against the inhuman brutes of Germany.

The name of George Mack has been published in the casualty lists as having been killed in action some time ago, the exact date being September 30.

The young man was a son of Cronelnelius Mack and a brother of Mrs. Frank Cromp of this place. He grew to manhood and was well known in this community, having resided with his father on a farm some eight miles north of Central Lake.

He was brave and fearless as a lad, and as a soldier was all that hsi superior officers could desire, giving his life freely for the cause for which he engaged in the war.

In honor of these boys the National and the service flags were draped at half mast during the day.

While the sorrow and anguish which follows death is apparent in instances of this character, yet the fact remains that these boys gave their lives for the salvation of world liberty—a privilege that is both an honor and a glory; and their names will be revered by the generations to follow.

Grange News [1917]

A large crowd gathered on June 17th at the Grass Lake Grange hall to hear Dr. Sheets, who gave a very interesting and entertaining talk on agricultural questions of the day and also stressed the beauties of the farm home and home life. Ten Granges from Antrim and surrounding counties were represented there.

Features added to the evening’s entertainment were some fine pictures taken by our county agent, Mr. Kirkpatrick, also some fine numbers by the Jay Mudges and Mr. Austin on this zither and singing by children from Torch Lake Grange and Pete Youman of Greenwood Grange, followed by dancing and a bounteous potluck lunch.

Everyone went home feeling enriched by the evening. Come again, Dr. Sheets.

In Memory of Andrew Welch [1917]

Composed by

Casper Varney Smith

Today as I went to the city

I saw by the flag, hanging nigh,

That another dear son of our country

Had gone to his home in the sky.

Andrew fell in the midst of the battle,

And died with Jack Brown at his side.

What a thought , what a grief, what a sorrow,

Jack breathed as he scribed.

The very last day that we saw him

His young heart was full of delight,

And the green fields were scented with roses,

And the night birds were calling good night.

How he smiled and tried to be merry,

When he kissed his poor mother at home,

And whispered a word to his sweetheart,

The girl he had took for his own.

At last he went down to the depot,

And boarded the great southern train,

And arrived where the bullets were flying,

Like hail in the tumult of rain.

How cold and sad seems the message,

That o’er the wire has flown,

And brought the news from our hero Jack,

That our dear boy is not coming home.

We sat him a plate at the table,

On the glorious Thanksgiving day;

But he never came to use it,

From that land, o’er the dark blue sea.

How we long for him back at the fire-side,

Like the days that have been long ago,

Or that manly, friendly greeting you feel,

When he’s say "Hello."

But at last we shall bow down in sorrow,

For the Angel of Fate has been here,

And said that the snow flakes, fell gently,

And covered our loved one so dear.

And the little flag o’er him is waving,

And we should all honor and pray,

For our brave, noble boys that have fallen,

In the land where the kaiser held sway.

Joseph J. Devlin Candidate for Sheriff of Antrim County at the Democratic Primaries, September 11th. [1934]

I am a candidate not because everyone asked me to run, for it is my own idea, and during my campaign I positively refuse to kiss any babies that are not more than 16 years of age.

I was born and raised in Antrim County and was graduated from Central Lake High School, and I am the only farmer in the race. My parents are pioneers in this county, my father coming here in 1871 at the age of seven, 63 years ago and being a resident property owner and a Democrat for fifty years.

My mother formerly Ada Hollenbeck was born in Milton Township in 1880 on what was known as the Like DeRoche farm.

I advocate a new, more economical and more able Sheriff’s Department.

I ask for your support at the Polls and if I am elected I will uphold the law with due consideration and good judgment.

Joseph J. Devlin

Letters From Readers

13960 Grandville,

Detroit 23, Mich.

June 11-46

Central Lake Torch,

Central Lake, Mich.

Dear Friends:

At the risk of being considered an "isolationist" I shall express my views on the proposed locks to make our lakes accessible to power craft.

According to an article in a last winter’s number of a boating magazine, it is proposed to install these locks at Elk Rapids and Bellaire. At first glance, this seems like a very desirable project; but a more careful analysis will show that it can and probably will, do irreparable damage to our lake fishing; and after all, the fishing is the main tourist attraction.

While our lakes are heavily stocked with hatchery fish, their natural propagation is also highly important, and their greatest natural spawning beds, particularly of small mouth bass, is in the rivers connecting our chain of lakes. If these rivers are constantly agitated by propeller wash, as they most certainly will be if these boats come in, the dislodged silt will cover and kill not only the spawn, but the insect life upon which all fish, both hatchery planted and wild, are dependant for food.

We have had a similar condition on the lower sections of the Au Sauble for several years.

I am sure anyone who has lived where power boats are common will agree with me that most boat owners are good sportsmen, but there is also a considerable percentage who have little or no consideration for the people in rowboats.

It is true these boats will bring some business to the community, but in many cases the owners will live on the boats, and the money they spend will by no means match that spent by fishermen occupying cottages which pay local taxes; and if the fish go, the fishermen will go, perhaps to northern Ontario.

I sincerely hope the people of Antrim county will consider this question from all angels before sponsoring such a project.

Very truly yours,

Haze H. Sanford.

Levi B. Shearer [1918]

O. H. Sisson received a telegram Monday evening, announcing the death of Levi B. Shearer, which occurred at the State Hospital at Traverse City that evening. The deceased was about 80 years of age, and had lived in Antrim county for practically forty years, going to Traverse City some four years ago. He lived in the vicinity of Eastport for a number of years. The remains were brought here for interment, which occurred Wednesday morning at Bay View cemetery, where other members of the family are at rest. The deceased was an uncle of O. H. Sisson and Mrs. Gertrud Irey of this place, and of Mrs. H. L. Dawson of Eastport.

Local Boy Graduated At Fort Riley, Kans. [7 June 1946]

Fort Riley, Kansas, June 7—Pfc. Elmer R. Johnson, as son of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Johnson of Central Lake, was graduated today from the advanced intelligence, course at the Intelligence School of the Cavalry School here.

Private first class Johnson, who served in Europe with the 69th and 29th Divisions, wears the Bronze Star, the Combat Infantry Badge, the ETO ribbon with tree battle stars, and the American Theatre and World War 2 Victory Ribbons.


The wedding of Miss Louise Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Welfred J. Davis, and Jack Botsford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Heman L. Botsford, took place Tuesday morning in the garden at the home of the bride’s parents. The ceremony was performed in front of the white pergola, flanked on either side by large baskets of white flowers. The singing of the birds, the leafy trees, the many colorful flowers, the blue sky and brilliant sunshine, created an idealistic setting for such an occasion.

As the time for the ceremony drew near, the immediate relatives took their places to the accompaniment of appropriate music provided by the organist, Mrs. Jack Clyde, of Bellaire, who also played a medley of wedding music during the service. Jim Davis, brother of the bride, acted as usher.

The Reverend A. J. Parker was the officiating minister, with K. O. Eberhard of Battle Creek, uncle of the groom, as best man, and Nancy Fleming and Judy Cornett, nieces of the bride, as flower girls, each carrying a bouquet of sweet peas and baby breath.

The bride was attired in a street-length aqua dress of eyelet embroidery and a white halo hat and carried a colonial bouquet of white rose buds.

For her daughter’s wedding Mrs. Davis wore a grey crepe gown with navy accessories and her corsage was also pink roses. Mrs. William Bowers, grandmother of the bride, wore navy blue sheer with navy accessories and a corsage of white carnations.

Pictures were taken of the scene after the ceremony, then the party adjourned to the Central Lake Hotel for a delicious wedding breakfast. A four-tiered wedding cake, adorned by a miniature bride and groom, also white Shasta Daisies, decorated the T-shaped table, which accommodated the thirty-four guests. Large bowls of other flowers were attractively placed about the dining room.

Out-of-town guests attending the wedding were Mrs. Elizabeth Hooper, and Miss Elizabeth Hooper of Houghton, Mrs. Helene Carlson of Marquette, Mrs. and Mrs. D. O. Eberhard of Battle Creek, Mrs. and Mrs. Edwin Bowers of Ypsilanti, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bowers and son, Robert of Monroe, Keith Bowers of Mt. Pleasant, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fleming, Nancy and Joe of Mt. Pleasant, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cornett and Judy Kay of Roscommon, Mrs. C. X. Davis, of Dayton, Ohio, Miss Mary Green of East Jordan and Miss Bernice Walsh Chicago, Ill.

After the breakfast the happy couple departed on their honeymoon, enroute to their new home in Dobie, Ontario, Canada, where Mr. Botsford is employed as superintendent of the Upper Canada Mines.

The beauty of the ceremony and the loveliness of the day will live as one of life’s happiest memories.

Memorial Service Held Honoring Soldier Boy’s Demise. [1918]

Leland Max Gibbard was born December 14, 1895, on the farm where his parents now reside. He died in France October 10, as the result of Diabetis, after being in the hospital one day. He was called to Camp Custer on the thirtieth day of last January, and was sent to France during the month of August. Besides a loving father and mother, he leaves three brothers, one of who is at Camp Custer, three sisters, and a host of friends to mourn his demise. Memorial services were conducted in his honor at the Pleasant Valley school house, Sunday, November 17, at 2 o’clock, at which time Rev. Exner of Bellaire, delivered a very touching and appropriate address.

Dies at Lapeer [1918]

Miss Elizabeth Jane Joynt of Lapeer and a former resident of this community, died last Sunday and the remains were shipped to Central Lake, reaching here Tuesday afternoon. Funeral services were conducted from the home of Dan McDonald, two and a half miles east of town, Wednesday morning at 10:30 o’clock, Rev. Chas. S. Jenkins officiating. Interment occurred in the Dunsmore cemetery, east of town.

Elizabeth Jane Joynt was born at Marlborough, Canada, on May 7, 1865. When five years of age she came to southern Michigan with her parents. Two years later they moved onto their farm in Echo township, this county, where she spent thirty-three years of her life.

Her mother, Ann Mackey Joynt, departed this life on May 20, 1902, and her father on October 1, 1905.

For the past two and a half years she has lived at Lapeer. She leaves one brother, Thomas Joynt, who with his family resides at East Jordan. There are several cousins---Mrs. Anna McDonald, Mrs. Margaret McDonald, and Elias Burns of Central Lake; also Roscoe Mackey and his sisters at East Jordan.

Mrs. Forrest Dewey Answers Last Call [1946]


Mrs. Forrest Dewey, 46, passed away early last Friday morning at her home just south of Torch Lake village. She had been critically ill for several months but in spite of her great suffering she was patient and uncomplaining and she was tenderly and faithfully cared for night an day by her husband, assisted by members of the family.

According to her wishes, expressed before her passing, funeral services were held at the Central Lake Congregational church, with Rev. Glen Cornett officiating. The Atwood choir and Walter Shooks, accompanied by Mrs. Hans DeYoung, sang her favorite hymns. She was laid to rest in the Southern cemetery. The church was filled to capacity by sorrowing relatives and friends and this and the mass of beautiful flowers attested the esteem in which she was held.

Hettie Mae Dawson was born March 27, 1900, in Central Lake, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dawson.

Following her graduation from Central Lake high school she attended the teacher’s college at Mr. Pleasant, later teaching the Esseltine school near here and the Pleasant Valley school near Bellaire in Custer township. Before her illness last spring she taught the Eastport school for a month, ending the term.

On November 11, 1922, she was married to Forrest Dewey of Bellaire and to this union three children were born. The family resided in Bellaire, Flint and Charlevoix before going to Ellsworth where they lived for 17 ½ years, moving to Torch Lake 2 ½ years ago.

Mrs. Dewey, a true christian woman, was of the Baptist faith. She was also a member of the Central Lake Rebekah lodge No. 341 of Central Lake.

Left to mourn their great loss are the husband, three children, Mrs. Robert (Agnes) Anderson of Pontiac, Darrell and Mrs. Walter (Mildred) Drogt of Torch Lake; two sisters, Mrs. William (Genevieve) McGuire of Central Lake, and Mrs. Walter (Frances) Anderson of Kewadin; four brothers, Jasper Dawson of Pontiac, Harold and Versile, of Central Lake and Maurice, of Charlevoix; two grandchildren, Steven Lane and Sharon Denice Anderson, and a host of other relatives and friends.

Those from out of town who attended Mrs. Dewey’s funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Dawson of Pontiac; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dawson, Charlevoix; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anderson, Kewadin; Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Fitzpatrick and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dewey, Flint; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sanderson and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sanderson, Detroit; Mrs. Ad Billdeau Sr., Traverse City; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dewey and Mrs. Elizabeth Dewey, all of Bellaire; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hardy, Boyne City; Mrs. Clyde Bailey, Mancelona; Mrs. Hiram Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stoel, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edson and Mr. and Mrs. Henry VanderArk, all of Ellsworth, and many others.

Mrs. J. H. Kelly [1907]

Mrs. J. H. Kelly, who for some months pasts has made her home with her son, F. R. Kelly, died at an early hour yesterday morning, and was taken to her old home at Lawrence, Mich., for burial. Since the death of her husband about a year ago, Mrs. Kelly has not been well, but recently her heart has been so badly affected that little hope of her recovery was entertained. Interment will take place at Lawrence tomorrow afternoon.


Mrs. Myrtle Cook, formerly Miss Myrtle Murray of Echo township, Antrim county passed away in Detroit July 24, 1934, at the age of 38 years.

Mrs. Cook graduated from the Central Lake high school. She was married six years ago last April to Oral Cook in Detroit where she has since made her home. Mrs. Cook had not been ill. She was here in June and visited her sisters and other friends. Death was caused by a blood ves- bursting at the base of the brain.

Besides her husband and a step-daughter, she leaves three sisters; Mrs. Ernest Russell of Pleasant Valley, Mrs. J. A. Brown of Onaway and Mrs. Oscar Larsen of Ellsworth.

Funeral services were held at a funeral home in Detroit and burial at Republic, Ohio.


In the passing of Mrs. Ella Wallbrecht, which occurred at the Munson hospital in Traverse City Saturday afternoon, Central Lake and the entire community mourns the loss of one of the most beloved and respected of the older citizens.

Mrs. Wallbrecht had suffered ill health for over a year but had been critically ill for nearly two weeks preceding her demise at the age of 68 years.

Funeral services were held at the home Tuesday afternoon with Rev. Frederick Peggs officiating, and burial was made in the family lot in the Southern Cemetery. The high esteem in which Mrs. Wallbrecht was held was exemplified in the abundance of beautiful flowers.

Mrs. Wallbrecht was a member of the Central Lake Congregational Church, being one of its organizers, and a faithful worker in it while her health permitted. She was also a member of the F. J. Lewis Chapter No. 213 O. E. S., a past president of the District Meguzee Association, and took an active interest in all civic organizations for the advancement of the village.

Besides the husband, A. F. Wallbrecht, the deceased is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Martin G. Smith of Central Lake and Miss Helen of Radburn, New Jersey; two sons, Howard of New York City and Gus of Linden, Mich,; a sister Mrs. Jessie Lee of Statton Island, New York; a brother Loren Stevenson of Seattle, Wash. One. Son, Raymond, preceded her in death.

With always a cheerful and valuable work of encouragement for all, Mrs. Wallbrecht leaves a multitude of friends who will join the Torch in extending sincere and heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family.

Now What do you Think of This?[1907]

One morning the first of this week Sherman Palmer, a farmer living about two miles from this village, found a note in a cleft tick in his front yard. The missive as addressed to ‘Old Hang Dog Palmer," and ran as follows:









This may have been penned by some school boy who has been reading "Dare Devil Dick" and other similar trash, it may be the work of a half cracked mossback, it may be intended for a joke, but if so it may be a sorry one; or it is barely possible that some mortal enemy of the aforesaid Palmer thinks to scare him out of the country.

If the latter is the case, the guilty party need expect no sympathy from this community should his identity be discovered. The writer of threatening anonymous letters brands himself as a coward and a sneak, and is entitled to as little consideration as he shows to those he writes to.

Mr. Palmer tell THE TORCH that he lives on the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section thirteen, where he may be found at any time, and we have cause to believe that he will make it extremely interesting for anyone who steps on his promises for any unlawful purpose.


New is Received of Death of Lee Gibbard in France.

This community was sadly shocked; one day last week, when word was received by Mr. And Mrs. Chas. Gibbard that their son, Lee, who enlisted in the army last fall, had met death in France on October 13. The manner of his death was not stated, and definite information has not been learned, but it is altogether probable that he was killed in battle, as a letter to a friend here, dated at about that time, stated that he was well and looking fine.

Lee was 24 years of age, and leaves his parents, three sisters, and three brothers. One brother, Leslie, is also in the service of his country.

The young man was born and raised in this community, was well-liked by all who knew him—a dutiful son, a loving brother, and a friend to everybody. Much sympathy is expressed for his aged parents, as he was the comfort of their old age. The blow to them is great.

Food Poisoning [Probably 1906]

Misses Cecil and Grace Richardson daughters of Mrs. and Mrs. Al Richardson, formerly of Eastport but now living on Lincoln street, Traverse City, were poisoned last Thursday evening, and the attending physician stated that the cause was some canned tongue that the young ladies had just eaten. The Traverse City Daly Record says: Immediately after eating the tongue, they were taken suddenly ill and were in acute pain. A physician was summoned and after some efforts managed to relieve their sufferings. Today they are both out of danger.

Sanford-Miller [1917 or 1918]

The many friends of Mrs. G. P. Sanford, formerly of this place but now residing in Lansing, will regret to learn that she was called to Shelley, Idaho, last Friday, on account of the serious illness of her brother, C. I. Miller. He, too will be remembered as having resided here several years ago, and was in the jewelry business.


The Central Lake school closed last week, with the commencement exercises being held Friday night.

A fine program was given. The list of graduates were: Marguerite J. Aardema, Jacqueline Arnold, Florence Darline Barber, Richard Paul Blasey, Frances. F. Boznan, Dorothy Marie Bunker, Versile Boyd Burns, Paul M. Cornett, John E. Faas, Stanley Earl Gibbard, Junior R. Hebden, Ethel Jeanette James, Susan Jane Kuiper, Barbara Ann McLaughlin, Adrian B. Russell, Sandra Jeane Smith [My Mother], Patricia Ellen Tansey, Joy L. Williams, Dorothea Wormsbacher, Thomas M. Wynsma.

All the teachers, with the exception of Robert Buckmaster, whose position is yet to be filled, signed contracts to return another year and one new teacher, Mrs. George O’Dell , will be added to the faculty, teaching in the lower grades.

Mr. Buckmaster left Saturday for his home in Osseo. Supt. Wayne Childs and Mrs. Celia Mathers will remain at their homes here for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Atchison will take an extension course at Bay View, while Mrs. Fannie Curtis, Miss Rosemary Taft and Miss Ada Duhm will attend summer school at Michigan State Normal, Ypsilanti. Miss Anita Karvakko left Sunday for her home in Chassel for a short visit before going to Ann Arbor for the summer term at the University of Michigan and will also be couselor in a fresh air camp near there. Mrs. Lennah Dewey will also attend summer school, undecided at this time.

Snowflake November 18, 1918

Pretending Joy Riders, Take Notice:

Previously on different times, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday nights, always about the same hours, from 8 to 9 o’clock—special and watchful care as to who they were.

Again last night, the gate being chained and locked, was opened , and in they came, turned their car so the headlight was in line of my window, turned off the light, and the giggle commenced. How easy to dematerialize a chain. Almost immediately the seance commenced in the right light of a full moon.

A ghost appeared and began asking questions as to who they were and their purposes there at that time when there was no entertainment going on. It is no wonder they took fright and struck out for town on the high speed gear.

What of that? Horses were let out on the railroad tracks and the lights frightened the old people I had for company and to care for my crippled wife, and disturbing the peace of all. Not knowing at first who they were, and knowing it was for plunder and injury and not for innocent fun. I think it my duty to inform against such a gang. I am here and can not get away so I will have to apply other remedies to protect myself and family. Anarchy and malicious intruders, who have no respect for others, claiming themselves and advocating the Golden rule.

So it is a duty of me to warn the public against fake mediums and tricksters who can dematerialize a chin or raise the dead. I don’t know when the next seance will be, as I am afraid to leave the wife. I am compelled to be a figurehead when it does come off.

I will wait and see and report the case to some authority who will trace the villains to a public exposure.

The object of this is to apprise the public of the black-hands seen at Snowflake.




In recognition of ten years of faithful service, C. D. Edson, agent for the Standard Oil company at Ellsworth, Michigan has received a gold service pin from the Standard Oil company and a complimentary letter from L. J. Tompson, the company’s manager at Grand Rapids, Michigan.

As a result of his associations in this vicinity, Mr. Edson has a large acquaintance in Ellsworth and surrounding territory, and is also well known to a wide circle of Standard Oil company employees.

The pin awarded is a neat emblem bearing the company’s monogram and the inscription "Recognition of Service" and stars indicating the length of time employed.


Prominent Farmer and Business Man Called to his Reward. Death found him in the Active Discharge of his Duties.

Like a shock from an electric battery the news spread though the village yesterday that Grant Irey was dead!

Grant Irey, strong, healthy, in the very prime of manhood, and without a single bad habit to undermine his health, had passed away as suddenly as a meteor leaves the sight.

Tuesday Mr. Irey, taking his dinner with him went to the woods about a mile southwest of his house where he had a few logs left that he wished to draw to the lake. He did not return at supper time; but as he frequently stayed out in the woods until a late hour, his absence caused Mrs. Irey little uneasiness until about eight o’clock, when J. M. Irey, (Grant’s father), Joe Cody and Allie Shearer went out to find him.

At the skidway where Grant had been loading logs their search came to an end, and thought the exact facts will never be known, the evidence written in the snow, and told by the position of the various articles used in the work, is as plain and conclusive to a woodsman as would be the testimony of an eye witness.

The sleighs were beside the skidway, two logs had been loaded, and possibly in drawing up the last log the steel decking line had been broken. Mr. Irey had apparently gone to an abandoned stable some distance away and procured a piece of hay wire with which to mend the break. He had threaded the wire through two of the whole links and was about to finish the job when the fatal malady came suddenly upon him, and he fell, face forward in the snow. When found he had not moved.

Dr. Gibson was summoned, but the end had come long before Mr. Irey was found, and nothing that human hands could do would bring life back to the insensate clay. The extremities were perfectly cold when the doctor arrived, and death was doubtless due to heart failure. The end came, it is thought, about four o’clock.

For some time Mr. Irey had complained of pains in his side, and while no importance was attached to this, it is now supposed that these pains were but the warning of the fatal affection.

Mr. Irey leaves a wife and three little daughters, as well as his father, Mr. J. M. Irey, to mourn his loss. He was a good citizen, an earnest, upright man, a devoted husband and a zealous Christian.

The funeral, which will be conducted by Rev. A. E. Wynn, will take place Saturday afternoon at 2:30, from the M. E. Church here, of which Mr. Irey was a member. Interment is to be in the Southern Cemetery of this township.

Sudden Death of Mrs. Boice [December24, 1906]

Last Monday morning at 3:30 Mrs. C. S. Boice of this township, died after an illness of a very few hours. All last week she appeared to be in her usual good health, did her Christmas shopping in this village and seemed in excellent spirits. Late Sunday evening she became ill and Dr. Ramsey was summoned. After a time she felt so much better that the doctor came back to Central Lake, only to be called again at two o’clock. Mrs. Boice’s trouble was of a spinal nature with its resultant nausea, but the direct cause of her death was a cerebral hemorrhage. C. S. Boice and Carl were at Wellsburg, working in the Cameron lumber camps and could not get here till Christmas.—Services will be held at the residence at 10 o’clock this morning, and at the M. E. Church, Central Lake, at eleven. Mrs. Boice was one of our old residents, prominent in social, religious and lodge circles, and will be greatly missed by a large circle of relatives and close friends, whose sympathy, together with that to THE TORCH goes out to the family at this sorrowful time.

Soft Ball Team [1934]

The Yellow Jacket soft ball team lost to the "Y" boys at Camp Hayo-Went-Ha last Friday night in a thrilling game that left the camp team victors 9-8.

The Yellow Jackets took a four run lead in the first inning, following which no scores were make until the last of the fourth when the camp team broke loose for their nine runs. The local team got 2 more runs in the 5th, 2 in the 6th but failed to score in the seventh inning.

The teams are playing here tonight (Thursday).

Time of WWI

The many friends of Mrs. G. P. Sanford, formerly of this place but now residing at Lansing, will regret to learn that she was called to Shelley Idaho, last Friday, on account of the serious illness of her brother, C. L. Miller. He too, will be remembered as having resided here several years ago, and was in the jewelry business.

Mrs. Hiram T. Blakely of this place has just recently received a German helmet as a war souvenir from her son, Howard, who is in France. When questions, as to whether or not the garment bore any trace of violence she replied that there were no bullet holes in it, but that it looked as though it had been the victim of some mighty rough treatment.

Carpenter Home [1946]

Visitors last Sunday at the Ver*** Carpenter home were Clarence Deforest and daughter, Lousie, of this place, also his son, Pvt. Ziba Deforest of Selfidge Field, Mr. and Mrs. James Chisholm and son, Mrs. and Mrs. Rance Halladay and children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mason and children of Kewadin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McWaters and children of East Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peck and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Everts of Three Rivers.

W. H. Smith, March 8, 1906

Whenever W. H. Smith come to town and forgets to watch his wagon, small articles disappear therefrom exactly as if someone were stealing them. Just why Mr. Smith’s rig should be selected in preference to that of others is not understood; but it is doubtless on account of his known opulence and habitual good nature. But Mr. Smith, like the rest of us, knows when he has had enough of a joke, and last week he left his dog to watch the wagon. When he returned to it, the animal and a medium sized boy were in the wagon enjoying a very business-like mix up. Not that the boy wanted to stay. He was willing to go, but the dog wouldn’t let him—had him by the trousers, and hung on. After a time the cloth gave out, and during the rest of Mr. Smith’s stay in the village, Towser had to content himself with a mouthful of jeans as a memento of his share in the fracas. Next time such an occurrence takes place the culprit will be handed over to the village marshal.

A Correction .March 15, 1906

Editor Torch: I would like to correct your mistake in saying that W. H. Smith’s wagon is the only one from which articles have been taken. John Cawood came to town one night and bought a hunk of butter and a Sunday shirt, and he hadn’t much more than stowed away the bundles before somebody hawked them out of the buggy. W. H. Smith thinks it was the same man that stole the big carrot from his farm last fall.


Well-Known Young People married at Flint. (1918)

Married—Wednesday, October 9, at the home of the brides parents at Flint, Mr. Hugo Sanford and Miss Gladys Upthergrove.

Mr. Sanford is a son of Mr. and Mrs. George Sanford of Lansing, and is employed at the Reo Motor Co.’s works, in that city. The family is well and favorably known throughout this community, where they formerly resided and visited here for several weeks during the past summer.

The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Upthergrove of Flint, and they too were residents of this community. She is greatly admired for her charming personality, both having a host of friends who will wish them every possible happiness and prosperity in the years to come.

They will reside in Lansing.

Will Smith and John Harris [1907]

Will Smith and John Harris ate a late breakfast Saturday and sauntered out into their wood lot. Then they talked over the political situation, took a smoke, and finally threw off their coats and their lethargy and went to work. It wasn’t much of a day for cutting blockwood, and when they knocked off for supper 10 cords were scored up to their credit. That was done in 12 hours. And now we’ll bet that Ray Wilkinson will produce (himself and) another man who will beat it.

[Will Smith is the Father of Grace Smith Rushton]

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