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Welcome to CheerWorld!

Top 3 Tryout Tips!

Hey, check this out! It's a contest for a sweepstakes where you could win a trip to New York to attend a Fashion Event!! Enter ASAP!

Cheerworld's Links!

Fundraising Tips! Help your squad make some $$!!
Jumps! Jumps are very important in cheerleading..perfect yours!
Cheers! An essential in CHEERleading...duh. =)
Chants! When those cheers won't do...
Tippy's World! My friend Tippy's web page..CHECK IT OUT!! Check this site out!!

Hey! Well, I guess it's about time to update CheerWorld! Well, I made Varsity this year, and we will be competing, for the first time in our school's history! I will keep everyone posted on the outcome of that. A new stunt page will be up soon, featuring my squad doing several stunts. Please take the poll above and if you like this site, pass it on to your friends by clicking on the "Pass It On" button! Thanks, and come back soon!

get this gear!
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