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"Dave's World"

"I am not afraid of tomorrow because I have seen yesterday and I love today."

I'm David Ortiz from Houston,Texas.
Thanks for visiting my web-page.My little corner of cyber-space.

I enjoy a wide variety of activities and I'm open minded when it comes to something new.

I enjoy to travel; I go to New York often to see my family.

New York City is a great place to visit; I always catch a Broadway Show when I go and dine at the nice restaurants.
The museums are wonderful also.

Yet I have also enjoyed my visits to the West Coast such as San Diego,California and on the opposite end in Orlando,Florida. I want to go back to both places.

I have never been on an ocean cruise but I want to someday.

I practice physical fitness in order to keep in shape. That is important to me as I work-out daily.
It also helps to relieve the stress of the day.
I enjoy the "Tae-Bo" video workout.It's a fun way to keep in shape.
Plus I do a little weight-lifting and ride my bike alot.

As far as sports that I like to watch?
Baseball and tennis are my favorites.

I'd also like to mention that I'm a Vegetarian.
I maintain that lifestyle for health reasons.I feel that sooner or later we have to make changes for a better health.
I just choose sooner rather than later.

I'm also a Believer.
I believe in Jesus Christ ; the man and the teacher.
I worship at Lakewood Church here in Houston.
It's a wonderful place to give praise and worship.I also volunteer and serve as an usher at Lakewood Church.

My occupation :

I'm a City Transit Driver for the Metropolitan Transit Authority in Houston.
I have been with "Metro" almost 20 yrs.
It's interesting work...I don't mind it.

I believe that a sense of humor is very important.
So keep in touch and maybe I'll put a smile on your face and you'll put one on mine.

Well, I hope to hear from you.Drop me an e-mail if you have any specific questions.

You can click on the photo above to enlarge.
Plus I have a few more below.


What I look for in other people?
I like people who enjoy life with no bitterness...
Life is short...Enjoy.

One of my favorite situations :
Nice, warm, and pleasant conversaton with someone interesting.


New York photos - See me in the "Big Apple"

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