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Who Am I?

Award Winning, Bestselling Texas Author of Romance

Dewanna Pace





Now I'm supposed to convince you that I'm somebody worth spending valuable surfing time on! Well, I've worked hard to get this far and hope to become an even greater success with fans or friends such as you. No writer can achieve that alone. It takes her readers to judge how well she accomplishes her goal.

For those of you who have read my previous books and are checking to find my current release, I hope I've transported you to another time and place, eased a weary day by entertaining you, compelled you to look at life a little differently, or shown how relationships can work well when based on respect, love and commitment. If you're a new reader to my work, let me say just one thing, "Way to go, girl!" (Interchange "guy" if I guessed the wrong gender.)

There are many fine authors to choose from with your reading dollar. Thanks for buying my books.

I'm a multi-published author of bestselling historical romances. I write historical romances for Penguin Putnam, Inc./Berkley Publishing as DeWanna Pace, historical romantic adventure for Leisure Books as Dia Hunter, and inspirational historicals for Barbour Publishing as DeWanna Pace. Two of my earlier books areout of print, but can be ordered from

In my spare time, I teach novel writing at Amarillo College and am a paid reader for a literary Agent.  




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