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Jesus Loves You

I was raised in Texas by my grandparents. My parents divorced when I was very young. I have two sisters. The authorities were going to put us kids in an orphanage (which is what they did in the south in the early fifties). My grandparents didn't want this to happen so they adopted my two sisters and me. I remember my grandmother sitting at that old piano and playing most of the songs on this page. She went to heaven a long time ago but she is not forgotten..Grandmother I know you can hear me so this is for you

Amazing Grace18.1kb Because He Lives3.1kb
Blessed Assurance2.4kb Closer Walk With Thee21.1kb
The Church In The Wildwood18.1kb Go Tell It On The Mountain4.7kb
Faith Of Our Fathers1.9kbHow Great Thou Art8.4kb
In The Garden2.2kb I Love To Tell The Story8.2kb
Jesus Loves Me2.2kbLove Lifted Me17.3kb
Nearer My God To Thee1.6kbOld Rugged Cross2.7kb
Onward Christian Soldiers2.6kbPower In The Blood10.7kb
Rock Of Ages1.4kb Shall We Gather At The River3.2kb
Stand Up For Jesus1.8kb Sweet Hour Of Prayer2.1kb
The Lord's Prayer7.6kb To God Be The Glory8.2kb
Tel Me The Stories Of Jesus1.6kb Washed In The Blood6.2kb
What A Friend We Have In Jesus15.1kb Why Me Lord19.6kb

If you have something special you would like to to be added to this page please fill out the form below.

Special Requests


Let There Be Peace On Earth9.5kb Alleluia9.3kb
The Lighthouse17.5kb Amazing Grace
He Touched Me10.4kb Learning To Lean15.1kb
Just As I Am4.3kb Softly And Tenderly4.9kb
And Can It Be11.4kb Whispering Hope4.8kb
Take My Hand Precious Lord10.4kb He Set Me Free19kb
I'll Fly Away10kb Blank19kb
