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« Welcome to My Anti-Useful Page »

I pity the fool who don't sign my guestbook

Well here is my page. It has finally been updated a little. Not much, mind you, it's still just as useless as ever. Aren't you glad you found this stupid page? Not me. If I were you I would just sign my guestbook then go somewhere else more useful because as long as you're here you are just wasting your time. Your life is passing you by while you are reading this. That's right. Your precious life is being passing you by and you are just sitting here at a useless page reading some pointless words. This is pretty sad. Go sign my guestbook then leave and do something useful with your life.

Oh by the way, I have a lot of nifty features on this here page but sometimes when I look at it on other computers it don't work right. So don't blame me if you can't see my useless page in all its glory. Update your internet browser thingy and maybe this page will look cooler.

Useless Stuff

About Frito - Find out useless information about Frito
Frito's Pictures - You won't believe your eyes
Land O' Leprechauns - A page for all leprechauns
Mufasas Happy Kingdom - Truly scrumptious expage
Led Zeppelin Page - Nothing to do with Led Zeppelin
Tablature Stuff - And other such nonsense
Crazyfoo - Reaching new levels of uselessness
Section - One

Links to More Useful Pages

Ka³vo - It will change your life
Biscuits - All your base are belong to him
Anti-Burlap - Experience the genius of Nathan Wilhelm
Newantiburlap - This is the place to be
Josh's Rifle Page - Anyone who is cool will go to his page
Josh's Squirrels - Anyone cool will also go here.
Various Words of Wisdom - Alyssa's amazing quote page
Rapid Fire - Hunters page; never go here it will frighten you
Free Roms - Lots of nifty emulators and games

Be cool and sign my guestbook

Sign My Guestbook then go View My Guestbook
Email Me

Here is my good friend Humphrey the retarded guitar

hi i'm the bomb
This page was last updated on 6/22/01 folks

Yall come back now

but why would anyone want to?

I have no idea.
What in the world am I doing

I feel very sorry for those of you who clicked on that little link up there.
It can hurt people's ears.