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In loving memory of my brother,

Mark A. Smith

Mark Andrew Smith, born May 3, 1957, died Oct. 28. 1996

Matt.5:5: Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.

My brother was killed at a Lucky Food Mart in Stanton, California during a robbery. He was a courier for Brink's Security and was on a normal pickup that morning. He was shot down, ambushed from behind as he was leaving the market with the weekend receipts. Two black gang members were hiding and waiting for him to come out. He made it about half-way to the truck before they opened fire on him with semi-automatic weapons shooting him in the back of the neck. His spinal cord was severed and the main artery in his neck was hit. He died about four hours later at a local hospital.

My life and the lives of his family and friends were forever changed on that fateful day.

At least some of the gang members that are responsible for his death have been arrested on other crimes. As of this date, no one has been charged in his murder.

The following is a poem that I wrote on the first anniversary of his death and would like to share:

He was born
one spring day,
cute and cuddly
and ready to play.

He was really
like no other,
I'm the first to say
he was a great brother.

As life went on
some heartaches came,
and with them
sadness and pain.

Before he knew it
he was grown,
My how the time
had really flown.

He went into the world
and made for himself a home,
took a family and
called it his own.

He lived his life
with kindness and good,
doing the things he was
taught that he should.

Then one horrible day
two men with no fears,
took him from us,
and we were left with our tears.

Now we must go on
without him you see,
with only our
precious memories.

Until the day comes
that God does decide,
to take us to meet
on the other side.

Mark's favorite hymn when he was a child was "Where the Soul Never Dies". I have faith that we will meet again someday in Canaan's land. It is this faith that strengthens me and the knowledge that Mark is in a restful place now away from all the trials of this life.

It is my prayer that Mark's story will some how touch those that read this page. Perhaps by making you realize how short this life can be and how fast it can be taken from you. Live each day as if it were your last. If you have not yet obeyed the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ won't you do so before it is too late. Read the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to find out about our Savior's life here on earth, his death, and his resurrection. Then read the book of Acts for information on how to obey His will. If you would like more information on the Gospel of Jesus, please don't hesitate to notify me and I will do everything I can to help you. Just please don't put it off any longer for we know not what the morrow may bring. If my brother's death can bring just one person to Christ before it is too late then he has not died for nothing.

Link to Page 5
Victims for Justice
Orange Co. Site Report
Info on Gang Related Violence
Center for Sudy and Prevention of Violence
For your spiritual needs visit our church's brotherhood website
Our congregation's homepage, Mesquite, TX
