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Tori' Hanson Hideaway

Zac Hanson lives here!!!

-Ok, I added this little page. Its pretty cool and about all the things that piss me off about Fakers!

Fakers Suck!

-Ok, so wanna thrash some Anti-Hanson sites? Well, then just click on one of the following links. Ya see, I find these particular pages hilarious. Don't get me wrong..I am a Hanson fan, but I see to get the humor these ppl are subjecting to. So, I reccomend if you are in any way offended by Anti-Hanson Sites just don't go to the links. K? K.

A Kinda Lame Anti-Hanson Site
An OK Anti-Hanson Site
A Really Funny Anti-Hanson Site

Grr! Pleaserz don't send me any hate mail. I don't have the time. Remember this is my page and if I want it up, it will stay up. hehhe:) I think I made my point.

-Here's one of my stories. Its pretty cool. Send me comments pleaserz!

Hanson Story="QuickSand"

-Fave Hanson Pic Of The Month! Isn't this the best. Der!

-If your not a teenybopper then put this banner on your page. Don't look at me! I'm not the teenybopper!

-Do you support the Hanson family's privacy? I do.

The Hanson Family Support

This page is updated daily by me, Tori.

-MUHWAHAHAHAH! So, ya wanna see some more pics of me? Do ya? Well, then go here to my pic page. WATCH OUT! Images may seem closer than they appear. Uh-Huh.

My Pics

-This is beyond the worst day of my life. So, I've been sick for the last recuring days. Battleing a barking cough, runny nose, and a high fever. So, there is a really cool party tonight and it turns out my mum wont let me go, cuz I have a 102.4 fever. Big whoopie! So, now im sitting at home in front of a plate of chinese food and Fiona Apple setting the mood. The worst thing is I miss my boyfriend so much. He is the main reason I wanted to go to this shin-dig. So, now I dont get to see him and on top of that I have only seen him once with week, cuz Ive been homesick... It looks like its gonna be me, you, the puter, and my dog. Sounds like a pretty lamerz night. No guys are a pretty festive group, no doubt. Damn, this medicine is making me delusional. I am seeing butterflies and my Hanson posters are popping out at me. grr! I think its just the sunshiine in me. *winkerz* Newayz....the toliet plumber is lookin pretty good. J/K. life isnt that bad. But ya know....someone up there will think of me and send me some cure of some kind. God bless ya.

Be Cool and Sign View My Cool Guestbook

-I really hate to do this..but here's the fine print. I am in NO way associated with Hanson or Mercury Records. "Tori's Hanson Hideaway" is strickly for entertainment and you shouldn't believe anything I say. hehe:) This page believe it or not is copyrighted and maintained by me, Tori. And on a more friendlier note, please don't steal...its not nice.

Holy, Moly Batman...Robin

With every lover, there's two haters...Anonymous

Living with him is horror, living without him is hell...Victoria

You'll never touch-these things that I hold...Fiona Apple

Love is an emotional rollercoaster, you get stronger with each ride...Meemuh & Victoria

Momma always said life is like a box of chocolates....Forrest Gump

Whenever you feel lonely, an angel drops in for tea....Anonymous

As long as God is in your heart, you will never do harm...Anonymous

Im bout it, bout it fool....Robert(lol)

He washed me shore and took my pearl-And left an empty shell of me..Fiona

Loving him makes me hurt..his touch makes my feelings corrupt and my heart submerge into a thick fat of silver dust...Anonymous
