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"There are two days about which we should never worry...These are yesterday and tomorrow"... by Helen Steiner Rice...

Well, this is my family, or at least as close as I will ever get to one again. Some of you from WCOOL may remember Craig as Parman or Crush. He doesn't really chat much anymore, but he is still around. He enjoys softball, and golf in his spare time. I finally moved to California (from Texas) last June to be with him. Then, there are the kids . Austin is 12 and loves baseball and collecting Pokemon cards. Just below him in the picture is Kyra, who is 6. Now, if you were to have a conversation with her, you will soon discover that there is no POSSIBLE way for anyone to get the last word in. LOL... We almost find it hard to get onto her, because we know that no matter what we are saying, she isn't hearing it... she is only quiet because she is formulating her next line..HA! Then, just below her, is Ryan. She is 10, going on 29. I can assure you that no adult coud possibly know more than Ryan. She knows it all, has been there, seen it, and really doesn't care to discuss it any further. LOL. She is a great kid, just going through that whole "Adults are SOOOOOOOOOOOO dumb" stage. Remember that????? Well, then at the bottom of the pile is me.... right where I and loving every minute of it! I enjoy most music... rock, country... but especially Ty Herndon . And I LOVE Winston Cup Racing. and there is no one better than Dale Earnhardt. That is all there is to me, I guess. Now ya know me!

Well... this is Craig and I on April 25, 1999... One year and one day after we finally met face to face. While we were in this picture sitting, Craig got down on one knee and proposed. I couldn't believe it! We got married on 9-9-99. He chose this day because he said he would NOT be able to forget that date. SURELY not!!

Tell me your evil thoughts See the evil thoughts

Ty Herndon's Page... GOD I love this man!
Marshall's TAZ Website
Nascar page... Ya gotta love it!!
This is The Intimidator.... Dale Earnhardt
Dale Earnhardt Jr's Page
RD Web Design... check em out!
Might wanna read this.. Parman's Page
Ghoster's Paradise.....Very cool place to be!!!
Cyberian Knight's Estate. ( True WebMaster Who's Always Around For Friends)