The Kid's Homeschool Page
to the Kid's Homeschool Page
"My concern is not whether God is on our side; my great concern
is to be on God's side." -Abraham Lincoln
Newsletter Archives
Sad News: There will be no newsletter this month unless I get some thing to put in it.
Newsletter information: There will now be a newsletter on a url that only the people that contact me or sign my guestbook will recieve. If you don't contact me or sign my guestbook*, you will need to wait for the month's newsletter to be put into the archive. Thanks! *if you sign the guestbook, I need your email address.
Updated Regularly (most of the time)
Try this math trick! It really works!!!
1. First pick the number of days a week that you would like to have ice
cream for desert.
2. Multiply that number by 2.
3. Add 5.
4. Multiply your number by 50.
5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1748, if not add
6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.
You should now have a three digit number. The first digit is your
original number(the number of days you would like to have ice cream for
desert) The other two digits are you age. This is the only year (1998)
that this trick will work.
There will be a Kid's Homeschool Newsletter out soon!
Please send in any contributions you can!!(such as reports,
essays, stories, poetry, ect...{about any subject you wish})
Please click on the mailbox to send contributions and urls!
"Speak softly but always carry a big stick"-Theodore Rosevelt
Please Tell Us What You Think in Our Guestbook!
Our guest book!
View It!
| Sign It!
"The best way to destroy your enemy is to make him your friend." -Abraham Lincoln
"God who gave us life, gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation
be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties
are the gift of God? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I
reflect that God is just and His justice cannot sleep forever." Thomas Jefferson
Geography/History Reference Links
Science Links
About the Editors
A Contest For Homeschool Kids
The Homeschool Kid's Chat Room and Message Board
A Letter From A Friend-(we did not write this)
Homeschool Resources
Parent's Homeschooling Links
Email: homeschoolrules@mailexcite.com