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Welcome To The Home Of Patience The Mighty Quaker Parrot


To The Home Of Patience The Mighty Quaker



27 DECEMBER 1995 TO 18 APRIL 2003

My Patience is a Quaker Parrot and she came to me from an excellent breeder, TXParrots of Mathis, Texas. Patience was hatched on 27 December 1995 and came home to me at the end of February 1996. I named my Patience after a well known Quaker Prophet. The reason being, Patience was hatched on the very same day my Mexican Redhead Parrot, Joe, passed over the Rainbow Bridge.

Patience's favorite past time is to weave her toys in and out of her cage bars. Quaker Parrots are the only nest builders among parrots. So, for Patience this is completly natural and normal behavior. The female Quaker is responsible for maintaining the inside of the nest while the male Quaker builds and maintains the outside of the nest. In the wild, Quaker Parrots live in large communial nests. Each pair of Quaker Parrots has two private rooms of their own. One is the bedroom where they hatch their young, and one is the living room where they teach and socialize their young. All the Quaker Parrots share one communial room which is called the front porch. Here is where all the Quakers in the communial nest socialize together. No outsiders are allowed, even on the front porch.

Patience loves to eat and weighs in at 124 grams. Patience's Avian Vet has her and all her parrot flock mates on a great healthy daily diet of Harrison's Pellets (75%), Organic Cooked Grains such as Kashie, Wheat Berries, Brown Rice, Spelt, Hulled Millet, Pearled Barley, and Whole Grain Oats. Patience also gets Organic Fresh Vegetables such as Squash, Carrots and Tops, Parsley, Broccoli, Jallopeno Peppers, and cooked Sweet Potatoe. The only fruits I feed are Papaya and Mango. I just mix it all together and watch everybirdy eat and eat....and eat.... Quaker Parrots have a tendancy to get fatty liver disease so seeds and nuts are a no no.

My little Patience truly is a "Mighty Quaker". She is the defender of the food bowls and warns me when something in the house is out of place. I always know when a sweater falls off the door knob, or something is just not where it should be. Patience has a certain call she uses that signals me to come and take a look.

Patience favorite flock buddy is Whisper, a Nanday Conure. In the wild the Quaker Parrots and the Nanday Conures can often be seen feeding together in large flocks. Guess that is why they get a long so very well together. They spend part of their out times playing together and preening each other. Patience and Whisper want to make sure they each look their very best.

Quaker Parrots are know as great talkers. But, someone forgot to tell Patience this. She does say a few words: "Night Night", "Yea" "Kiss Kiss", and "Hello Whisper". Patience might not say a lot, but this does not matter to me. She is my sweet little one and I would not have her any other way. Patience is my "Mighty Quaker Parrot" and is truly my parrot, my friend.

On the morning of 18 April 2003 My "Mighty Quaker" Patience passed over the rainbow bridge. Unfortunately Patience's little liver failed and she passed very quickly. Her flock friends and I will truly miss Patience, my Quaker named after a Prophet.

To meet Patience's Flock Friends, just follow the links here to meet Miss Pepper the Congo African Grey Parrot , Whisper and Gracie the Nandays, and Angel Dove. Please stop in and read the story of Gracie A Very Special Nanday Conure or visit the homes of two very special birdie friends, Miss Princess Dove and Daffy the Green Conure.



Patience's Favorite Sites:

Quaker Connection Ring
The Parrot Ring
Ferral Monk Parakeets in Chicago
Monk Parakeet Research
The Quaker Parakeet Page
Home of Miss LaLeuix the Quaker
Steve's Bird and Animal Room
Little Green Chicken Home Page
Monk Parakeets in North America

More Great Sites:

Before Buying Birdie
You and Your Birdie
Keeping Your Birdie Safe
Feeding Your Birdie
Keeping Your Birdie's Home Clean
Pellets and Recipes
Toys and Supplies
Mailing Lists and Forums
On-Line Publications
Avian Organizations & Sanctuaries
More Special Friends' Home Pages

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