"It is hearts that must be changed. This will be accomplished only by the Devotion proclaimed, explained, preached and recommended everywhere. Recourse to My Mother under the title I wish for her universally, is the last help I shall give before the end of time." | |
Book on the Messages from the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary to Berthe Petit on the Devotion to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, along with a biography of the messenger, Berthe Petit. Jesus states, "Recourse to my Mother under the title I wish for her universally, is the last help I shall give before the end of time." Many black and white photographs. Imprimatur; Nihil Obstat. (136 pages). THE WORDS OF OUR LORD TO BERTHE PETIT: "The title of Immaculate belongs to the whole being of My Mother and not specially to Her Heart. The title flows from my gratuitous gift to the Virgin who was to give me birth. My Mother has acquired from her Heart the title of 'Sorrowful' by sharing generously in all the sufferings of My Heart and My Body from the crib to the cross. There is not one of these Sorrows which did not pierce the Heart of My Mother. Living image of My crucified Body, her virginal flesh bore the invisible marks of My wounds as her Heart felt the Sorrows of My own. Nothing could ever tarnish the incorruptibility of her Immaculate Heart. The title of ‘Sorrowful’ belongs therefore to the Heart of My Mother, and more than any other, this title is dear to Her because it springs from the union of her Heart with Mine in the redemption of humanity. This title has been acquired by her through her full participation in My Calvary, and it precedes the gratuitous title ‘Immaculate’ which My love bestowed upon her by a singular privilege." Many more messages from the Sacred Heart on this devotion, in addition to many other topics, are recorded in this book -- a book whose content is guaranteed to astonish you!! Book will be shipped via a third-party. Please allow 1 - 2 weeks for delivery. Your Cost: $12.25 + S&H. Goods and services provided by Secret of the Rosary (Louisiana, United States).Sold by 2CheckOut.com Inc. (Ohio, USA).
The following revelations were made by Our Lord to his spiritual daughter, Berthe Petit:
"The worst calamities which I had predicted are unleashed. The time is now ripe and I wish mankind to turn to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of My Mother. Let this prayer be uttered by every soul: ‘Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.’ Let this prayer dictated by My Love as a supreme succor be approved and indulgenced, no longer partially and for a small portion of My flock, but for the whole universe, so that it may spread as a refreshing and purifying balm of reparation that will appease My anger. This Devotion to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of My Mother will restore faith and hope to broken hearts and to ruined families: it will help to repair the destruction: it will sweeten sorrow. It will be a new strength for My Church, bringing souls, not only to confidence in My Heart, but also to abandonment to the Sorrowful Heart of My Mother." Cardinal Bourne granted, to all those who will devoutly say: ‘Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us’ an indulgence of 200 days each time. Your Cost: $1.99 + S&H. Will be shipped via a third party. Please allow 1 - 2 weeks for delivery. This 4" x 6" Prayercard created and remastered by Secret of the Rosary, All Rights Reserved. Original photograph published with permission from Marytown Press. Goods and services provided by Secret of the Rosary (Louisiana, United States).Sold by 2CheckOut.com Inc. (Ohio, USA). | |
"The two Hearts were seen fused together surmounted by the symbolical dove of the Holy Spirit on February 7, 1910, and surmounted by luminous rays of light on the following day. The picture is a facsimile of the one drawn by Berthe Petit at the express command of Our Lord." (From the book, "The Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary"). Digital Art Print of the Vision of the Two Hearts as sketched by Berthe Petit, Belgian mystic and the apostle of the Devotion to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Digital Art Print contains the following words from Our Lord spoken to Berthe Petit. "It is My desire that this picture, guided by My hand, be spread far and wide, simultaneously with the invocation. Wherever it will be venerated, My Mercy and My Love will be made manifest and the sight of Our Hearts, wounded by the same wound, will encourage tepid and weak souls to come back to their duty." Photograph digitally remastered by Secret of the Rosary; all rights reserved. Original photograph published with permission from Marytown Press. Your Cost: $7.99 + S&H. The 8" x 10" digitally remastered reprint will be mailed via a third party. Goods and services provided by Secret of the Rosary (Louisiana, United States).Sold by 2CheckOut.com Inc. (Ohio, USA). | |
Berthe Petit, Belgian mystic and the apostle of the Devotion to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, at the age of 39. "5 x 7" Black and White photograph digitally remastered by Secret of the Rosary; all rights reserved. Original photograph published with permission from Marytown Press. Your Cost: $2.99 + S&H. THE WORDS OF OUR LORD TO BERTHE PETIT: "Teach souls to love the Heart of My Mother pierced with sorrow that transfixed My Own Heart." "My desire flows from My love on Calvary. In giving John to My Mother as a son, I entrusted the whole world to her Sorrowful Motherhood." "Let every soul cry out: Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us." The 5" x 7" digitally remastered reprint will be mailed via a third party. Please allow 1 - 2 weeks for delivery. Sold by 2CheckOut.com Inc. (Ohio, USA).
Secret of the Rosary is a distributor and publisher of various media that promote the fullness of the Faith in accordance with the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church.
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Last Updated July 11, 2005 All Rights Reserved Goods and services provided by Secret of the Rosary (Louisiana, United States). Sold by 2CheckOut.com Inc. (Ohio, USA). |
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