this page is about to be updated please come visit and keep it bookmarked! Thanks for taking time to sign my guestbook too, "we are never alone" and I have met so many wonderful people, Praise God! {{{{{{hugs}}}}}to all...andI best get busy,hehehe! Love & hugs to all! God bless and have a wonderful day!
Welcome again to my homepage! It is once again with the great help of my daughter Jamie, who helps me so much when it comes to computer
expertise in our house. Thanks Jamie!((((((Hugs)))))
My name is Susan Bender and I have lived in Texas since 1980. My husband is Martin and we have been married for 17 years. He is retired from the
U.S. Army since 1987. He is currently a firefighter/Eng./EMT for our city and also proudly works for Sears lawn & garden for almost ten years now.
We have two wonderful children,
Martin 16 & Jamie Sue14, soon to be 15, and they both are very active in many school academic clubs and sports, and both have plans of going on to some type medical school.
The reason I am doing a homepage is to help others who may have medical problems and may need help finding good medical resources.
I have been searching for my own answers for many years; too many years I might add. Back in 1990 after having two hernia repairs
I started experiencing some of the worst days of my life. It took many months for my body to heal, then I started noticing aching joints, headaches,
and so many other symptoms and decided to run to the doctor for every little ache and pain. I started feeling discouraged after so many times having
no answers to what was happening to my body. I must add before going any further I was a healthy young woman and was also enlisted for two years in the U.S.Army,
played every sport my school had and even played basketball when in the service. Even when all my problems started I was a very active person and now something was taking this
not only from me, but it was trying to destroy my family. I have been slowly told many things since all this happened so many years ago, and that was only after years of depression and
so many aches and pains and feeling I was alone! I do not want anyone to feel sorry and I am learning to take one step at a time through all this; that is the only choice I have and to keep my faith in God!!!
My Favorite Links
Medical Journal
Med Support FSF International*Lupus/FM forum&chat*
The Chronic Fatigue & Immune Dysfunction Syndrome/ Fibromyalgia Info Page
Our Wonderful Spiritual Journey
* Poetry/ Share your poems here; e-mail them to me.
A Gallery of Poetry and Art by a new friend!
* National Lupus Foundation of America Lupus Forum*
* Lupus Foundation-Missouri Chapter Lupus/FM Forum & Chat*
*Living with FMS/Chat*
* Sapient Health Network Forum/Chat *
ICQ-Great Chat Place
*Private Lupus Chat Room*
Find People
National Library of Medicine
Lupus Book Store
National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke
On-Line Information for Everyone/On-line Doctor Finder
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