Empress: A Nightmare Affair
Author's Note: Admittedly I've never actually seen an episode of the Powerpuff Girls, but thanks to the Internet, I hope I didn't have to… Then again, the main problem with doing research on such a project was not going into sugar overload… The whole affair with the Powerpuff girls was based on a drawing Todd Nauck did of them. I wanted to borrow it, but Todd said no… :'(
(Front cover. Empress is lying in her bed, asleep. All we see of her is her head, as the rest is under the covers. Above her, however, is a demonic creature reaching out towards her.)
Cap (N): Good night, and pleasant screams!
(Page 1, panel 1. Splash panel. Leave room for credits here. The Fite residence, specifically the room of Anita Fite. She is preparing herself for bed. She is dressed in a nightgown, and standing in her room. On one side of her room is a large poster of Ziggy Marley tacked to the wall.)
Cap (N1): Even the best of us need sleep.
Cap (N2): Unfortunately, not even our dreams are safe from outside influences….
Cap (E1): Phew! What a day!
Cap (E2): First school, then save the world, then homework…
Cap (E3): That bed looks very inviting now.
(Panel 2. She enters the bed, pulling the sheets over her.)
Cap (E): I got to get some sleep.
(Panel 3. She falls asleep.)
Cap (N): Ah, to sleep, perchance to dream…
(Page 2, panel 1. Fade to Empress’s dream. She is in a nightmarish realm with half-destroyed buildings and other debris. Fire dots the landscape, and Empress is in her uniform.)
Empress: What’s going on here?
Voice (from off screen): Anita! Help me!
(Panel 2. Empress turns to see Donald Fite trapped amidst the rubble. He is dressed in rags, and has numerous bruises, cuts and contusions on his body.)
Empress: Dad!
(Panel 3. Empress rushes over, digging Donald out of the rubble.)
Empress: Hold tight, I’ll have you out in a minute!
(Panel 4. Donald suddenly grabs Empress’s leg. Empress has hoisted a large steel beam over her head.)
Donald: Sucker. It’s happening again!
Empress: What in the --!?
(Panel 5. Empress drops the beam on her head, causing lots of pain.)
Empress: AH!
(Page 3, panel 1. Empress staggers, hurt and nursing her head.)
Empress: Dad! What did you do that for!?
Donald: I am not your father, Anita Fite…
(Panel 2. Donald transforms into a female demonic creature.)
Takeover (Formerly Donald): The name’s takeover… and I can take anyone over that I choose. While your mother was fun to take over, I’d rather have your superpowers to play with… and maybe a kiss from that hunk Superboy.
(Panel 3. Takeover starts engulfing Empress, who tries to resist her.)
Empress: No way! I’m not going to let you hurt anyone!
(Panel 4. Takeover engulfs Empress some more, and we only see her head and right arm struggling against Takeover.)
Empress: Let me go! I won’t let you take me over!
Takeover: You don’t have a choice, Anita.
(Panel 5. Takeover has completely engulfed Empress, releasing Donald. Donald is on the ground, dazed and weak.)
Empress: Now, to make sure dear old dad never interferes…
(Panel 6. Empress/Takeover starts to strike Donald.)
Empress: A nice blow to the neck should be sufficient…
(Page 4, panel 1. Suddenly Empress is back in her bed. She wakes up, sits up, and screams at the same time.)
(Panel 2. Empress looks around the place.)
Empress: (1) Wha…
Empress: (2) Oh… thank goodness.
(Panel 3. Donald enters. He wears a robe over his nightshirt and pants.)
Donald: Anita? What’s wrong? I heard screaming.
Empress: I had the most terrible dream, mom…
(Panel 4. Donald sits down next to Empress.)
Donald: Tell me about it.
Empress: All right…
(Panel 5. A little later, Empress has explained her nightmare to Donald.)
Cap (N): One explanation later…
Empress: And it all seemed so real – it terrified me.
Donald: Hmm… it could be a sign of too much stress in your life, Anita. I think you should take it a little easy for a day or two.
(Page 5, panel 1. Empress smiles.)
Empress: Thank you, dad. I don’t know what I’d do without you.
Donald: Anytime.
(Panel 2. Empress goes back to sleep.)
Cap (N1): Sleep comes like a drug…
Cap (N2): But you know what they say about drugs….
(Panel 3. Go back to Empress' dream. She is now in the familiar green dress of the Powerpuff girl known as Buttercup. Her skin is Caucasian and her eyes are green like Buttercup's eyes. She is lying in her bed, and nearby an alarm clock is ringing.)
(Panel 4. Empress turns the alarm off.)
Empress: Oh mon… what a night.
(Page 6, panel 1. Empress stretches, standing up.)
Empress: * YAWN * …
(Panel 2. Wonder Girl sticks her head in the door. She is dressed like Bubbles, complete with pigtails and big blue eyes.)
Wonder Girl/Bubbles: C'mon, sleepyhead! Rise and shine to a brand new day!
Empress/Buttercup: Huh? Cassie? What's going on here?
(Panel 3. Wonder Girl/Bubbles tries to push Empress/Buttercup to the door.)
Wonder Girl/Bubbles: Breakfast is waiting! Let's go!
(Panel 4. Empress sees in a mirror what has happened to her.)
Empress/Buttercup: What in the world…?
Wonder Girl/Bubbles: That's you, silly. Come on, breakfast is waiting!
(Panel 5. Empress puts her hand over her face in a gesture of frustration, exasperation and a dislike of these events. Wonder Girl/Bubbles is surprised at Empress/Buttercup's language.)
Empress/Buttercup: I've died and gone to hell.
Wonder Girl/Bubbles: Buttercup! Why, that's not a nice thing to say!
(Page 7, panel 1. Wonder Girl/Bubbles drags Empress/Buttercup into the bathroom.)
Wonder Girl/Bubbles: What if the Professor heard you say something like that? Now, get cleaned up, Buttercup! Breakfast is waiting!
Empress/Buttercup: This can't be happening. I think I'm going to go into insulin shock.
(Panel 2. Wonder Girl/Bubbles exits.)
Wonder Girl/Bubbles: Time is wasting!
Empress/Buttercup: I'll be there in a minute, Cassie.
(Panel 3. Empress/Buttercup shuts the door behind her.)
Empress/Buttercup: Got to play along with this… for now.
(Panel 4. Later. Empress/ Buttercup walks into the dining room to see Wonder Girl/Bubbles and Secret/Blossom sitting at the table.)
Secret/Blossom: Nice of you to join us, sleepyhead.
Empress/Buttercup: Sorry mon…
(Page 7, panel 1. After breakfast, our heroines go out to find the Professor working.)
Professor: Powerpuff Girls! It's Mojo Merlyn! He's out attacking the city!
Wonder Girl/Bubbles: Holy cow! We'd better get out there at once!
(Panel 2. Wonder Girl/Bubbles and Secret/Blossom fly out very quickly.)
Wonder Girl/Bubbles: Let's get out there and show him who's boss!
Empress/Buttercup: Hey, wait mon! I can't fly!
(Panel 3. Wonder Girl/Bubbles and Secret/Blossom leave Empress/Buttercup in the dust.)
Empress/Buttercup: Mon… this is bogley.
(Panel 4. In an urban setting, Mojo Merlyn, a cross between Mojo Jojo and Merlyn stands.)
Mojo Merlyn: Ah, soon… the Powerpuff girls will be here, and I will take them all! And how will I do that, you may ask? Ah, I have a plan...
(Panel 5. The Powerpuff Girls enter in a flourish.)
Wonder Girl/Bubbles: Stop right there, Mojo Merlyn!
Mojo Merlyn: The Powerpuff Girls!
(Panel 4. Mojo Merlyn turns his machine on.)
Mojo Merlyn: You're too late! I have the machine that will make this town mine!
(Panel 6. The machine roars to life, and then the Powerpuff girls start melting.)
Mojo Merlyn: It's designed to melt sugar and spice and everything nice!
Secret/Blossom: Curse you, Mojo Merlyn!
(Page 7, panel 1. Empress sits up and wakes up at the same time.)
Empress: Ah! Oh mon… this is no ordinary nightmare.
(Panel 2. The next day, at Young Justice headquarters. Empress is now in her uniform, without the mask. She is walking down a corridor with Wonder Girl and Secret.)
Cap (N): Later that day, at the headquarters of Young Justice…
Wonder Girl: Nightmares are common amongst heroes, Anita. I often have nightmares, reliving the scenes of the ones I couldn’t save.
Empress: But something didn’t seem natural about it, though. I can’t help but feel that something sinister is at work here.
(Panel 3. The two of them enter the living room, where the other members of YJ await.)
Wonder Girl: Well, we’ve got other things now.
(Panel 4. They all sit down together, and talk.)
Robin: Welcome back, guys. We've got a lot to talk about…
(Page 6, panel 1. Next we see Empress sleeping in her bed.)
Cap (N1): The next night…
Cap (N2): Anita Fite has settled down to a good night’s sleep.
Cap (N3): Something she won’t get.
(Panel 2. Fade to her dream. She is sitting in front of a desk, on which stand a telephone and a deck of Tarot cards. Anita is in her Empress outfit, minus the mask.)
Empress: What’s going on here?
(Panel 3. The phone rings, and Empress answers it.)
Empress: Hello?
Voice (from the phone): Hey, Cleo. I need a question answered about my future.
(Panel 4. Empress touches her hand to her face in a gesture of "I don’t like where this is going.")
Empress: So what’s your question?
Voice: I have this… friend, and he has this girlfriend with a problem… she lives far beyond her means, and she can’t stop spending money.
(Page 7, panel 1. Empress pulls out the pack of cards.)
Empress’ thoughts: Got to stay calm, mon, and ride this out.
Empress: Well, let’s see what the cards say.
(Panel 2. Empress shuffles the cards.)
Voice (from the phone until otherwise noted, 1): Oh, hi dear.
Voice (2): What’s that? You’ve run out of money?
Voice (3): Dear, I’m on the phone now.
(Panel 4. Empress sets the cards down.)
Empress’ thoughts: Got to bluff my way through this one.
Empress: O.k., I see a bit of financial ruin in your future.
Voice: What’s that? You want to cash in my life insurance policy? But won’t I have to –
(Panel 5. A shot is heard from the phone.)
Empress: Sir? Sir you there?
(Page 8, panel 1. The phone hangs up.)
Empress: Wonderful.
Voice (From off screen): Anita, what are you doing here?
(Panel 2. Empress turns to see Donald Fite there.)
Empress: Dad! Mon, this is so bogley! I want out of here now!
Donald: I thought I raised you better than to believe in such mumbo-jumbo.
(Panel 3. Donald takes a card from the top of the deck, and holds it up. It is death.)
Donald: Now, you will have to die.
Empress: What!?
(Panel 4. The Death figure rises out of the card, and advances on Empress.)
Empress: This can’t be happening!
(Panel 5. Empress tries to strike Death with her fist, but the blow goes right through death.)
Death: The Witch has come for you, Anita Fite!
Empress: Uh-oh.
(Panel 6. Death rears up its scythe, about to strike Empress dead. The face of Death is that of Empress herself.)
Death: DIE!
(Page 9, panel 1. Suddenly Empress wakes up, sits up, and screams at the same time. She is now back in her room, in her bed.)
Empress: NO!
(Panel 2. She looks around the room, relieved that this was all a nightmare.)
Empress: Oh mon…
(Panel 3. Enter Donald Fite, wearing a nightshirt, pants and a robe. He holds a small pistol in his hand.)
Donald: Anita! Are you all right?
Empress: I’m fine, Dad. I just had a bad dream.
(Panel 4. Empress lies back in her bed.)
Empress: I’m sorry I woke you up.
Donald: Well, if you want to talk about it, I’m here, Anita.
(Page 10, panel 1. Anita puts her arms around Donald.)
Anita: I'm glad you're with me, Dad…
(Panel 2. Anita and Donald part.)
Donald: You get some rest, Anita. You need it.
(Panel 3. Suddenly a hologram appears on the table. Stunned, most of the people there stand up, and assume attack ready positions. The hologram is of a young man dressed from head to toe in camouflage, and has his face concealed with an olive drab mask.)
Anita: What the!?
Major Mayhem: Greetings. We meet at last. Allow me to introduce myself; I am Major Mayhem. It is my job to create chaos, Anguish and pain for anyone who would help others.
(Panel 4. Major Mayhem looks around the place.)
Major Mayhem: None of you are safe from me. Nobody is. I have the power to turn your lives into a living hell – and I’m more than willing to do so.
Donald: Just what do you want from us?
(Page , panel 1. Major Mayhem gets face-to-face with Donald.)
Major Mayhem: Want? What do I want, Mr. Donald Fite? I’ll tell you. I want nothing – except to harass and make you look like the fools that you are!
(Panel 2. They stare wide-eyed at Major Mayhem.)
Major Mayhem: I know everything there is to know about all of you, and what’s better, I will strike when you least expect it.
(Panel 3. Major Mayhem pulls back from Donald Fite.)
Major Mayhem: The nightmares you have experienced last night are but a sample of my power. I can make it so that you can’t fall asleep for several days, then make you sleep for a month. Isn’t it delicious? I am a new supervillain that really will test your mettle. Of course, you’re hopelessly outclassed here, so don’t even bother trying to find me. Even if you do, getting to me is much easier said than done.
Empress: But what have we done to you?
(Panel 4. Major Mayhem approaches Empress.)
Major Mayhem: Done? What makes you think I’ve met any of you before? None of you have met me before now. My goal is simple – to show the world just how bad you really are, and how easy it is to defeat the so-called best teens in the world. Oh, and by the way, don’t bother trying to trace this signal. You’ll regret it.
(Panel 5. Major Mayhem smiles sinisterly.)
Major Mayhem: You put up a lot of frontal armor – but you left your rear flanks wide open. I have exploited your weaknesses, and soon, you will crumble like a rotting stone.
(Page 11, panel 1. Major Mayhem vanishes.)
Major Mayhem: Have a nice day….
(Panel 2. The Fites stare dumbfounded at each other.)
Empress: So what can we do to stop him?
(Panel 3. Cut to Major Mayhem. He is standing on a dais, removing his mask. Nearby is a considerable amount of electronic equipment. Over on one side is a young woman also dressed in camouflage. She is hunched over the equipment, and all we can see is her long black hair.)
Major Mayhem: Well, we've done it. Great job.
(Panel 5. The woman stands, and turns around. We see she is about his age, and smiling as well.)
Woman: Cliff, you’re a genius.
Major Mayhem: I couldn’t have done it all without you, Angie.
(Page 12, panel 1. The Fite residence. Anita, dressed in a shirt and blue jeans, is talking to her father, Donald and his partner, Ishara Maad. Fite and Maad are in their suits and ties. They are sitting down in the living room.)
Cap (N): Later that day…
Empress: How can we defeat someone we can’t even track down?
Donald: This is a serious problem, Anita. If he can do what you claim he can do, this could prove a problem for everyone.
(Panel 2. Anita nods.)
Empress: So did I, uncle Ish. What’s really scary about it all is that nothing is safe. He can wipe out all the electronic
equipment in the world with one foul swoop.
Maad: If he's using electronic equipment to send these messages, we should be able to track him down via our equipment.
Donald: Good idea. Let's try it.
(Panel 3. Later that day, Donald Fite and Maad have setup a computer tracking system in the bedroom of Anita Fite. They are finishing the setup for the operation.)
Cap (N): Later that day, the team of Fite and Maad have set up the system by which they will track down Major Mayhem…
Donald: The boys at the lab have done a good job here. The anti-invasion software is the latest in the business.
Maad: If this doesn't find him, then nothing will.
(Panel 4. Empress enters, wearing a nightgown and a robe. Fite and Maad ready themselves at the computer.)
Empress: I hope this works, dad.
Donald: It should, Anita. The boys at the lab know what they're doing…
(Page 13, panel 1. Empress is now sleeping in bed again.)
Cap (N): A peaceful night’s sleep is all she wanted. And she’s going to get that, sort of….
(Panel 2. Fade to her dream. She is now with her father, in a sitcom situation. They are outside on the street, in front of a store. Donald is wearing a dress shirt, slacks, and a white apron. He holds an industrial broom in one hand, and waves with the other.)
Donald: (Waving) Hey mon!
Announcer: (From off panel) It's time once again for that wacky Jamaican family the Fites! Let's check in with Donald Fite this week.
Empress: What in the world…?
(Panel 3. Donald Fite takes center stage. Entering are his wife, and a son.)
Donald: My name's Donald Fite, and I work no less than four jobs, mon! America has been so wonderful to me.
Anita: Dad? What happed to you being a secret agent from Louisiana?
(Panel 4. Donald Fite gestures to his African-American Trophy wife. She is wearing a brightly colored dress and has the same hair color as Anita.)
Donald: This is my wonderful wife Karen. She's got three wonderful jobs, mon.
Empress: What? Mom is dead, dad! That looks absolutely nothing like her! And her name was Oshi!
Karen: Hey mon!
(Page 14, panel 1. Go back to Fite and Maad. The two of them are watching the computer screen while Maad types on it.)
Donald: Steady, don't loose him now…
Maad: This is some pretty advanced stuff here…
(Panel 2. Cut over to Major Mayhem and his aide. The two of them are frantically working on their PC.)
Cap (N): At the same time…
Major Mayhem: There's got to be something we can do! Flood their computer and try to overload it!
(Panel 3. They continue to frantically work on their keyboards and are frustrated.)
Major Mayhem: What is going on here!? Why can't we put that virus on their computer!?
Angie: I don't know, Cliff! There's something blocking us!
(Panel 4. The two of them stop working on the keyboards.)
Angie: It's too late. They know who we are and where we are.
Major Mayhem: Then it's time for plan B.
(Page 15, panel 1. Donald gestures to Anita.)
Cap (N): Back in dreamland…
Donald: This is my lazy daughter. She doesn't have a job! I send her out every day to get one, but she'd rather go to school. Can you believe that?
Anita: Oh mon… here we go again, reinforcing racial stereotypes…
(Panel 2. Donald gestures to his son.)
Donald: Now this is my good son Mike. He's 16 and has three jobs!
Mike: Hey mon! Oh, gotta go! I'll be late for work if I don't.
(Panel 3. Mike exits.)
Donald: Well, let's see who our special guest is for today.
(Panel 4. Donald opens the door to see a stereotypical witch there, leaning on a staff and dressed in black.)
Donald: Oh, it's the witch from my childhood nightmares. Come on in, mon!
Witch: I'm here to kill you all! Die!!
(Page 16, panel 1. The Witch shoots bolts of magic from her hands at the others.)
Donald: Start with me lazy daughter Anita.
Anita: DAD!
(Panel 2. Anita suddenly wakes up, sits up and screams at the same time.)
Anita: DAD!
Maad: We got it all! Everything is now on the system. We know their real names, where they live, and everything else.
Anita: Then there's no time to waste. We'd better get there as soon as we can.
(Panel 3. Anita is now in her Empress uniform, and ready for action. Donald Fite and Maad are with her.)
Donald: The place is about 15 minutes away. We'll join you there.
Empress: Hang back. I'd like to try and solve it myself first.
Maad: Understood.
(Panel 4. The three of them rush off together. Page 17, panel 1. The home of Major Mayhem. He and Angie are frantically trying to disassemble everything.)
Cap (N): At that moment…
Angie: How long does it take to break this all down?
Major Mayhem: I'm not sure, Angie. But we've got to try!
(Page 18, panel 1. The two of them continue to try to disassemble everything.)
Major Mayhem: It's no use – we're going to have to abandon everything!
Angie: Hey, I spent too much money to leave it all here!
(Panel 2. Major Mayhem races to Angie.)
Major Mayhem: We don't have an alternative – It's either our freedom or the equipment! The equipment is insured!
Angie: All right, let's go.
Voice (from off panel): You will go nowhere, mon.
(Panel 3. The two of them turn to see Empress there, in her uniform and wielding her staffs.)
Empress: Not so bold when we're face-to-face, are you?
Major Mayhem: Damn! She's here already!
(Panel 4. Mayhem pulls out an uzi, and fires. Empress waves her staffs, and blocks all the shots.)
SFX: Powpowpowpowpowpowpowpow!
(Panel 5. Empress then connects with a diving kick onto Major Mayhem.)
Angie: I'm out of here!
(Panel 6. Angie rushes out of the area. Page 19, panel 1. She goes out of the building to run into Fite and Maad. Fite is wielding his laser rifle.)
Donald: You wouldn't be wanting to leave so soon, now?
Angie: Aw, nerts!
(Panel 2. Fite and Maad have Angie handcuffed, and are leading her to the car.)
Fite: The police will be interested in what you have done.
(Panel 3. Go back inside to see Major Mayhem and Empress going toe-to-toe with each other. Major Mayhem is now armed with a hunting knife, lunging at Empress. Empress blocks his shot with her staff.)
Major Mayhem: Die, pig!
(Panel 4. Empress then throws Major Mayhem off of her and into a bank of computer equipment.)
(Page 20, panel 1. Mayhem uneasily stands up.)
Major Mayhem: You're fast, I'll give you that… but you're not good enough to beat me.
(Panel 2. Major Mayhem presses his attack again, trying to stab Empress. Empress dives out of the way as Major Mayhem charges past her.)
Empress: And you telegraph each of your moves before you make them.
(Panel 3. Major Mayhem pulls out a small transmitter.)
Major Mayhem: I may die here today… but at least I'm taking you with me.
Empress: (concerned) No – Don't do that!
(Panel 4. Major Mayhem pushes the button as Empress teleports out.)
Major Mayhem: I'll be famous like the Trenchcoat mob.
(Page 21, panel 1. Full panel page. The equipment around Major Mayhem explodes in a large fireball.)
(Page 22, panel 1. Go over to see Fite and Maad watching the fireball rise into the air.)
Donald: Anita!
Angie: Cliff!
(Panel 2. A shadowy figure can be seen walking out of the fire, although we cannot tell who it is. In panel 3, we can now tell it is a woman. In panel 4, we can see it is Empress.)
Empress: I'm sorry…
Angie: NO!!
(Panel 3. Empress approaches her father.)
Empress: He fought well, then decided to take his life and me with him. I barely escaped.
(Panel 4.)
Empress: I couldn't save him.
Angie: #$&# witch! He died because of you!!
(Page 23, panel 1. Epilogue. Empress is standing amidst the rubble that was Major Mayhem's computer lab.)
Cap (N): The next day, Empress revisits the site of the destruction…
Cap (A1): Ironically, he proved his own undoing.
Cap (A2): Like me, he had several layers of armor at the front,
Cap (A3): But left his sides exposed.
Cap (A4): I hope that nobody else will try to do what he did.
(Panel 2. Empress turns away from the wreckage.)
Cap (E1): This was a waste.
Cap (E2): He had a brilliant mind, but he chose to use it for bad purposes.
Cap (E3): I wish this could have ended up differently.
(Panel 3. Empress walks off from the scene.)
Cap (E1): Well, he got his immortality.
Cap (E2): But the price was too high to pay.
Cap (E3): There has to be other ways to obtain immortality.
(Panel 4. Empress walks off into the sunset.)
Cap (E): I'm sure he'll be forgotten over time.