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Cissie: "Obsessions"

By The Icehole

(Front cover. On a television, a young blonde woman dressed as Arrowette is trying to capture some criminals. Cissie is watching this in shock and disbelief. Cissie is dressed in a T-shirt and blue jeans.)

Cap (N): A new Arrowette?

(Page 1, panel 1. Prologue. The scene is a typical suburban strip mall, where people are going about their business. One corner of the mall is a bank. Among the other stores are a coffeehouse, supermarket, a few fast food joints, etc.)

Cap (N1): Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

Cap (N2): A typical spring day, and people are going about their business.

Cap (N3): Something will go wrong here.

(Panel 2. Inside the bank, we see several people waiting in line for the tellers.)

Cap (N1): As you've probably figured out already, there will be a robbery here.

Cap (N2): However, what will happen next will be most confusing.

(Panel 3. The bank robbers enter, and point guns and rifles at everyone.)

Robber: Give us all your valuables, and nobody gets hurt! Everyone on the floor now!

(Panel 4. Terrified, the people lie on the floor.)

Robber: Keep your hands on your head!

(Panel 5. The robbers hold out sacks for the teller to dump the money into. She is dressed in a modest business dress.)

Robber: Keep the cash coming, dearie.

(Panel 6. Suddenly an arrow with a boxing glove attached to the end comes out of nowhere, hitting the teller in the jaw.)


(Page 2, splash page. Leave room for credits here. Everyone turns to see a young blonde haired, blue eyed woman, about 13, dressed up as Arrowette. She is pointing another arrow with a boxing glove attached to it at the robbers.)

Cap (A): Dang! I missed him again!

Arrowette II: Freeze right there! You've been busted - courtesy of Arrowette!

Robber: Get her!

(Page 3, panel 1. The robbers fire their guns at Arrowette, who dives to avoid being hit. She also shoots her arrow, hitting a surveillance camera.)

SFX: Blam Blam Blam!

(Panel 2. One of the robbers manages to pistol whip this Arrowette, hitting her in the head.)


Arrowette II: AH!

(Panel 3. Two of the robbers start beating on Arrowette.)

Robber: Some heroine you are! The famous Arrowette - taken down by two thugs! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

(Panel 4. About 4-5 policemen enter, guns drawn.)

Policeman: FREEZE!

Robber: DAMN! Break for it!

(Panel 5. The robbers run, shooting their guns as they go. The police return fire.)

Cap (A1): I had an off day.

Cap (A2): But they won't get away.

(Page 4, panel 1. Cissie's dorm room at her school. She is holding a slumber party for her friends. In the party are Cissie, Wonder Girl, Traya, Secret, and Empress. All of them are dressed in pleasant blouses and either miniskirts or blue jeans, and shoes. On a table there are several bowls of snacks [popcorn, potato chips, etc.] and several glasses of punch.)

Cap (N1): That evening, in Pennsylvania,

Cap (N2): Cissie King-Jones is hosting a slumber party for her friends.

Cissie: Well, everyone ready for a good night?

Empress: Bring it on, mon! It's been way too long since I got to relax and have fun.

(Panel 2. The young women sit down, and start relaxing. Some of them start eating some of the food.)

Empress: So what have you been up to lately?

Cissie: Gosh, I don't know where to begin. Seems like everyone wants me to endorse everything now. I've barely had time to study here.

(Panel 3.)

 Traya: You said it! And all these reporters are clamoring over me to get to Cissie. We've had to ban reporters from this place, but that doesn't stop some of them from trying anyway. 

(Panel 4. Wonder Girl then checks the time.)

Wonder Girl: Oh, it's almost time for Wendy the Werewolf Slayer! Turn on the T.V., Cis!

(Page 5, panel 1. Cissie turns on the television.)

Cissie: Sure, here ya go.

(Panel 2. Cissie sits down again and takes her drink into her hands. There is a television reporter on the television.)

Cissie: Here we go…

Reporter: It's time for a Channel 23 news brief.

(Panel 2. Cissie is seen spewing punch out of her mouth in shock and terror at what she is hearing.)

Reporter: After over a year of not being seen, the heroine Arrowette has shown her face again, this time in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. However, it was said that she was out of form, as she fired two arrows, both of which missed their targets according to witnesses.

(Panel 3. The screen turns shows the surveillance tape that has the new Arrowette shooting an arrow, which hits the camera.)

Reporter: As you can see, this Arrowette is possibly a bigger menace than she is help. Witnesses said her first arrow hit an innocent bystander. When police arrived, the robbers were beating her up. Before they could assist her, Arrowette and the robbers fled in opposite directions.

(Panel 4. The others stare at Cissie, who is dumbfounded by what she has seen.)

Wonder Girl: Cis…?

(Panel 5. Cissie then turns to the phone.)

Cissie: (angry) I am going to KILL my mother!

(Panel 6. Cissie picks up the phone, and dials.)

SFX: Beep boop beep beep.

Wonder Girl: Are you sure this is something your mother did?

Cissie: It has her handprints all over it.

(Page 3, panel 1. The home of Bonnie Jones. Bonnie is doing some dusting, wiping off a cabinet with a rag. She holds a bottle of furniture polish in her hand. Bonnie is also dressed in a nice blouse and pants.)

Cap (N): At the same time…

SFX: Ring! Ring!

(Panel 2. Bonnie goes towards the phone.)

Bonnie: What now?

(Panel 3. Bonnie answers the phone.)

Bonnie: Hello?

(Panel 4. Split the panel with a phone cord. On one side, we see Cissie, angered and seeing red. On the other, Bonnie is shocked at her daughter's accusation.)


Bonnie: What are you talking about, Cissie?

(Page 4, panel 1. Cissie continues her tirade as Bonnie tries in vain to calm her down. The panels on this page continue the phone cord split on them.)

Cissie: Don't give me that, mother! I saw your little new Arrowette on television today! She couldn't hit the broadside of a barn! I can't believe that you'd do something like this to me!

Bonnie: [confused] New Arrowette? Cissie, nobody can replace you. Besides, I've been busy with Frank managing your acting/modeling career to train another Arrowette.

(Panel 2. Bonnie thinks for a little.)

Bonnie: However, if someone has been using your name and likeness, we can sue them for fraud.

Cissie: (confused) I find it very hard to believe that you're not responsible for this, mother.

(Panel 3.)

Bonnie: Cissie, I know we've had our disagreements in the pasts, but get one thing straight: nobody can replace you in my eyes. We have a special bond that only a mother and daughter can. I couldn't stand to see someone else being Arrowette.

Cissie: Well, if you're not responsible for doing this, who is?

(Panel 4. Bonnie gets a deadpan look on her face.)

Bonnie: I don't know, but I'm going to find out. If nothing else, she's going to have to assume a new identity.

(Panel 5. Go out to see Impulse and Superboy hiding in the bushes. Both of them are dressed in t-shirts and blue jeans. Impulse is holding a small video camera.)

Superboy: Are you sure of this?

Impulse: Sure I'm sure! I heard Anita and Cassie talk about it.

(Panel 6.)

Superboy: All right! Some really hot babes in lingerie! You got the camera ready?

Impulse: You bet! Let's do it.

(Page 5, panel 1. Superboy lifts Impulse up and toward a window.)

Impulse: This'll be really great…

(Panel 2. Go back inside to see Superboy and Impulse in the window, with SB holding up Impulse. Impulse is pointing the video camera at our heroines.)

Cissie: Yea, but I said I wanted to wait until summer before I do anything else here. I think my grades should come first.

(Panel 3. Go back outside to see SB and Impulse there. Impulse lowers the camera.)

Impulse: Aw man, they're not in lingerie!

Superboy: Bummer.

(Panel 4.)

Impulse: Uh-oh. Hide!

(Panel 5. Superboy drops Impulse and flies up in the air. Impulse then grabs the window ledge and holds on.)

Impulse: (trying to be quiet) AH!

(Panel 6. Go back inside to see Cissie turn to the window.)

Cissie: Did you hear something?

Wonder Girl: It's probably nothing important.

(Page 6, panel 1. Cissie turns to the window, and looks out it.)

Cissie: I could swear we're being watched.

Wonder Girl: It's all your imagination,  Cissie. C'mon, relax.

(Panel 2. The young women turn away from the window as Impulse peers up again.)

Cissie: Yea, you're right. I'm hallucinating.

(Panel 3. They resume their conversation.)

Cissie: Well, where were we?

(Panel 4. Cissie turns back to the window as Bart ducks down. She then spots Bart's fingers on the windowsill.)

Cissie: Ah…

(Panel 5. She goes over to the window, putting her finger to her lips as if calling for silence.)

Empress: What is it?

(Page 7, panel 1. Cissie grabs a large book, and moves toward the window. Panel 2. In one move she opens the window and slams the book down on Impulse's right hand.)


Impulse: AH!

(Panel 3. The young ladies have sour looks on their faces as they confront Impulse. The others approach the window.)

Cissie: BART! You have done some low things in your time, but this one is going too far! How DARE you spy on us in our slumber party!

Impulse: OW! C'mon, Cis! It was just good clean fun!

(Panel 4. Cissie grabs Bart by his hair with both hands, and pulls him up.)

Cissie: Good clean fun my nose! How would you like it if I spied on you!?

Impulse: (1) O.k! O.k! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Impulse: (2) Did you have to pull the hair?

(Panel 5. Cissie pushes Impulse off the wall, and he goes falling into a bush. Wonder Girl approaches the window.)

Impulse: AH!

Cissie: Just go away, Bart.

Wonder Girl: I know you're around here, K'on! Show yourself!

(Page 8, panel 1. Wonder Girl flies out the window and sees Superboy helping Impulse out of the bushes.)

Wonder Girl: I can't believe you! You have been nothing but raging hormones ever since I met you! Stay away from here, K'on - or you're going to find out just how mean I can get!

(Panel 2. Wonder Girl flies back into the room as there is a knock on the door.)

SFX: Knock! Knock!

(Panel 3. Traya opens the door to see a Dorm leader there. The Dorm leader is in the school uniform.)

Dorm Leader: (Ms. Dartman) Ms. King-Jones, would you kindly refrain from making so much noise?

Cissie: I'm sorry, Ms. Dartman. We caught some boys trying to spy on us.

(Panel 4. Ms. Dartman rolls her eyes.)

Ms. Dartman: Well, let us take care of it next time.

Traya: It shouldn't happen again.

(Panel 5. Traya closes the door.)

Traya: That's what I like about you. There's never a dull moment around you.

Cissie: I wish I could have a dull moment now and then for a change.

(Page 9,  panel 1. Go back to Arrowette II. She is sitting in her bedroom, which is decorated with Cissie King-Jones pictures, a Wendy the Werewolf Slayer poster, and the like. Arrowette II is holding an autographed picture of Cissie in her arms, holding to her chest. She is dressed in her Arrowette outfit.)

Cap (A21): I wanna be just like her!

Cap (A22): Now that I've started the crime-fighting career, I'll be Just like Cissie!

(Panel 2. There is a knock on the door.)

SFX: Knock! Knock!

Arrowette II: Uh-oh.

(Panel 3. Arrowette II quickly tries to remove her outfit, however, her mother opens the door. Her mother is a thirtysomething woman. This older blonde wears a woman's business suit.)

Mother: (1) Melinda, have you -

Arrowette II: Mom! I'm not decent!

(Panel 4. Not amused, her mother shuts the door.)

Mother: I'll say! That outfit makes you look sleazy! I hope you didn't go out in public looking like that!

Arrowette II: Well, I was hoping to wear it on Halloween, but I won't now that you don't like it.

(Panel 5. Arrowette II's mother rolls her eyes.)

Mother: Why can't you have normal angst like a normal teenager?

Arrowette II: Mom! I do!

(Panel 6. Arrowette's mother heads for the exit.)

Mother: Well, dinner will be ready in 5 minutes. Get cleaned up by then, all right.

Arrowette II: Don't worry, I will.

(Page 10, panel 1. A week later, our intrepid Arrowette II is now at a jewelry store where some thugs have tied up the store workers and are robbing the place. The workers are also gagged.)

Cap (N): The next week, our new heroine finds herself involved in a jewelry store robbery…

Arrowette II: Stop right there, evildoers! I will not allow you to harm others! So says Arrowette!

(Panel 2. The thugs advance on her as Arrowette II draws her bow. On the bow is an arrow with a boxing glove on it.)

Thug: You're that new Arrowette! We're gonna get you good!

(Panel 3. Arrowette II fires the arrow, hitting one of the thugs in the chest.)


Thug: UGH!

(Panel 4. The Thug is knocked back off his feet as Arrowette II pulls another arrow from her quiver.)

Arrowette II: Next one's going to really hurt.

Thug: You ain't so tough!

(Panel 5. The thugs catch up to Arrowette II as she unleashes another arrow, missing the thugs, but hitting the tied up workers, cutting the rope that holds them and hitting one of them in the arm.)

Worker: MNEF!

(Page 11, panel 1. The other worker gets up and runs as the Thugs strike Arrowette II.)

Thug: Let's get her! I'm sure we can get something for her on the white slave market.


Arrowette: OW!

(Panel 2. Arrowette tries to get away from the thugs, however, they grab hold of her and hold her down. Unnoticed by the thugs, the worker who was not hit slips out the door.)

Arrowette: Hey! Let me go!

Thug: I hear the slave traders pay extra for a blonde.

(Panel 3. Arrowette II manages to throw one of the thugs into another thug, and slip from their grasp.)

Thug: Hey!

(Panel 4. Arrowette II rushes out of the place to see the police, weapons drawn, pointing their guns at her.)


Arrowette II: Aw, maaan…

(Panel 5. The thugs enter, and see the policemen with their weapons drawn.)

Thug: We've been set up!

(Page 12, panel 1. The thugs try to scatter, but are surrounded. The police tackle them.)

Policeman: (To Arrowette II) That was a very foolish thing you did in there, young lady.

Arrowette II: Well, I'm new at the superheroine game, but I promise I'll get better with time…

(Panel 2.)

Policeman: Does your mother know what you're doing?

Arrowette II: Of course. Now, if you'll excuse me, there's more crime to fight in this city!

(Panel 3. Arrowette II rushes off.)

Policeman: Hey! Come back here!

(Panel 4. Go back to see Cissie and Traya watching television again. They are watching the evening news.)

Cap (N): Later that same day…

Cissie: Man, I don't think that I can take anymore bad news today.

(Panel 5.)

Cissie: I've got three tests tomorrow! I hope I've studied enough for them. I really don't think I can study anymore.

Traya: Everybody needs a break now and then. Just relax, studying will be there when you get back.

(Page 13, panel 1. They watch the news.)

Reporter: And in other news, the new Arrowette has struck again in Eau Claire, this time helping to foil a jewelry store robbery. However, this time she has caused serious injury to an innocent bystander when she shot an arrow, and missed a robber, but hit the bystander who was tied up at the time in the arm.

Cissie: Uh-oh.

Traya: Oh dear…

(Panel 2. Cissie gets a sour look on her face.)

Cissie: I never wanted to go back to this… but it looks like I have no alternative.

(Panel 3. Focus on Cissie's deadpan face.)

Cissie: I'm going to have to talk to her - as Arrowette.

(Panel 4. Go back to a general perspective of the room.)

Traya: Are you sure about this?

Cissie: Someone is dragging my former identity through the mud - and it's time she stopped doing that.

(Page 14, panel 1. Cissie is now dressed in her Arrowette costume, and is at Young Justice headquarters, in the living room. Around her are the members of Young Justice: Robin, Superboy, Wonder Girl, Empress, etc.)

Cap (N): The next day…

Robin: Let me get this straight. Someone has taken to impersonating you, and you want to stop her?

Cissie: She's not as good at this as I am, Rob. I want to stop her before she kills someone - probably herself. I need the team's help to confront her.

(Panel 2. Robin turns away.)

Robin: Well, we've got a thing to take care of - but I think Suzie, K'on and I can handle it.

Cissie: You're a lifesaver, Rob.

(Panel 3. The team is in the spaceship seen in YJ #24-25, flying to Eau Claire. At the controls are Empress and Cissie.)

Cap (N): Later…

Empress: We've got Bart searching the internet for any bit of information we can find on this new Arrowette. Hopefully, we can find her.

Cissie: That's good to know.

(Panel 4. Wonder Girl checks on Impulse, who is watching a site of bikini-clad models.)

Wonder Girl (1): Bart, have you -

Wonder Girl: (2) What do you think you're doing!?

(Panel 5. Bart turns away from the computer, and gets face-to-face with Wonder Girl.)

Wonder Girl: Geez, I can't believe you'd be visiting this site when you're supposed to be searching for information about this new Arrowette! Can't you do something to curb your hormones?!

Impulse: Calm down, Cassie. I've already finished everything. I've got a real name for her. Seems she's been known to cut out of school at the same time Arrowette II has shown up. Her name's Melinda Ramsey, and I've got an address in Eau Claire for her too.

(Panel 6. Impressed, Wonder Girl backs down, and shows her surprise on her face.)

Wonder Girl: Really? Well, that was fast enough…

Empress: (from off panel): We're in the Eau Claire area, mon…

(Page 15, panel 1. Another bank. The place is being robbed by some of the robbers we've seen earlier.)

Cap (N): Meanwhile…

Thug: Don't anyone try to stop us!

(Panel 2. Suddenly an arrow enters from nowhere, striking the thug in the hand.)


Thug: AH!

(Panel 3. Enter Arrowette II, ready to fire more arrows with bow loaded and drawn.)

Arrowette II: The next one's going into someone's leg!

(Panel 4. The Thugs rush Arrowette II, who fires her arrow. She manages to hit the barrel of one of the guns this time.)

SFX: Shirp!

Thug: HEY!

(Page 16, panel 1. The thugs catch up to Arrowette II, who now pulls a karate kick on one of them.)

Arrowette II: I guess I forgot to mention I've been training in self-defense too.


(Panel 2. One of the thugs manages to pistol whip Arrowette II, hitting her in the back of the head.)


Arrowette II: UH!

(Panel 3. Arrowette II connects with a karate chop to the thug's jaw.)

Arrowette II: I learn from my mistakes.


(Panel 4. The thug manages to kick Arrowette II, sending her back into a corner.)


Thug: I know self-defense too, girlie!

(Page 17, panel 1. Suddenly an arrow comes out of nowhere, hitting the man on his clothing in the shoulder. This momentum takes him back to the wall, and pins him there.)

SFX: Whap!

(Panel 2. Cissie enters, wearing her Arrowette costume. With her are Empress and Impulse.)

Cissie: (coldly, 1) We have to talk.

Cissie: (Coldly, 2) Now.

(Panel 3. Arrowette II rushes up to Cissie.)

Arrowette II: Wow! It's you! It's really you! I feel so honored to meet you! I can't believe I'm in the same room with Cissie King-Jones!

(Panel 4. Cissie is stunned that this person knows her identity. The others are shocked as well.)

Cissie: What - what makes you think I'm Cissie King-Jones?

Arrowette II: (1) Come on! I've studied your life completely! I know who you are, and I want to be just like you!

Arrowette II: (2) About the only thing you've done that I haven't is guest starred on Wendy the Werewolf Stalker.

Arrowette II: (3) But my agent is working on it.

(Panel 5. Empress and Impulse stare nervously and with disbelief at each other. Cissie, not amused, approaches Arrowette II.)

Cissie: Let me get this straight. You idolize Cissie King-Jones so much you've copied her life down? And now you think I'm her?

Arrowette II: Oh, come on! I know it's you, Cissie. You don't have to hide it from me.

(Panel 6. Cissie touches her hand to her forehead as if to say, "I don't like where this is headed.")

Cissie: Why couldn't you have picked someone else?

Arrowette II: Say, can I have your autograph?

(Page 18, panel 1. Arrowette II pulls out an autograph book from her quiver of arrows. Cissie removes her hand from her forehead, and gets an angry look on her face.)

Empress: (To Impulse) Let's take care of these guys before they get away.

Cissie: I can't believe this! You go around and imitate me? What on earth for?

Arrowette II: Who doesn't want to be you? You're young, beautiful, athletic, talented… you've got a hunky boyfriend.

(Panel 2. Cissie rolls her eyes, still somewhat disbelieving what she has heard.)

Cissie: Look, there's already one me in the world - the world doesn't need another.

Arrowette II: But - there's always a need for more heroes!

(Panel 3. Exasperated, Cissie struggles to control herself. Behind her, Impulse and Empress are typing up the robbers.)

Cissie: But I didn't just up and decide to be Arrowette one day! I trained hard for years before I went out on my first case!

Arrowette II: (1) I know that - and I trained too…

Arrowette II: (2, weakly) A little…

Empress: I don't think it was enough.

(Panel 4. Cissie, no longer able to control herself, lashes out at Arrowette II. She gets a very angry look on her face. Her hands are bunched into fists.)

Cissie: You couldn't hit the broadside of a barn! Face it - you have no aptitude for this kind of work!

Arrowette II: I can too hit the broadside of a barn! I can be good at this!

(Panel 5. Impulse touches Cissie on the shoulder.)

Impulse: Cis, I have an idea here…

(Panel 6. Impulse whispers into Cissie's ear. Cissie has a look of surprise on her face.)

Impulse: (whisper, whisper.)

Cissie: Good lord that's inhuman.

(Page 22, panel 1. Cissie turns towards Impulse, looking shocked.)

Cissie: I don't know if I could inflict such torture on another person.

Impulse: It may be the only way to get rid of her for good.

Voice (From off panel): I have another way.

(Panel 2. Everyone turns to see Wonder Girl there, with Arrowette II's mother.)

Arrowette II: Mom!

Her mother: Melinda, I must say I am shocked and horrified by what I am seeing now! That does it, no more archery for you!

(Panel 3. Arrowette II's mother grabs Arrowette II by the wrist, trying to drag her off.)

Mother: I turn away from you for one minute and you go and do something silly like this. I can't believe that you'd put yourself so needlessly in danger!

Arrowette II: Aw, mom!

(Panel 4. Arrowette II's mom drags Arrowette II off.)

Mother: No buts! It's my duty to see that you are raised in a wholesome, friendly environment. This is not something you should do until you are 18, young woman!

Arrowette II: Mom! C'mon!

(Panel 5. Arrowette II and her mother exit.)

Cissie: You're a lifesaver, Cassie.

Wonder Girl: It's all right, Cissie.

(Panel 6. The YJ group starts to exit the place.)

Impulse: So, was it good to get back in the old outfit?

Cissie: Well, it's nice that I can go back to being Arrowette any time I want, but I don't think I want to keep doing this.
