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Luling Fire Department

The City of Luling was officially named & chartered on September 19, 1874. With a population of approximately 1000, the need for fire protection was realized. In late 1874, Luling Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1 was formed.

The city had grown by 1892 and the need for additional fire protection was realized and on February 24, 1892, Luling Hose Co. No. 1 was chartered. At this time, two hose carts, several sections of hose, a nozzle, a plug amd wrench were purchased. By 1894, Hose Co. No. 1 had 20 members and Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1 had 22 members. On February 6, 1901 the East End Hose Co. was chartered and began with 24 members.

Oil was discovered in 1922 in the Luling area leading to a very rapid growth. To combine efforts, in July 1925 the three Volunteer Fire Companies were consolidated into the Luling Volunteer Fire Department. In 1931 a new REO Speedwagon Pumper was purchased. The Fire Department has grown through out the years and is currently a combination department with 5 paid personnel and 29 volunteers. There are two stations located within Luling and the Central Station is manned 24 hours a day. The department has purchased over the years a 1938 Diamond T 500 GPM Pumper and maintains three Class A pumpers, a first response booster truck, a rescue unit, four brush trucks, a 1000 gallon tanker and a 4X4 Chief's unit.

The Luling Fire Department suffered it's only fatality in the line of duty on November 18, 1933. Chief J.N. Wells was killed while responding to an oil refinery fire. The chemical fire engine that Chief Wells was a passenger in, skidded in loose gravel and rolled over. Three other firefighters were injured in the accident.

The Luling Volunteer Fire Department has had five Chief's since its inception.


J.N. WELLS.....................July 1925 - November 18, 1933

R.O. MUENSTER..................November 1933 - February 1943

PAUL B. CONLEY.................February 1943 - December 1957

LEVIS BASSETT..................January 1958 - April 1982

PAUL STAHL, JR.................May 1982 - Present

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