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1) The Rom Realm(Soon To Be "Emulation Empire")
Roms For: Snes, Genesis, Nes, Lynx, GameBoy, Sega Master System, 2600, GameGear and More
Also Includes: Chat, Message Boards, Request, A Tupac Page and More
"The Ultimate Direct Download Site" Where This Ring Started

2)KLee8084's Page
Roms For: Links To Direct Download Sites For Just about All Emulators and Roms For Them
Also Includes: Lots Of Links, And Maybe soon Utilities and Emulators For Linux/Unix Users. Nice Page

3)Emulation Hangout!
Roms For: Genesis, Snes, PSX, Callus, Sys16, and N64
Also Includes:Daily Updates, Good Site

4) Roms+Games
Also Includes: N/A

5) Classic Heaven
Emulators For: Atari: 2600,Atari St,Atari 5200 + ROMS(Biggest Source of Atari 2600 roms on the Net!) Arcade:MAME31,Winmame32-31b,Rage,Sega16, AppleIIe:Applewin,ApplePC, C-64: Free64 (More to Come.) GameBoy:NO$GB,GB97, Nintendo:Nesticle,Nofrendo,fwNES,iNES,NESLord, Sega Master System: Message, Turbo-16:Magic Engine
Also Includes:Lots Of emulators for Many Systems and Consols. Roms Coming Soon

6)Keleios Emulators
Emulators For: GB, SNES, Nes
Other Info: None

7)Gage's Emulation Extravaganza
Roms For:Nes And Snes Roms
Other Info: Just Started, Will Grow...

8) Joe's Premium Emulation
Roms For: Snes, Genesis, SMS, Nes, Gameboy
Other Info: None

9)Rom Page
Roms For: NES Emulators: Nesticle
Other Info: Dedicated Soley To Nes

10) The Rom Dungeon
Roms For: Gameboy, soon to have SNES and Genesis
Other Info: Lots OF roms.

11) Manaburns Web Page
Roms For: NES and SNES
Other Info: SOon To Have N64 and More Games

12) Pains Emulation Page
Roms FOr: NES, Genesis, Snes
Other Info: