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Final Fantasy Fanime

To show my extreme gratitude to Squaresoft's masterpiece, I've dedicated this part to it's vast characters. Although this place is just a speck of nothing I'll try my best to show how MUCH I appreciate Squaresoft.

Click on the tubnail to see the full version of the picture. These pictures are specially sized for printing a sheet so feel free to print them out. Also, please tell me what pics you like on the guestbook if you have time. State the title, and what you liked about it. I always want feedback on my pics. Constructive critism is also HIGHLY appreciated.

Warning: Images range between 90KB to 300 KB. Please be extra patient since file sizes are larger than usual due to the fact that they are specially arranged for printing out. After all, this isn't a text page so I guess you really can't expect images to load as fast as text. Also, most of the images on here are on my Geocities account and therefore it may take awhile to load due to the busy server.

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Title: Waiting *New*
Size: 517 x 779[165 KB]
Date of Completion: October 24, 1999
Comments: I like this picture very much. I think my favorite part is the hair and skin coloring. I am very pleased with the hair. I hope I can control the highlights like I did on this picture of Selphie. I wanted to draw a picture of her looking cute in clothing that is typical of a high school. I paid close attention to the shading of the folds in the clothing. That is something I wanted to work on. Hopefully, my rendering and light source consitency is getting better. The only thing I don't like about this picture too much is the bg. I wanted to put her on a beach, but I couldn't find a decent picture to stick in. OH! I was also pleased that I got the lines to show up. The other Selphie pic lost it's lines when I did the glow effect, thus losing some form. This picture however, retains most of it. Overall, I am happy with this picture. This is quite rare for me.

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Title: Another Sweet Field
Size: 517 x 779[117 KB]
Date of Completion: October 8, 1999
Comments: My first Final Fantasy 8 fanart. I haven't played the game yet, but I did like Selphie's cute character design. This picture was inspired after listening to SPEED's song "Another Sweet Field". I don't know what the words mean, but I was influenced in using the a flowery field bg. Someone game the picture of these flowers used in the background.'s been awhile since I did an FF fanart. Hopefully, I'll pick up the this gallery soon. Another comment I wanted to point out is the lines. I have a new style of using lines in my pic. They are ultra fine, sometimes so fine that it blends in with the color. I use the hue/saturation tool to colorize the lines according to the shading it encapsulates. This drawing seems to have more form, and it's less sketchy and blurred out. I'm slowly trying to produce higher quality CGs, that are like the Japanese fanartists. You will notice the huge resemblences and influences I have in my later pics to come with the Japanese fanartist scene. I like this picture a lot.

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Title: No One Else Comes Close
Size: 638 x 818[155 KB]
Date of Completion: July 14, 1999
Comments: He he he....well, my Final Fantasy fanart has been slowly decreasing in number due to my other new interests but I still try to produce some Cloud and Aerith fanart. As you can see, this is another "close" love pic of the two. This picture was inspired by Backstreet Boy's song "No One Else Comes Close". I learned some new stuff on this pic. It's still soft, but I was able to sorta blend the picture into the background some. Since it took me a good 6 hours to do, I wasn't dissapointed with the results. I'm pretty happy with this picture for once!^_^;;

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Title: Together Again*NEW*
Size: 638 x 709[140 KB]
Date of Completion: June 2, 1999
Comments: After a LONG abesence from doing FF fanart, I finally get back in gear with the best fanart I've produced up to date. This picture is like a rebirth in my art, my inspiration to go on. Anyhow, this piece is of Aerith and Cloud looking up from the lifestream or something like that. I got the inspiration to do this picture from N'Sync's song "Together Again" from their European Debut album I ordered awhile back. It reminded me so much of their parting that I suddenly sketched Aerith and Cloud....from a different angle from that matter. I never drew from such a difficult angle. Anyhow, the process of this picture took a pretty long time. I used the sketchy/watercolor effect I've been using, combined with some cel-style coloring, and the new dreamy/glossy effect I've been working on. A new technique I used for this pic to give it a more softer quality is the soft light brown lines as opposed to the thick black lines I've been known to use. When you visit a lot of Japanese fanart sites, you get inspired to do these kind of things. In additiion to the brown lines, I also put a lot of effort on the eyes to make them more softer and "prettier." Over all, this is my favorite picture I've made so far. I really like how soft the colors are, which is my goal for future pictures to come.

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Title: Her First Love*NEW*
Size: 616 x 815[136 KB]
Date of Completion: March 19, 1999
Comments: Well looky here... another fanart in the same day! Man, I've been producing a lot lately thanks to this new coloring technique. This is my first fanart of Zacks, my new favorite character in FF7, and Aerith's first love. I did this sketch in the library yesterday looking for poems to do for my Speech Competition this coming weekend. Since there's not a lot of references of this super cool dude, I just had to go by what I knew, and saw in the game. So this is what I came up with. Again, I used the same method on Photoshop, and cleaned the edges with an airbrush tool. I really like this picture since it turned out better than I thought it would be. (The sketch wasn't all too good at first....) Anyhow, you'll see more fanarts of Zacks...and possibly Aerith, depending on who I believe Aerith should be.-_-;;

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Title: Memories That Won't Fade Away
Size: 625 x 821[177 KB]
Date of Completion: March 20, 1999
Comments: After watching the Golden Saucer event where Aerith goes to Cloud's hotel room and asks him for a date, I was motivated to do a picture that depicted the tender scene when they sat together on a jet coaster. Since Aerith died in FF7, I wanted to reflect Cloud's undying memory of Aerith's affection for him. So....I used the soft coloring technique to give this a "heavenly" atmosphere; hence the misty over all quality it has. I made Aerith a lot paler since I wanted to suggest her spirit embracing Cloud like she did during their date at the Golden Saucer as he think about her. Over all, this picture was not difficult to do. Actually, I scribble this one pretty face, yet I still love the end result. The poem that goes with it is written by me. It represents my thoughts and feelings toward Cloud's and Aerith's tragedic love story.

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Title: Save Our Souls
Size: 614 x 792[175 KB]
Date of Completion: March 19, 1999
Comments: HUH? Another picture produced in one day? You see what I mean about how fast this new way to color is. I was so excited about the end result of the last picture, that I decided to do a quick experiment with another picture. This is of Aerith, which was inspired by a song called "Save Our Song" by ever-so-cool Hatsumi Morinaga! The English lyrics on the picture are from the song.... If you look closey at the picture, you may see a style change. I think Aerith looks a lot cuter when I draw her like that. The same method was used on this picture. The soft quality really helps give an "angelic" effect on Aerith. After all, isn't Aerith an angel anyway? I experimented on lighting effects in this picture, and got a pretty satisfactory result. Although I wish Aerith's body was a little lighter.

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Title: The Spirit of A School Girl: Relm
Size: 578 x 752 [160 KB]
Date of Completion: March 19, 1999
Comments: What is this you say? Something VERY VERY soft in nature.... Emiko, my partner in art, taught me her technique for coloring rough sketches, and so I did one. This is a fanart of Relm in a school outfit. The new coloring technique is so cool. It's very convinient for someone who doesn't have a lot of time like me. This fanart took about 45 minutes to an hour, as opposed to my normal 6-15 hours of labor for one pic. The coloring in this one wasn't too hard. I think this who new "coloring" gives the picture a more tender feeling which I wanted to emphasize on. And since it doesn't take long to do a CG in this style, don't be surprised if you suddenly see plenty of them pop up. Of course, the only draw back to this is I can't get too small, or detail with the picture. Please send me comments about this new coloring I have learn. I really need the feedback.^_^;

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Title: Fire, Water, and Wind: The 3 Delta Children
Size: 638 x 877 [288 KB]
Date of Completion: March 14, 1999
Comments: It's been awhile since I got any FF4 fanart up. This is of Palom, Porom, and Child Rydia. Using Photoshop, I managed to pull through a couple of experiements as far as coloring. The main experiement I wanted to try was the "texture" filled clothing they are wearing. I wanted more depth in their clothing to give them more of a "rough, woven look." Most anime clothing doesn't really have texture, and in real life, they do so I hope the texture in the clothing helps.-_-;; After all, I don't think they were wearing anything that was smooth and silky in the game. The only thing I really don't like about this picture is the linework. I wish they could be more precise, and neater. I'm somewhat pleased with the background since it took a lot of thought and time to make it and the composition isn't too shabby if I must say so myself. Overall, I believe I learned some new stuff with this pic.^_^

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E-mail:Richard Abril
*Reminder*: All characters on this page are copyrighted by Squaresoft. All rights reserved. Please notify me before using my fan art. Also, read the disclaimers for further information on copyrights, what you can, and can't do with my work, etc.