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N' Sync Fanart

This part of my page is dedicated to all the female audiences(and males too). Since N'Sync is one of my favorite band (my favorite US one thus far), I'd like to show my appreciation toward them with some fanart. I apologize to N'Sync, if your portrait, or how I portrait you in cartoon/anime style doesn't suit you. I tried hard just to do something that would be different from all the other N'Sync sites. Also included are other "Pop" star groups like Backstreet and singers like Britney Spears, and stuff. Click on the link below to access the rest of the art.

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Warning: Images range between 30KB to 200 KB. Please be extra patient. After all, this isn't a text page so I guess you really can't expect images to load as fast as text. Also, some images are on my Geocities server, so these images may take awhile to load depending on how busy Geocities is.

[ Current Archieve | Backstreet Boys/Etc ]

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Title: N'Sync*NEW*
Size: 633 x 806 [164 KB]
Date of Completion: June 29, 1999
Comments: Okay, this CG is a cover for CD that is to be given to N'Sync by some of my friends in Canada. I worked VERY VERY hard on this one. It took me more than 10 hours to finish this CG believe it or not. The picture was based off of a N'Sync posterr. I just sorta "anime-stylized" the guys and gave them some new clothing or new colors. As you may have noticed, I drew Chris in how he use to wear his hair back in Europe since I couldn't get the braids down too well. I was extra careful with the hair on this pic. Other than that, I didn't learn much from this piece. I guess you can say this is the product of all the experiementing I've been doing in my past pics. I REALLY like this piece a lot!

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Title: Tyler Chasez Headshot
Size: 614 x 802 [135 KB]
Date of Completion: May 1999
Comments: This is a fanart of JC Chasez's younger brother Tyler Chasez, I did for the Tyler Chasez Official Webpage. Since JC is my favorite singer, I wanted to know a little bit more about his family so I did some research on his brother. So, I did this picture of him from a picture that JC's father, Roy, sent to the Official Tyler Chasez webpage. The thing I used for this pic is basically going back to the dreamy soft quality, but I did change the lines, and how they appear. I wanted a softer quality to the lines, but I wanted to retain the form so I made the lines a soft brown color. As for effects, I used more "sparkles" around Tyler just to give it a more glowing, heavenly look. Perhaps I will do more of my pics with sparkles. And yes, I know Tyler's not on N'Sync, but hey, he IS JC's brother.^_^

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Title: Lance Bass Headshot
Size: 618 x 799 [147 KB]
Date of Completion: April 10, 1999
Comments: Yet another N'Sync fanart. I've been doing a lot of singing along with their songs and I just happen to draw Lance Bass after taking a break (4 hours of singing can do that to ya...). Since most of the pages are usually about JC or Justin, i decided to draw Lass, and later on I'll draw Chris and Joey to give them all an equal share of attention. I mean, they're all cool guys that I want to sing like someday!-_-;; I'm still stuck with my soft-dreamy coloring technique. I hope you guys aren't getting tired of it... There was nothing really new to learn from this picture except how to use the burn tool a little more efficient on the hair. Actually, this is the best hair coloring I've done so far as far as this new technique is concerned.

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Title: Justin Randall Timberlake Headshot
Size: 638 x 835 [161 KB]
Date of Completion: April 4, 1999
Comments: Okay, here's my very first fanart from the super cool group N'Sync. This is suppose to be Justin Timberlake. I tried to get his face the way it should look, and my sister says I got it. I dunno...I just hope if he sees this that he won't be upset that I drew him like this. Again, I used the new sketchy, dreamy technique since it's a lot faster, and quite frankly, more fun. One thing I learned new about this picture is the "soft overlay" feature which lets me put a photo into the background to blend. I guess having his actual photo in the bg helps distinguish his anime portrait. Over all, I'm pretty satisfied with this pic but I know I could have done better in coloring the hair.

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Title: JC Chasez Headshot
Size: 618 x 799 [147 KB]
Date of Completion: April 5, 1999
Comments: Another N'Sync fanart. This is of JC Chasez, the other lead singer of N'Sync. Actually, he's my favorite of the group 'cuz I try to immitate his voice when working on my singing. I guess he's my role model when it comes to singing....which....for me isn't going all too well.-_-;; This is just another headshot. Right now I'm just trying to convert the N'Sync photos into anime style drawings. It's kind of hard to make them look like them in anime style, but hopefully, there is some type of essence or something. I used the same technique as the picture above, but I did put extra effort into the hair. I'm currently using the smudge tool, and the dodge and burn tools. I use to not use these tools at all, but lately they've been a good assistence to my rendering. I also used the texture technique I experimented on some of my newer cel style pics for his clothing. I used the picture on the N'Sync CD as a model so I got his favorite clothing: his leather jacket (which I would like to get as well). Overall, I can see some slight improvements in the technique. I still have to make it all glowing and luminous, but I guess that's not a bad thing.

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*Reminder*: Please do NOT take pictures of N'Sync off this page. These are one of a kind fanarts of N'Sync, which is a rare fleet on the net right now. None of these pictures are intended for profit; this is showing merely my HUGE fandom for these super cool dudes!^_^;