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Rhythmic Emotions Gallery

My very first manga Rhythmic Emotions will feature several aspects of "high school" life. Here is just a small section where I will keep all the "official" drawings of my characters from the manga. Please do not use these illustrations for anything else but viewing -- all characters are COPYRIGHTED and created by me. I hope you enjoy the illustrations for they represent my original work.

Click on the tubnail to see the full version of the picture. These pictures are specially sized for printing a sheet so feel free to print them out. Also, please tell me what pics you like on the guestbook if you have time. State the title, and what you liked about it. I always want feedback on my pics.

Warning: Images range between 90KB to 300 KB. Please be extra patient since file sizes are larger than usual due to the fact that they are specially arranged for printing out. After all, this isn't a text page so I guess you really can't expect images to load as fast as text. Also, most of the images on here are on my Geocities account and therefore it may take awhile to load due to the busy server.

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Title: Everyday, I'll Be With You*NEW*
Size:584 x 792 [136 KB]
Date of Completion: March 26, 2000
Comments: Okay, judging from the date, this isn't a very recent pic. I just forgot to update my page with this when I did finish it awhile back. This is of Kelly and Patrick, the perfect couple that everyone wants to have. As you can see, Patrick's physical appearence has yet again, evolved. I changed the hair color of his to a silky golden color, rather than having it bleached blonde, where there were no "sparkle/shine" in the hair. I like the pose in the picture. It was intended to look like a yearbook photograph, so I made the back ground pretty dark. They are at a football game if you haven't figured it out.^_^ LOL From what I can remember, this pic did take awhile to finish. I liked how the faces turned out, but I didn't really like the shading of the folds in the clothing. Inspired by Eriko Imai's song "Everyday, Be With You."

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Title: The Other Girl*NEW*
Size:566 x 821 [160 KB]
Date of Completion: February 5, 2000
Comments: Another revised charater design was done on Tiffany. If you've seen her earlier, she had short hair that was in a bob. But I decided that it was too typical, and made her look too sweet. This revised version of her seems to fit her personality more. The best part I like about this picture is how her hair turned out, and the shading of her skin. The clothing is an improvement, but I still think I could do better. Overall, this is just a picture to see how she will eventually look in my manga. Hopefully, she does look more snobby and sophisticated at the same time. This is, again, another picture I forgot to post on my page when I finished rendering it. So it's not a recent pic at all...

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Title: In My Room
Size:663 x 762 [151 KB]
Date of Completion: January 2, 2000
Comments: The biggest change in Kera's physical design is her hair. I didn't like how her hair originally had a light blonde look with no SPARKLEs and silky shine to it. My style is probably going to have that distinct factor of shine in the hair if it can be helped. So I drew another picture of Kera, in a cute, simple pose where I can focus on her hair. The end result of the hair pleased me very much-- so I guess I'll keep this golden shine to it. The drappery still needs some work, but I'm getting there. Sometimes I get lucky and pull off some decent drappery, but this one is just "average" I suppose. The background took while to do. I found a simple picture of a bedroom, stuck it on there, blurred it some, and that was that. The window was the hardest to make sort of real. I made a separate frame for the window, and put some shine marks to make it seem like a window. I think did alright on this one. Anyhow, I still like this picture regardless of it's mistakes-- man, I've been starting to like most of my pictures now.

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Title: Love Me Like You Say
Size:643 x 870 [128 KB]
Date of Completion: December 23, 1999
Comments: Perhaps my best drawing up to date, I have to admit that it did take some time to finish this picture. This is of Kelly and Patrick, the hopeless couple in the manga. I was inspired to draw this by listening to Monica's "Street Symphony" which by the way, is an AWSOME R&B song!!! I love how you can mix a symphonic band to some dance beat-- plus Monica's voice is just beautiful. Anyhow, this picture was divided into two parts. The first part was Kelly, which I drew on a separate sheet of paper. I colored her carefully. The second part is of Patrick, which I draw on a separate sheet. I think him being in the background gives the picture more of an emotional impact since he always has his destinct "hopeful" smile in his face. I learned how to use the "shoujo" bubbles and sparkles more efficiently in the background by really studying the Japanese fanart sites. Trying to get a solid style is hard, but I feel like I am comfortable with how I draw now -- thanks to all the Japanese influence and inspiration from Reni artists like D'Vinci and stuff. Overall, this is one of my favorite works.

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Title: Sophisticated Girl: Tiffany McAdams
Size:539 x 844 [99 KB]
Date of Completion: December 30, 1999
Comments: Another character from my manga "Rhythmic Emotions" appears in my gallery. This is of Tiffany McAdams, the super rich, snob who certainly is populuar at the high school. She is the arch rival of Kelly and envies her achievements. I wanted to make her look more "snobish" and "cold" but my style of drawing sort of makes it hard to do so. I think she still looks too "sweet" to be mean.... I guess she can work it to her advantage. Over all, I really like this picture despite the simple layout of it. The hair on her came out great in my opionion. I was really happy with it! By the way, the background was inspired and influenced by SPEED's new song at the time "Long Way Home." SPEED's music video background is what provided the basis of the whole overall appearence.

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Title: I Am Your Eve: You Are My Adam
Size:638 x 828 [172 KB]
Date of Completion: December 8, 1999
Comments: Still in his early stages of character design, I decided to draw a more casual picture of Patrick. I think the hardest part about drawing and creating your own characters, is keeping the consistancy of their "look" every time you draw them. I practiced his proportions in this CG and I think I got them down pretty decently. If you look at the lines, you will notice how thin they are, and how they match the corresponding color area you they encapsulate. I'm pretty happy with the picture -- the background is a real photo of a locker room. Come to think of it, I better get many photographs for scenes in my manga since I will use "realistic" bgs to fit my drawings. Over all, they only thing I am not happy with is the drappery of the cloth. I have to study them even more to get it right.

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Title: Merry Christmas '99*NEW*
Size:585 x 808 [160 KB]
Date of Completion: December 18, 1999
Comments: For the final Christmas of the '90s, I made a little Christmas card of Kelly Anderson from my manga "Rhythmic Emotions." I really made sure to get a more "solid" coloring on the hair since it seems to lose it's form when I just do airbrush coloring on it. Cel style seems to work best for the hair. Actually, this was the first drawing I ever did of Kelly that turned into a CG. Hopefully, those who received this Christmas card liked it. It took awhile to do as well, but it was actually fun coloring the folds of the clothing which still need a lot of work.

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Title: Best Friends*NEW*
Size:556 x 795 [122 KB]
Date of Completion: December 23, 1999
Comments: This is just a little cute illustration I did for my manga "Rhythmic Emotions." You can see the two main characters, Kelly and Kera. I liked how Kelly's character design turned out-- she seems to come off as a very pretty girl while Kera seems to come off as a very "innocent" and "naive" type of girl. This picture took a little longer than expected, but I am prety happy with how it turned out. The hair and clothing folds is what I am most proud of. Nothing really new to talk about as far as techniques go.

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Title: Invisible Girl
Size:638 x 874 [221 KB]
Date of Completion: November 25, 1999
Comments: While listening to an acappella version of 98 Degrees' "Invisible Man" I was inspired to draw Kera Killingsworth, the main heroine of my manga that I have been raving about for more than a year and a half now, Rhythmic Emotions. Yeah, I haven't gotten to the actual manga, let alone the whole plot and character designs. I keep revising it, and changing it up. One of these days I will have an actual issue. For now, please enjoy this emotional picture of Kera contemplating on a sunset on a beach. I like her blowing her; it's my first pic that has more "movement" and itsn't just a pose. Coloring-wise, I am still satisfied. I am looking more more making the lines a little more vibrant and visible. It's..... a little TOO seamless to me now. I'll correct this in future drawings. Over all, the background really helped the picture. I like this picture a lot.

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Title: Patrick Keathley
Size:584 x 770 [120 KB]
Date of Completion: September 29, 1999
Comments: A main character in my upcoming manga "Rhythmic Emotions", I used a different approach in how i handled the lines for this pictures. I still used extra fine lines, like that of the Japanese, and I colorized the lines to the corresponding color of the enclosed area. This is of Patrick Keathley, a head strong, polite, intelligent quaterback. His personality is that of a perfect guy I guess. Many of the girls I've asked for distinguishing guy characteristics is put into him. Well...I tried anyway...... Actually, I used a football player at my school to use as a model when I drew him. Hopefully, this will appeal to the girls who read this manga. This picture didn't take too long. It was a good 4 hours or so. The thing that takes the most is the colorizing of the lines and super careful rendering. Since I wanted to keep the form of the picture, I had to make sure it wasn't too blurry and stuff. Overall, I am happy with this character design, since I got a lot of positive feedback from several girls I've ask.^_^;;

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E-mail:Richard Abril
*Reminder*: All characters on this page are copyrighted by Richard Abril. Please notify me before using my art. Also, read the disclaimers for further information on copyrights, what you can, and can't do with my work, etc.