Our FITZPATRICK Family Historyby Christi Watkins |
Olivia G ....... and her sister ....... Talitha Cumi
These are just two of the unique women who are included in our FITZPATRICK family tree. Below is a brief outline of other family members that we currently know. This has been a "sentimental journey" that includes mystery, intrigue, overwhelming sadness, romance, and the reuniting of cousins 100 years after the deaths of two sisters.
ELISHA FITZPATRICK was born in 1814 in Georgia. He died about 1859. He married ANNA LONG in Chambers County, Alabama, on November 15, 1837. They had the following children:
1) THOMAS B. born c. 1839 in Alabama, he died c. 1862.
Thomas married May 31, 1861, MARIAH HASTY, daughter of John and Margaret Cook Hasty of Dallas County, Arkansas. Thomas served in the Civil War, Confederate, CO. I, 12th Arkansas Infantry. His wife Mariah was b. 1840, in Clark County, Arkansas and died 1866 in Cleveland County, Arkansas.
Nancy married TURNER ROGERS on February 6, 1859, in Dallas County, Arkansas. We don't know when they died.
Sarah Ann married ROBERT T. SEYMORE, January 12, 1860, in Dallas County, Arkansas. Sarah Ann married a second time to ALBERRY CHILDERS, son of GREENVILLE CHILDERS AND ELIZABETH MELTON, on May 11, 1862, in Dallas County, Arkansas. Alberry was born September 25, 1841, Perry, Alabama. He died July 17, 1921 in Sheridan, Grant County, Arkansas. He was also a confederate soldier.
Mary Elizabeth married WILLIAM CHILDERS, on January 12, 1860 in Dallas County, Arkansas. William was born in 1832 in Alabama and he died October 8, 1863, in Alton, Madison, Illinois. He served in CO. E., 37th Arkansas Infantry. He was captured, July 4, 1863, and was sent to a military prison at Alton, Illinois. He died in prison from smallpox. Mary married a second time to JOHN R. HENDERSON, July 24, 1866, in Little River, Arkansas.
He served Confederate, CO. D., 2nd Arkansas Calvary.
She died in 1881, Croak, Cleveland County, Arkansas and is buried at the Kennedy Cemetery there. Olivia married JOHN CARREN CHILDERS, son of Greenville Childers and Elizabeth Melton, on January 20, 1867, in Sevier County, Arkansas. Her husband John Carron Childers, died January 29, 1926 in Croak, Cleveland County, Arkansas. The story is told by her son, that his last memory of his mother was lying in a coffin with a baby beside her, that she died having. He also remembers there being coins on her eyes.
OLIVIA AND JOHN CARREN CHILDERS had the following children:1) John Alberry -- b. December 12, 1867 d. 1912. He married ZONA GAGE in 1903.
(2) Lutesia Frances Narcissus -- b. September 15, 1869 d. 1871.
3) Annie Elizabeth -- b. February 5, 1872 d. February 21, 1946. She married FELIX ELBERT WILSON on February 6, 1890, son of URIAH WILSON and MARTHA MALINDA WRIGHT,.
4) Nancy Isabell -- b. September 1, 1873 d. 1875.
5) Walter Burton -- b. January 30, 1877 d. January 10, 1913. He married wife #1 -- MALINDA WILSON on January 2, 1898. He married wife #2 -- JULIA RICHARDSON, September 14, 1910.
6) Robert Lee -- b. July 15, 1878 d. November 4, 1940. He married MAUD EUNICE RUSSELL.
7) Baby -- b. 1881 d. 1881
He died April 1872 in Little River, Arkansas. His homestead papers lists no wife or children for him.
She was called Frances. She married FLETCHER BISHOP, on December 23, 1877 in Sevier County, Arkansas.
Martha married ANDREW L. WILSON, on March 1, 1877 in Cleveland County, Arkansas.
Talitha died in August 20,1905 in Hodges, Jones County, Texas, of Typhoid Fever. She married WILLIAM HENRY WILSON, January 18, 1876, son of URIAH AND MARY ANN NORTON WILSON, in Dorsey County, Arkansas. William was born February 8, 1850 and died February 14, 1889, in Cleveland County, Arkansas. He is buried at Kennedy Cemetery in that county. After the death of William, Talitha married EVAN BOYD McCOY, May 10, 1891, in Cleveland County, Arkansas. Evan was the son of DRAYTON BENNETT AND EDNA ELIZABETH BARNES McCOY. Evan was born, July 12, 1843, in Mississippi. Evan died December 20, 1919 in Hodges, Jones County, Texas. Evan had served in the Confederate Army, 35th Mississippi Infantry.
Click on the album to see Talitha's Children
TALITHA AND WILLIAM HENRY WILSON had the following children:
1) William Thomas -- b. November 19, 1876 d. September 18, 1966.
His first wife was his step sister, MARY McCOY, daughter of EVAN BOYD McCOY and ELIZA CRABB. Mary died as a result of complications following the stillborn death of a baby. Tom and Mary had two sons, Earl and Arthur "Pug". Tom married his second wife, LILLY EWING, on September 8, 1921. They had five daughters.
2) Henderson Lafayette "Fate" -- b. February 3, 1879 d. November 18, 1962. He married ALICE BELL GREENHAW, on November 20, 1900. Below is their wedding picture and one of their young family. Not all of their 14 children are shown.
3)Joseph Pinkney "Pink" -- b. February 26, 1881 d. April 18, 1949.
He married ESTHER NEWBERRY, December 13, 1907. They had four children.
4) Aulsie Urie "Aut" -- b. September 8, 1883 d. January 6, 1969.
He married ASYLEE SHIELDS. They had 5 children.
5) Walter Scott -- b. February 15, 1886 d. unknown.
He married CARRIE CLARK on July 16, 1905. They had 4 children.6) Cleveland "Cleve" -- b. October 23, 1888 d. August 12, 1980
He married LIDA WILLIS. They had three children.TALITHA AND EVAN BOYD McCOY had the following children:
1) Hiram Bennett -- b. June 10, 1895 d. 1976.
He married MATTIE SHIELDS on April 24, 1914. They had one child, L.V., who died as a baby.
2) LeRoy McCoy -- b. July 25, 1897 d. May 31, 1971.
He married LOLLIE WHITE, on November 8, 1921. They had 3 daughters.
3) Annie Era -- b. July 9, 1892 d. June 21, 1966.
She married TOM REYNOLDS in November, 1909. They had five children.
4) Vida Cates -- b. February 2, 1899 d. 1997.
She married JOE KING. They had 6 children.
5) Opal Irene -- b. 1902 d. 1902
When Talitha and Mr. McCoy married, he had five children from a previous marriage to ELIZA CRABB. See Photo They were Joe, Bennett, Napolean "Pole", Mary, and Ola.
Left to right:
LYNDA SUFFRIDGE -- great granddaughter of Olivia Fitzpatrick Childers
MARY KLINK -- granddaughter of Talitha Fitzpatrick McCoy
ANITA NELSON -- granddaughter of Talitha Fitzpatrick Wilson
LERA OLDHAM -- great granddaughter of Talitha Fitzpatrick Wilson
CHRISTI WATKINS -- great granddaughter of Talitha Fitzpatrick McCoy
MARLYN HOOPER -- great granddaughter of Talitha Fitzpatrick Wilson
On January 18, 1999, we all met for the first time. It had only been six months since Lynda and I (Christi), first met on the Internet. We quickly started making plans for the two of us to meet, in person. Over the next few months, we found other "cousins" that had to be included in our little reunion. We loved each other right away and felt an instant connection to the past. We spent two wonderful days together and shared pictures and stories of our families down through the years. We laughed and cried, as though we had always known one another. When the time came to say goodbye, it was hard not to get emotional. We were honoring two wonderful sisters who died much too young.Olivia was 35 years old when she died in childbirth, in 1881. Her younger sister, Talitha, was 46 when she died with Typhoid Fever, in 1905.
Somehow, the past became the present and we were able to bring their memories to life once again. We made the comment, that they would have been proud to see their grandchildren reunited this way. Certainly, they must have loved each other deeply. Perhaps that's what we felt in our first meeting together, a familiar bond that had carried down through time. Wouldn't it have been great if they could have looked down from heaven, for just a moment, to see us all together? Somehow, I'd like to think they saw .... and smiled.
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