DA CREW....!!?
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DA CREW....!!?

Dont you just luv that munster?!!
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These are probably the hypest people you will ever meet in your
lifetime! If ever you get to meet them that is....! Anyways we all luv to
partay..and if you are ever at a party with any of us than well SH*T..we
just gonna be in that spotlite! And if its all of us, then well D*MN!!!
cause you gonna have the time of yo' life!!!!
I know i have quite a lot of friends...but since i am such a nice person
i wont give you a detailed description of each one....

Michelle: The Bold one. Extremely hip, luvs to have fun...and dance.
She'll do anything...she is totally wild. my best friend...[i know she is
smiling...!] Knows me better then anyone else..

Dipesh: The Smooth One. Extremely stubborn yet cool. He is an awesome friend
and he looks after me! He is great at looking out for me. Likes the Ladies..
so girls watch out!

Teja: The Patient one. Always there to sit through hours of boring problems
....always there to be good friend. Not only is she patient, she is also a
partay freak.....always willing to have fun.

Leena : The Lost one. She cracks us up with her clueless atitude, yet
totally understanding when we need her.

Ami: The Impatient one. Great friend if you are buds...but dont get on her
bad side, she'll stand up for what she belives in. Always been there for
me...her and her bad haircuts.....she may be cute but only after 5 hours
of primping..

Aseem : The Charming one. Total Girl charmer. One of my other Big bros,
always there to look out for me...

Anjali : The Friendly one. Friends with everyone and is sensitive towards
everyones feelings.

Kavita : The Unpredictable one. Never know what she is gonna do or say next
she always seems to surprise you.

Biju : The handy one. Always there to fix things. Wears Tidy-Whities. :o)

Neel : The Unselfish one. Very generous and has a great sense of style.
Likes to be the individual.

Alan : The WhItE one?! Yeah the only white spot in out crew.. we arent racial..
just coincidentally all brown.. or close to it atleast. He is one of the
sweetest most sincere guys I know..

Jas : The Little one. My God, can we get any closer? Like my best bud.. we
hang out all the time. I treat him like a little brother.. taught him all
knows =)... very very close to me.

Danny : The Athletic one. Knows every sport there is, and he is great at
them!!! ...total sweetie..and goofball!

Sherwin : The Buff one. He is adorable, sweet, charming and a perfect
gentleman. Plays Football, and is always trying to gain more weight for the team.. but a sweetheart none the less.

Akash : the Funny One. Always makes me laugh, although when he tries to be
funny, somehow i never get the jokes. But When he is just chillen, he cracks me up!

Umang : The GQ One. This boy can definatly dress.. has a good sense of
fashion and style which ironically lacks in most guys today. But on top
of that he is a perfect gentleman.. what more could we girls ask for?

Kris K : The eminem one. He's a weird one alright, but a great friend
anyways. Another person who has always been there for me throughout

And other people...: Kris Joshi, Kris K., Lara, Sana, Sara, Lisa,
Long, Jason, Brad P., Shivang, Nirav,
Neil, Rajen, Jonathan, Peter, Dachun, Ankur P, Parag, Jimmy, Michael, Jerad,
Andrew, Ryan, Brian, Akash, Tanay, and anybody else who i forgot!!

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Email: shikhap@hotmail.com