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Sipes Family Homeschool


This page was last updated on 03/07/2001 06:57 PM

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We were homeschoolers and a military family. Go ARMY! From 1997-1998, we were stationed in Izmir, Turkey, the city by the sea. My husband, MSG Daniel Sipes, has been in the Army for nearly 18 years.

We homeschooled our 2 children Allysen age 10 and

Adam age 8 for nearly three years. Allysen is now in the 5th grade, and Adam is in the 3rd grade. Homeschooling and our tour in Turkey were wonderful for us. Allysen and Adam flourished and learned more while homeschooling than I ever thought possible. Although homeschooling and military life are certainly not what's best for every family, our lives have been enriched by them. I would encourage anyone who is considering homeschooling to give it a try! After all, who is more concerned with the well being and education of your children than you are? As parents, we must all take a greater role in the education of our children. And to anyone considering a career in the U.S. military, go for it! We have traveled to many interesting places, and experienced so much more out of life because of it. We have seen parts of the world that most people only dream of seeing, and it has all been courtesy of the U.S. government. Can you tell my husband was once an Army recruiter?

Links to More of My Pages

Our Used Books for Sale

Allysen's Schoolwork Spotlight and Book Reviews

Adam's Schoolwork Spotlight and Book Reviews

MSG Daniel T Sipes Homepage


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