TAFA'S Selective Reading

Here's a book we might all consider buying. It might be of particular interest to our Texas residents. This woman was fired for speaking out about Texas Child Protective Services, she was a Social Worker. Sounds like some good inside information. http://www.bcity.com/whisperingwords/ Dark Secrets within Child Protective Services Available December 1,1998 (through mail order) February 15, 1999 (through bookstores) Why wait...order your copy today! Child Protective Services . . . an agency designed to protect our most vulnerable population, the children. When the rest of the world has turned their backs, this agency is there to help. But are they? Are they protecting the children? Dark Secrets is a look into Child Protective Services like has never been seen by the general public before. It takes you through ten years in the life of Terri James'. A woman whose life ambition was to be a child protective specialist. Dark Secrets takes you along on some of the more intriguing investigations that she works. It also gives the reader insight into the office chat and humor. But there is another side to this story. That story begins each night when Terri arrives home. Next door to Terri lives Kara, a young Christian mother of four. Kara's life is dedicated to her family and to serving God. That is until her and her children's life is shattered in the midst of a mental illness. Her husband is diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic. Terri watches in disbelief at what Kara is going through. When she sees that the system is not protecting her and the children, she personally offers Kara a helping hand. Once her hand is extended, Terri is unknowingly snatched into Kara's pit of hell. A pit that they will be trapped in for the next ten years. Terri, Kara and six children. After four years of total chaos, Terri decides that she can no longer sit back and ignore the problem. Someone was going to get seriously hurt if she didn't do something to try and stop it. She takes drastic steps and openly admits that the agency she works for is not protecting the children. She admits it to governmental officials. Her drastic steps lands her in the middle of problems at her work. But it wasn't just Kara and her children that the system was failing. The system was failing numerous children. The system was failing numerous families. As all the problems were mounting, Terri is asked to speak before a legislative committee about problems that she has witnessed in her employment with the state. However, she is quickly told by upper level management that she is to keep her mouth shut. But she was fighting for the lives of those whom she was hired to protect. She was fighting for the rights of the children. How could she keep quite? She goes against the departments orders and speaks before her legislatures. The more serious retaliation begins the next day. Dark Secrets within Child Protective Services is based on actual events, but for the protection of the children, the names and locating information have been changed. This is a book you will never forget. A book of two women trying to make this world a little safer place. Not just for their own children, but also for YOURS! About the Author Teresa Cunio graduated from the Texas A&M in 1989 with her Bachelors Degree in Social Work. She worked for the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services as a Child Protective Specialist for six years. She has sat on the Texas Child Death Review Committee and has been guest speaker for numerous clubs and organization. She is presently working in the mental health field and writes articles for the Social Justice Review Ms. Cunio is also the editor for AOL's Social Work Forum Newsletter.

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