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Last updated --> January 12, 1999

This will be the X-Files' section of mypage when ever I get around to it --
I have a few links to offer right now ... more will be coming soon:

X-Files FanFic -- (poems and stories)
Favorite X-Files Linx
Lyrics to the X-Files Albums

The X-Files Poetry Awards website is now open and ready for business. Submit your X-poems and show your talent ... win the esteem of your fellow 'philes ... get a nitfy award (if you think you're good enough!)

I am now an archiver at
The Lyrical Side Of The X-Files
if you have any X-File related poems, please e-mail them to me,
and I will be happy to post them for you!

Why not visit the other parts of my page:
MillenniuM Coils -- the part of my page devoted to MillenniuM
My Other Stuff -- My page about me, some other poems, my friends, and some drawings I made.

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This X-Files Fanfic Webring site is maintained by Tim Flanders.

This X-File/Millennium Site is owned by
Tim Flanders.

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