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Your IP address is Turfs Outlook and Songs

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Well here I go and try to say something that will make some sense. Kelley you have been the most special person in here to me ever. Aka (Heavens_Devil) such a perfect name for you,,you bring heaven to me every time you are here or I hear that knock on the door and say cmon in, I love that, my heart skips a beat each time. I love ya hun and dont ever forget it. Now for the Devil side,,mmmmm mmmm mmmmm,,,you are badddd and goodddd at it. Love ya ,ya damn yankee. Now for the sissy's. Sizzle you have been the best sis to me and i owe you so much.I love ya girl don't ever change your kindness.Dani sis ,i feel you are such a great woman with alot going for you,hope you and your man have a wonderful life together.Aph, i've known you the longest and you have always been a sweet sis.I love ya and hope you get what you are looking for in life.Tani sis your bad,,hehehe..and i'm glad I have been your friend thanks for all the laughs.Love ya.Blue,you were that very special woman that took me under your wing when I needed help and have been such a great friend to me ever since, thank you so much for all your help and understanding love you bunches sis,,if they keep on messing with ya just boot em,,LoL.Kittyyyyy..u go girl,, hehehe,, I love you too sis,so much to love, ya know?Queen,Nen,Riz,Dark,Becca,Roxy,Maui,Pro,Shy, Cat,NBTG,Mrs,Cane,Tonya god y'all are fun to watch and talk with,,love u all to death. Ok ,bros,,,Cane and A C y'all are the best bros a guy could have thanks for being so patient with me. Brett i'm glad we have gotten a lot closer, you are cool as hell, stay that way. Want y'all to know i'm there if you should need me,,anytime! Wardo,Shaggy ,Skeet,Sports,Matt,Kpr,Gator,Jason,War,Mesc,Lip damn proud to say that y'all are my bros, I hope we continue to be friends from now on. So cool to talk and joke with y'all on a daily basis. Ok, I hope I haven't left anyone out (hmm...maybe Markus!!), god i'll never hear the end of that now!!!Lol. Well I know i'm not the best with words but I did try and it's been an honor knowing all of you. Y'all Be Cool,, Turfs



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