Hello and welcome to my Cut, Copy & Paste help page ;).. here we go.

To highlight any text anywhere on your screen .. place the cursor at the end of the word and press the SHIFT key and the LEFT ARROW key and hold down to highlight as much text as u want.


okay you're on a webpage and you want to copy some text but there is no cursor!... to get started press the FIND key then type in a word on the page, then hit enter (return).. this will highlight the word and get you started.

Use the SHIFT key and the UP ARROW key to highlight lines of text going up, and the SHIFT and DOWN ARROW key to highlight lines of text going down.

Once highlighted press the Cmd key and the C key to Copy the text. To place this text either in webpage or email press Cmd and the V key. This is paste part.

Or use the Cmd and the X key to CUT the text say out of your email and place it lower on the page for example or just taken out.

In A Nutshell...

Cmd-A ~> Highlights the entire page

Cmd-C ~> Copies the highlighted text

Cmd-X ~> Cuts the highlighted text enabling it to be moved around from place to place

Cmd-V ~> Pastes (places) highlighted text wherever you have positioned the cursor

Shift plus right arrow ~> shortens text

Shift plus left arrow ~> extends text

Shift plus up arrow ~> shortens by one line

Shift plus down arrow ~> extends by one line

hope this helps