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Welcome to our

Home Page

[Home] [Intro] [Name] [Draft] [Breeds/Titles] [Contacts] [Photo album] [Calendar] [Links]

Upcoming Events of Interest (updated 10/24/2000)
Carting classes resume starting November 11th! Also, info on carting club and draft tests.

Contact Information (updated 10/24/2000)

Photo Album: Recent demos and draft tests (updated 3/15/99)

Carting Links, Mailing Lists (updated 11/21/99)
New Features!
-- You can now subscribe to the Capital Canine Carting Club's e-list, "CartingAustinTx", to stay in touch with other club members and get notices of upcoming classes, workshops, parades and other activities.
-- You can now subscribe to and access Carting-L, the general e-list for canine draft work.

CCCC Flyer (MS Word 5.1 for Macintosh format)

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the Capital Canine Carting Club?

Shouldn't the name be "Capitol", as in the state Capitol?

What do you mean by "draft work" or "carting"?

What breeds of dogs do draft work? Are there recognized titles?

This site is maintained by Jay Brandt at

Revised 10/24/2000