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Dean will be starring in an episode of "Farscape" in episodes 20 and 21 playing a "Kalish" alien called "Zukash" a resistence soldier ... Dean as an alien.... whoa

Added section: Filmography & Noteable TV appearances

Want to see Young Hercules or the Dean O'Gorman episodes from Xena and Hercules:TLJ? Or maybe you have an episode you would like to share? Join our tape tree. Send an email with the subject line DeanO tape tree to:

A moment for Kevin.
Our very deepest condolences to Kevin Smith's family. Dean was a very good friend of Kevin's and I know we will all feel his loss profoundly. Please remember his family in your prayers.

He came to NZ a few weeks ago for the cast and crew screening of Toy Love -the latest Harry Sinclair movie he stars in and now he is in LA for a while
We finally got a pic of Dean with his SHORT HAIR and hope to have a report soon on a new film project.

NEW! - Check out Dean's Gallery. These are orignal art samples done by Dean himself! Some are even available for you (discount for members of his fan club, of course!) More are coming soon.
We are changing to online only for information (our newsletter) on Dean and all things HE finds interesting!
News - The latest information on Dean, where he is appearing and when he will be there.

Fan club information - We are Online Only!"Dean Oooh!"

Links to Other Dean Stuff - links to filmographies, biographies, audio/video sites and more.


Mythology Mind - Let Misty help you figure out mythology. From Aphrodite to Xena, find out the who, what, where, when and how of mythology here (because you know you can't trust the TV!) Ask your questions at this site. regular responses. MM Archive

Ask Psyche: Advice column - Love got you in a muddle? Advice from Psyche with a Herculean twist. Send in your questions today!


Ryan Gosling Fans Webring Looking for information about the star of Young Hercules (the series)? No.. no.. not Dean.. the OTHER guy... well, this is the site to find that information

Young Iolaus Desktop Theme - put Curly on your desktop!


Yahoo Clubs: Dean O'Gorman

Hercules and Xena: Webring of Heroes site is owned by Dean Ooooh!.
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Dean Ooooh!.

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