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Hello, and Welcome to Mount Olympus! The Official
Home of the Gods, known for our roles in
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, Xena: Warrior Princess, and Young Hercules.
Thank you for your interest in the Gods of Olympus.
We are very busy, but we'll do our
best to make your visit enjoyable.
The Gods would love to hear from you, so please sign
the Guestbook, or e-mail us. Thank you!  

-Last updated November 20, 2004
Added pics of Ares, Apollo, Discord, Strife, Hephaestus, and Athena from YH episode "Ares on Trial".
-November 13, 2004
I never mentioned on the front page that Young Hercules episodes are available to download in the Message Board did I?
Also my computer is in the shop at the moment, but i hope to add some more when i get it back! oh and sorry for the months that ive been away!
-November 12, 2004
Added a new spotlight video...
-June 3, 2004
Added a new spotlight video.
-June 2, 3004
Added some Zeus pics from "Top God", "Reunions", and "Full Circle".
-June 1, 2004
Joined the Ryan Gosling fanlisting
-May 31, 2004
Won an award!
-May 22, 2004
Posted a new spotlight video! And by another request, added some Zeus pics...
didn't quite get to add them all though...
-May 20, 2004
By request, added a Demeter gallery...Also added Hera pics
from Full Circle and God Fearing Child.
-May 19, 2004
Ares and Zeus have made Tributes to Anthony Quinn and Kevin Smith,
who played Zeus and Ares, on their individual pages
in the "Visit the Gods" section.
-May 17, 2004
Added a navigation map in the top frame, for your convience...
-May 15, 2004
Added Apollo pics from Ares on Trial.
Launched the "Apollo's Hot Site Award"! Feel free to apply!
-May 14, 2004
Added 2 Hercules episode Galleries and 5 Young Hercules episode galleries
to the the Strife Gallery...and posted a new spotlight
video...and put "The Prize" video in the past videos section...
and because of the popular demand for this video we made it longer...
-May 13, 2004
Re-recorded the OLD Apollo, Cupid, Artemis, and Demeter sounds for better sound and well as added some new Apollo, Cupid, Athena sounds...and 1 Discord sound!
-May 9, 2004
Started a new thing!!! The "SPOTLIGHT VIDEO" section (to your right)! Which is
where we'll now start posting videos of our favorite scenes/appearances.
our first one is "The Prize" from Young Hercules...with Ares acting as
Elvis with Discord and Strife as his back-up dancers!
Like everything else on this site, these videos are owned by Mount Olympus.
And only with permission may be seen on other sites!
Also added a poll at the bottom of the page to vote
for next time's video! So let us know what you want!
or you can email us requests!  




Series: Xena: Warrior Princess
Episode: Amphipolis Under Siege
Player required: Windows Media Player
Length: 8:34 minutes
Description: Ares saves Xena's dolly
thinking it's Eve...

Past Spotlight Videos

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