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Discord:Goddess of Chaos

"OK, so I'm Discord, GODDESS of CHAOS, and my father is Zeus and my twin brother is ARES, like you didn't know."

"A while back my son, Strife, and I framed Ares for atempting to kill HERCULES, but we were caught and now we have to serve ARES or go to tatarus, which is reserved for fallen GODS. It really bites, but we still get to plan a death for Hercules."

"I think I'll go see what my twin is up to, Bye."

"This is one of my Temples. Go there."
Temple of Discord

"This has many pictures of me. Come and see."

"This has info and some links for me."
Shrinking Banshee's Discord page

"This site is really great. It has plenty on me."

"Another cool site with me in it."