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To serve our community in times of disaster, assist surrounding communities
when called upon, and to do so with pride, integrity and dedication. Always
strive to improve in the areas of professionalism and training.
The Department consists of Thirty-Two senior firefighters, three junior firefighters and seventeen vehicles.
All of our fighters are volunteer and come from diverse backgrounds within the community.
We primarily responds to rural grass fires, however; members are trained in and respond to structure fires,
vehicle fires, vehicle extractions, Medical Assistance with local EMS, Haz-Mat, and public service calls.
Our primary response is to calls in and around Gray and Roberts Counties in the Texas
Panhandle. We also respond to mutual aid request from other panhandle counties.
We are dispatched from two stations, with Station One located at Hoover,
and Station Two located on the west side of Pampa just off Price Road.
The department continuously receives training through Texas A & M University, Canyon
Fire School, Higgins, other area schools, as well as weekly training within the department.