Chairman of the Neurology Department - J.A.Fernandez, Hospital, BsAs. Attending Physician of the Vascular Brain Desease service, J.A Fernandez, Hospital, BsAs. National and International Speaker in the area of Brain Disease in relations to Pain and Headaches. Consultant for TV and radio Stations in connection to medical issues and the Brain. Private Practice
American Academy of Neurology (AAN). Member of the Internatioal Headache Society (IHS). Member of the American Association for the study of headache (AASH). Founder Member of the Argentina Association of Headaches.Agentina Association for the study of Pain.
MD-Professor, Universidad de Buenos Aires- Medical School: Facultad Nacional De Medicina / Buenos Aires, Argentina - Department of Psychiatry 1974 - 1999. Specialized in the areas of Health Care and Law. Argentinian Board of Psychiartry and Clinical Psychology-1976 - Certified in Psychiatry. Argentinian Board of Forensic Medicine - 1973 - Certified in Legal Medicine. Argentinian Board of Epidemiology - 1994. Director of CO.TE.SAL - 1988. Director of CUIDA - 1992 to present. Co-founder and Director of InterNOS Private residential program for Dual Diagnosis and Drug Dependencies -1984-1985. Director: Mental health Institute of Buenos Aires - 1986-1990.
Vicepresident: PROESA: Special Health Programs - 1995 to present. Member and chairman of the regional commitee for the South region of Latinamerica within the Europe Community.
National and International Societies with focus in Dual Diagnosis and Drug dependencies.
University: Universidade do Brasil, Medical School: Faculdade Nacional de Medicina / Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Assistant Professor, Pontifícia Universidade Católica / Rio de Janeiro Department of Pediatrics. Visiting Professor to major Universities in Brazil in the areas of Health Care and Law.
American Board of Pediatrics - July/1976, Certified in Pediatrics. American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology - June/1978, Certified in General Psychiatry. American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology - February/1981, Certified in Child Psychiatry.
American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, American Psychiatric Association, American Medical Association, Mayo Alumni Association, World Federation for Mental Health, World Health Organization, Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria), Brazilian Society of Psychiatry (Sociedade Brasileira de Psiquiatria), Brazilian Association of Child Neurology and Psychiatry (Associação Brasileira de Neurologia e Psiquiatria Infantil), Brazilian Autism Association (Associação Brasileira de Autismo), Work Group for the Study of Child Autism and Psychosis (Grupo Estudo para Pesquisa de Autismo e Psicoses Infantis).
University: University of Padua - Medical School - Italy and University: University of Zagreb - Medical School - Croatia .
Active Investigator( Researcher) at the department of pharmacology of the University of Zagreb - Medical School.
Croatian Medical Association, Croatian Psychiatric Association, Croatian Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Member of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology ( ECNP). Psychiatric Consultant in the NGO. Family counseling facility " Hope " ( drug addiction treatment ) in Split.
University: Universidade Santa Ursula, Rio de Janeiro - Brasil. Licensed Psychologist(Brasil).
Family Strenghening Project Coordinator - Head Start of Greater Dallas - Dallas , TX.
University: Southeast Mo. State University, Cape Girardeau, Missouri. B.S.- Chemestry The American University, Washington, D.C.- Organic chemsetry. Ph. D.
CEO - President, Damocles10 - Forensic Specialist in the Area of Drug of Abuse.(Clandestine Syntesis, demographics, courtroom testimony, toxicology and Psycopathology. Visiting Professor to major Universities in USA in the areas of Toxicological and Forensic analysis. International Speaker in area of Forensic Analysis.
Southeastern Association of Forensic Science. American Academy of Forensic Science. National Association of Forensic Counselors.
Recipient of Superior performance award - DEA - 1974, 1976, 1978, 1979
University: Universidad de Buenos Aires- Medical School: Facultad Nacional De Medicina / Buenos Aires, Argentina.
MD-Project Manager, Clinical Operations-PPD Development, San Diego, CA. Fields of Clinical Research expertise: Ophthalmology, Oncology, Diabetes, Pain, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s Disease, Depression, Kidney Transplant, and Immunology. Overall coordination and management of all the local and Intenational(Latin America and Europe) research projects, in conjunction with the project team. Provide monitoring, review and tracking of clinical data according to the FDA regulations and PPD SOPs.