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Land Records for
Jane McGehee, Lawrence county Missouri

The following is the deed indicating that Jane McGehee sold land
to Mr George W. Haley on Sept 21, 1849.

You can find a transcription of this record below.




Jane McGehee


George W Haley

Know all men by ties presents that Jane McGeehe of the county of Lawrence and state of Missouri for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred dollars recieved to his(see note 1) full satisfaction of George W Haley of the county of Lawrence and State of Missouri the reciept whereof is hereby acknowledged do give grand bargain sell and convey to teh said George W Haley and to his heirs and assigns forever the following described tract of parcel of land, situate in the county of Lawrence and State of Missouri described as follows. towit. The last west half of the southeast quarter of section 33, township twenty nine of range 27 west (except ten acres reserved off of the north end of said 80 acres) Containing Seventy acres.
.........To have and to hold the above granted and bargained premises with the appurtenances (see note 2) thereof unto him the said George W Haley his heirs and assigns forever to his own proper use and liehood(see notes 3). And furthermore I the siad Jane McGeehe do for myself and heirs executors administrators and assigns covenant to and with the said George W Haley that at and until the unsealing of these presents he was well signed (see notes 4) of the above described granted and bargained premises as a good and indefiasible (see notes 5) estate, in fee Simple that I have good right to bargain and sell the same as before written and that the same are free from all incumbrances and that I will forever warrant and defend the title to the said George W Haley heirs and assigns against all claims and demands whatever. ................In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 21st day of September AD 1849

Jane X(her mark) McGehee (seal)...............

........List. James McGehee (see note 6).........................................................................................



State of Missouri

County of Lawrence } Be it remembered, that on this 22th day of Sept A.D. 1849, personally appeared before the undersigned justice of the peace of Lawrence county witin and for the county aforesaid, Jane McGehee who personally known to me to be the identical person whose name subscribed to the above X forgoing instrument of writing and acknowledgeed the same to be her act and deed for the purposes
therein containted.

David W. Bryant..... Justice...............

Filed for record September 22nd, 1849

Recorded October 13th 1849 P.M. Urias(see note 7), Clerk







1. Why does it say "his"? Shouldnt this be "her"? I am thinking that this was a standard term to use regardless of the gender.

2. Am I spelling this right? Im assuming this is teh houses, barns etc?

3. I would think this should be "livelyhood", however there isnt room for it to be that word. It seems very plainly "lie hood" to me. Actually it appears to be "liehoof" but seems someone has corrected what looks like an "F" to be a "d".

4. I dont konw if this is "signed" or not. It is somewhat unclear.

5. This appears to be the correct word.

6. What does this mean? "list. James McGehee". I thought maybe it was Witness James McGehee, and I checked but it really doesnt look like witness. And would James have been old enough to be a witness here?

7.This man's signature is hard to read. It could be "Wias" instead of "Urias". I cant tell.