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The Stahl Family Cemetery

The following are pictures from the Stahl Family cemetery outside Mt Vernon Missouri.

The Stahl family cemetery is just outside Mt Vernon a few miles to the North. You cannot see it from the road, but you can see the "tractor trail" that leads to it. Its beauty is certainly hidden. You must go North, then turn west for about a mile, and then as you go south again you will see a large grove of trees on your right in a field.

As soon as I saw these trees I suspected that this was the cemetery. I paused for a few moments at a stop sign attempting to get my bearings, and then turned right (west) on the road in order to go to the grove of trees I saw on the other side of the field.

About 200 yards down this small road, was an open gate, and a small road moving down into the grove of trees.


This is a picture I took from about half way down the small "tractor trail", if you look in the center of the road, you can see a tomb stone at the end of it. The picture on the left is the area to the left of where Im standing. Although these two pictures dont match up exactly on the left side, it still gives you a fairly good view of the area.



After you continue down the road, you will move between the trees you see in the top picture and cross a small gulley area. This is one of the first things I noticed when approaching this cemetery. Its very well taken care of as you will see. This "gulley" area, which might be considered a small creek, has been cemented in order to
pass without getting stuck during rainy seasons.

Once you continue to walk down the above road, and them move accross the small creek, you will walk out of the small creek and small section of trees into this site. As you can see the cemetery sits on a slope, this slope angles down toward Stahl's creek.



This picture was taken just after I crossed the "gulley area" where it was cemented, If my bearings are right, I am looking in the direction of where the Stahl family home stood. It was said that it stood on the banks of Stahls Creek just a few yards from the cemetery, which would be exactl what we are looking at in this picture.

It is also possible that we are looking in the direction of the McGehee's original property. We know that in the 1840s that Jane McGehee and family settled between what was the Pennington farm and the Stahl farm (from census records). We are looking in the direction of the Pennington Cemetery in this photo. If all parties continued in their original grants (as I know the Stahl's did) then it can be concluded that part of the surrounding area was the McGehee farm. Another indication of this were the names listed on John McGehees probate record in 1859. It listed lived around or were related to the Stahl family if I am not mistaken. (this based upon the Stahl family as a referrence point.)


This is a picture I took when I was standing near the fence. Again this
is looking toward Stahl's creek.

This area is so beautiful. The trees are tall, and the grass is green. These pictures do not do it justice. I have heard stories about what a terrible place this was to live in back in the mid 1800s becuase of crime but also because of the climate of the area itself.

I was there in July, mid July, and it was wonderful.




Just inside the gate of The Stahl Cemetery.



This is looking to the West again, toward's Stahl's creek, from the very east side of the cemetery.


Benjamin and Sarah McGehee Stahl


A few of James and Jane McGehee's granchildren



This is the final resting place of Benjamin F Stahl. He is buried very near his mother in the cemetery. He has a large tombstone as you can see and it reads

STAHL, Benjamin F
Oct 24, 1848 - June 30, 1914
Co B, 15th Missouri Cavalry

"gone but not forgotten"



Here is the grave stone of Phillip Lafayette Stahl. He is was born March 25, 1859 and was the 14th child of Benjamin, and the 9th child of Sarah McGehee Stahl. He was the last child born to the couple. When Phillip was born Benjamin Sr was 57, and Sarah was 38.

This is such a beautiful place and a wonderful resting place for our
Sarah McGehee Stahl and her family.


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I know this is the Stahl page, but I could'nt help myself. Take a look at these two photos. Tell me if you think they look similiar. The one on the left is Robert Carroll McGehee, the one on the right, as you see above is Phillip L Stahl. RC McGehee was Phillip's uncle. Phillips mother was RC's sister. I see a big resemblance, what do you think?

