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Welcome to Shy's fantacy world
here you will find fantacy,
angels,fairlys and more.....
with lots of poems pics and
dedications as well as music!
so if you scroll to the bottem
of each page you will find a site
index where you can go to all the pages
remember to sign the gustbook so
ill know you stoped in,*SMILES*
"When the first baby laughed for
the first time the laugh broke
into a thousand pieces and they
all went skipping about,and that
was the beginning of fairies."

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Site Index!!

Fairy child
My Memberships
My Pics!
Is Heaven in the yellow pages?
Gods Garden
Only God Knows Why
Angel Friends
Grandmas Legacy
Butterfly Kisses
My Webrings
Webrings 2
webrings 3
Angel poem
Tomorrow Poem
Love Lost
My WWF Pages
Lasting Love
My Awards!
Cool Links!
Cyber Adoptions
Shy World Main Page!
Angel In My Pocket
My Secreat Sis page
Special Gifts
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon